What grabbed my attention is the method that was utilized to test the amount of drugs the fetus had been exposed in the addict’s womb. The umbilical cord was used to test for fetal exposure to drugs such as cocaine, heroin, LSD, and so forth. The addicts failed to realize that the fetus consumes everything from the mother, and drugs caused permanent damages to the fetus’ brain circumference, which cause cognitive deficit, have low birth weight, and problems in the fetus’ organs. This reminds me of a client who had delivered a four pound baby girl and a couple days later, the baby passed away due to the client’s protracted addiction to poly-drug abuse. Women who enter the substance abuse rehabilitation are more likely to suffer from a psychiatric
In the 80s Boston, as well as other cities, experienced a drug epidemic. The drug was called crack and it affect the city of Boston badly. A nurse named Fulani Haynes at Boston Medical Center was working during the crack epidemic. She explains how to care for babies who were born addicted to drugs that passed from a mother’s bloodstream through the placenta and into a tiny body. “The babies couldn’t tolerate being held or rocked, she recalled. They wailed at the sound of soft lullabies. Only complete darkness, silence, tight swaddling, and medication could soothe them.” This drug has nothing to do with heroin but it shows the people of Boston that if the heroin addiction continues to spread, more and more children will be born addicts and
Drug and alcohol addictions are illnesses that require some type of effective treatment to overcome them. I believe that women don’t intentionally expose their fetuses to drug or alcohol abuse, but if it happens, I believe the problem needs to be identified and addressed immediately because obviously there is a problem. In my opinion, I believe that women should be punished for exposing their fetuses to drug and alcohol abuse. The fetuses are innocent and shouldn’t have to suffer on the ignorance of their mother. I think that treatment should be offered and monitored frequently. If the program is not followed by the pregnant woman, then she should not be allowed the opportunity to raise the child until she has proven that she will provide a
On top of sterilization woes, the book utters volumes to the punishment of drug- addicted pregnant women. Instead of treating addiction like a medical problem, government thought it was logical to treat it as a
In some instances, chemically addictive females diagnosed with psychological issue struggle to obtain the needed support the recovery community such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous for variety of reasons. Mostly due to biases against members who use of psychotropic drugs. Dual diagnosis chemically dependent females often have difficulty relating to others in an unstructured environment.
Through the years, substance misuse in the United States has turned into an industrious issue influencing numerous people. In 2008, it was assessed that 17.8 million Americans beyond 18 years old where substance subordinate. Women who use medications during pregnancy can have an enduring impact on fetal. Medications can have an impact of maternal and child wellbeing, yet there are a lot of different variables, which influence it, poor social environment, nourishment, cleanliness, and sexual abuse. Regenerative interruption connected with heroin utilization has been shown in both and women and even low dosages of opiates can impede ordinary ovarian capacity and ovulation. The harm that goes hand in hand with substance utilization comes either straightforwardly from the impact of the medication itself or from issues identified with development and/or unexpected labor. The entanglements of jumbling components clamorous way of life, poor nourishment, liquor utilization and cigarette smoking influence the appraisal of the impacts of cocaine in pregnancy. In obstetric practice, 100% of pregnant women utilizing cocaine or heroin are cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking is presumably the most well known manifestation of substance utilizes and is noteworthy corresponding considering ladies who use unlawful medications. Babies whose moms smoked in pregnancy have a tendency to have lower conception weights and diminished length, cranial and thoracic
Prenatal substance abuse continues to be a significant problem in the country and poses important health risks for the developing fetus. Beginning in the early 1980’s, states began to enact legislation in response to the increasingly
Opioid addicts can come in many forms from mothers to teenagers to fathers to even grandparents, these people come from somewhere, they have been loved. It is difficult to attempt to understand what would possess an expecting mother to inject or ingest a substance knowing that she is not only putting her life on the line but also the life of her unborn child. On a daily basis, there are babies being born into this world addicted to a substance that they had no choice but to ingest because of the actions of their mothers while they were in utero. According to a report by the National Institute on Drug Abuse “ Every 25 minutes a baby is born suffering from opioid withdraw.” Furthermore, if a woman is willing to not only put her own life in danger, but also the life of an unborn child, it is difficult to comprehend the belief that these addicts can be turned around 180 degrees and become model citizens if finding out a life has been created , it would push an expecting mother to pursue getting help to end her addiction.
