
How Did Ww1 Affect Society

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What was known as the “Great War,” began as a military conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia in 1914, however it was the death Franz Ferdinand that snowballed into declaration of war against Russia and eventually war on a global scale involving 32 nations. When World War 1 began in 1914 the United States proclaimed neutrality for mostly economic gain but as time went on remaining neutral became more difficult. When Germany attacked, and sank the Lusitania on May 7th, 1915, America knew it was time to fight back and two years later declared war.
America’s participation in World War 1 made a huge impact on society. World War I, was not only a dispute among nations, but also affected thousands of people from all over the world, including African Americans, women, and even business and economic changes occurred.
America’s involvement in WW1 also brought social changes to society. When four million solders were sent off to war and industries geared up high levels of production during the war females were recruited to do men’s jobs and fought against the gender barrier …show more content…

It allowed black men and women to assert their citizenship, hold the government accountable, and protest racial injustice. Military service brought thousands of black men into the army, exposed them to new lands and new people, and allowed them to fight for their country. What began as a European conflict, irrelevant for Americans quickly became a time of progression for the social, economic, and political future of black people. African Americans were subjected to countless amounts of racism throughout the war, even when they were serving their country in the military. Over 260,000 blacks were volunteered or drafted in the war. While the navy assigned blacks only to low-rank positions, the marines excluded them

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