
How Do Criminals Reduce Nonviolent Crimes?

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For people who are doing drugs in their own home may not consider themselves in at risk but they just my not know the signs that they are abusing a certain drug. There are also some people who feel that they should not have as long of the sentence that they have to do for the nonviolent crime they have. Overall, the three branches of government are doing everything they can to lower the chances of people abusing drugs as well as help the people that have already been convicted of these nonviolent crimes. With all the crimes committed by drug offenders there are some things being done to help lower the drug law infractions; Executive branch is lowering terms for nonviolent crimes, the Judicial Branch is trying to better interpret the patents for pharmaceutical companies, and the Legislative Branch is coming up with ways to reduce the drug usage and help better drug addicts. …show more content…

In recent times, there have been some discussions looking at the fact that the jails are overcrowded. One area of the jail that has been looked at is the criminals with nonviolent drug crimes. This is where the president has come into play. President Obama has petitioned to give people less time in jail for non-major crimes that are drug related. He had recently reviewed and shortened prison sentences of some drug offenders because their crimes were not major. President Obama’s reason for this is because he feels that there should be no maximum sentences for these drug offenses. The President feels as if those who have committed crimes should definitely pay for their mistake. But he also feels that they should be able to go back to their community after learning their lesson towards these

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