Tim Berners-Lee
Report by Lincoln Strand
Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA, FBCS, also known as Tim Berners-Lee or Tim BL, was born on June 8, 1955 in the United Kingdom. He attended Sheen Mount Primary School, and then Emanuel School, before going to college at the University of Oxford. He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts in physics. Following this, Berners-Lee worked at multiple places of employment, including the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 1980, but later left that same year.
In 1984, Tim Berners-Lee rejoined CERN. In the years prior to returning, he gained experience with computer networking. Five years later, in 1989, CERN had one of the world's largest internet installations. This gave
He is the founder and director of the World Wide Consortium (W3C) the forum for technical development of the Web. He is a graduate from Oxford University. He invented the Web while he was at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory, in 1989.
Edward Teller was born on January 1th, 1908, into a Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary. He was educated in private schools, and was mathematically proficient from a young age, despite the political turmoil of his country. Edward began his real scientific background in 1926
He soon was recognized and got a job as a physicist. He was recruited by MIT to work on a project. When he was working, he invented the first
L. Herrington, who was head of the physics department in the U of S in the1940s.
Following on from Microsoft MSDOS on PC's to the first versions of Windows a GUI Graphical User Interface. As well as the Hardware and Software changes a new technology was evolving starting as Bulletin Boards later to become what we now know as the Internet invented by English physicist Tim Berners and the beginnings of the World Wide Web" (1980s News, Events, Popular Culture, and
As we all should do, Tim went to college. In fact, it was at The Queen’s College, Oxford. From there, Mr. Berners-Lee gained employment at a printing firm, and then an independent contractor a nuclear research place in Switzerland, CERN. Later, he was an engineer at a Plessey telecom located in Poole.
Tim Berners-Lee has contributed the most to the advancement of internet technology. Tim Berners-Lee is a hero because he developed software that made the internet easier to access and navigate, with this it also improved worldwide communication, and he refused the money that came with his inventions. Tim Berners-Lee developed the protocol that unleashed the power of the internet. Berners-Lee developed three softwares, “Berners-Lee developed software containing processing for encoding documents (HTTP), linking them (HTML), and addressing them (URL).”(Citation B, P.2). These three software languages set the basis for what the internet is today.
During the early 1940’s atomic science had just began to mature. Many people were exploring the powerful mystery of the atom. Two of those people were Eugene Booth and John Dunning, who, in 1941, synthesized uranium-235. Immense scientific growth followed their contribution, since it allowed for nuclear fission (Griffith). In the years following this discovery, nuclear science took a turn. Once only used as a constructive power source, atoms began being explored for their destructive power. In 1942 the United States government funded the Manhattan Project that sole goal was to develop a nuclear bomb. The initiator for this endeavor was surprisingly the famous scientist Albert Einstein. He wrote to Franklin D. Roosevelt , and tipped him off
Then in 1991 of August, the world changed when the first ever website which is “ Info.Cern.ch”. This changed the era of technology, the website introduced how to provide information on how things were looked up and how it can be used to email or send information by sharing. In 2004, Lee headed back to the United Kingdom and was the professor of the University of Southampton. He kept working there till he made the semantic web.
The Internet influenced the United States more than anything else in the 20th century. The Internet first technically started in 1969, when the U.S. Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency or ARPA connected networks at the University of California and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). From there, just three years later the creation of the Email was born by Ray Tomlinson of BBN. With many other novelties of the Internet coming soon after, such as the Domain Name System (DNS) establishing .edu and .com, and the first web browser, World Wide Web by CERN. As the Internet flourished in the late 1990s it became more usable to the public and soon became routine to use, making great changes in society. The Internet was integrated
Through NASA I learned that William B. Anders was born in Hong Kong, China in 1933. Later on he graduated from the naval academy in 1955 and got his pilot's wings in 1956. After he got his education he launched into all the work world. He worked numerous jobs including, being a fighter pilot in the Air defense command, was put in charge of technical management of nuclear power reactor shielding and radiation effects program. Then in 1964 William Anders switched gears over to more space exploration. Which lead him into many new opportunities. For example, he was the pilot on Apollo 8 which was the first manned flight that went into another body in the solar system. On that same mission he also captured the first ever picture of the "Earthrise".
This passion for communication and human connection via network came from the very founders of Cisco. The Cisco story began when Sandy Lerner and Len Bosack met and fell in love while students at Stanford University in 1977. They wanted to send each other messages via Internet without bagging up with the complicated
Ernest Rutherford was born August 30th, 1871, on a farm in New Zealand. He was the fourth child born out of his twelve siblings. Before he started to make mass discoveries in the world of science, he got his degree from the University of New Zealand and began to teach. After teaching for awhile, Rutherford got a scholarship to Cambridge University in England to be the first graduate
“To achieve the goals of sustainable development, critical data must be open and available for reuse by anyone, anywhere, anytime” (“World Wide”). This phrase was delivered by the computer scientist, Tim Berners-Lee. He attended Oxford University where he built his first real computer (Gaines). After that, he continued and currently pursues his interest in technology.
Some of the main accomplishments made during the 1980’s is Lisp machines being developed and marketed, and the first expert system (ES) shells being built. The connection machine, a massively parallel architecture, was designed by Danny Hills in 1981, this machine impacted the development of AI greatly and was the foundation for the Thinking Machine. Two years after the invention of the connection machine, James Allen invented Interval Algebra, which became the first widespread formalization of temporal events. In 1989, the basics for a “system that drove a car coast-to-coast under computer control for all but about 50 of the 2850 miles” (https://aitopics.org/misc/brief-history) was built by Dean Pomerleau at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), this concept was named the An Autonomous Land Vehicle in a Neural Network (ALVINN).