
How Did Wallace Contribute To Darwin's Theory Of Evolution

Decent Essays

Alfred Russel Wallace may not be well known outside of the scientific community, but his contributions to the Theory of Evolution were invaluable to Charles Darwin. In fact, Wallace and Darwin collaborated on the idea of natural selection and presented their own findings jointly to the Linnean Society in London. Alfred Russel Wallace has become not much more than a footnote in history in that regard due to Darwin publishing his book On the Origin of Species before Wallace could publish his work.

Even though Darwin's findings were considered more complete with the data that Wallace contributed, Alfred Russel Wallace still did not get the sort of recognition and glory that his colleague Charles Darwin enjoyed.

There are, however, still many great contributions Alfred Russel Wallace gets credit for discovering on his journeys as a naturalist. Perhaps his most well-known finding was discovered with data he gathered on a trip through the Indonesian islands and surrounding …show more content…

Looking at the shape and size of the continental slope and continental shelf in the area, it seems that the animals observe the line by using these landmarks. It is possible to predict which types of species you will find on either side of the continental slope and the continental shelf.

The islands near the Wallace Line are also collectively called by a name to honor Alfred Russel Wallace.

These islands are known as Wallacea and they also have a very distinctive set of species that live on them. Even the birds, which are capable of migrating to and from the mainlands of Asia and Australia seem to stay put and have diverged over long periods of time. It is not known if the differing landforms serve as a way for the animals to know the boundary, or if it is something else that keeps the species from traveling from one side of the Wallace Line to the

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