In the United States, we have a culture that accepts the use of some substances over others, regardless of the negative affects of the “acceptable” drugs. For instance, it is socially acceptable to drink alcohol, eat sugar, and, while no longer as in vogue, smoke cigarettes. From a public health standpoint, these substances are also dangerous and can have debilitating affects on both children and adults. What is more, while narcotics use during pregnancy can lead to NAS at birth, there has been no conclusive evidence of lasting negative effects across the lifespan (Goldensohn & Levy, 2014; Miller, 2015). However, the use of other substances, such as alcohol, can be devastating and carry much more risk, leading some reporters to believe that the law has more to do with the people using these substances than the substances themselves (Todd, 2014). In any case, the punishment of mothers who suffer from addiction when they should be receiving support and treatment is a large moral failing on the part of policymakers. Arguments around whether the woman should be held responsible for her addiction overlook possible systemic barriers that led to her substance use as well as the fact that drug addiction is a treatable illness (Todd, 2014). In creating and invoking this law, policymakers are essentially turning their backs on some of the most vulnerable people in our society, expectant mothers, and using their resulting arrests as evidence of corrupt principles, deserving of punishment and
The rationality of those who support the punishment of addicted mothers focus on the idea that maternal conduct could lead to potential detrimental effects upon the fetus and that prosecution of such behavior would serve as both retribution for the fetus and as a deterrent. Whereas those who advocate for the pregnant women view this rational as not only impermissible but also unconstitutional as in current legal standing the fetus has no rights that usurp those of the pregnant woman (Stone-Manista, 2009, pp.823-856). Advocates also suggests that the breadth of forces that lead to drug use in pregnant women have a prevalent cultural and social foundation that the proponents for deterrence and retribution ignore in favor of strict scrutiny. This conflict between women’s rights and fetal rights has caused a paradigm in the prosecution of pregnant drug users as the interpretation of criminal sanctions argues over the definition of ‘child’ as encompassing fetuses in the definition would then lay the foundation for punishment for a woman’s conduct during pregnancy (Stone-Magnets, 2009, pp.823-856). Though currently it is unconstitutional and legally impermissible to prosecute women with state child abuse statutes in regards to drug use during pregnancy; advocates of fetal rights continue to follow
I have worked at the UIHC as a nursing assistant on the Mother Baby Care Unit since beginning college two years ago. While working at the hospital, I have endured several situations that have challenged my personal values and how I feel as a health care professional. One of these instances, which happens all too often on our unit, is when a baby has been born with fetal alcohol syndrome or has been exposed to drugs in utero. Drinking alcohol and doing illegal drugs during pregnancy is something I do not support, especially because these actions harm an innocent baby. It is extremely difficult to witness the tremors, high pitched cry, and inconsolability of a newborn going through the withdrawal process. Regardless of how I feel about this unfortunate
In today’s society people are talking about babies being born to drugs, and how could a mother do that to their unborn child. Drug addiction is a very serious issue that needs more research. We are still learning the effects of substance abuse. One problem that needs to be looked at is are there enough Rehabilitation Centers, to help the women who are addicted to these different street drugs. Also doctor and nurses should not judge these women but instead give them the best prenatal care that can be provided. We need to see what harm and side affects it has on the mother and baby, so that we can be able to understand better how to treat these women and get them off drugs before they do harm their babies.
Substance abuse during pregnancy can have a negative force on the health and wellness of not only the fetus, but that of the mother. The harmful effects of medications, alcohol and illegal drugs on an unborn child can be devastating and can have significant consequences to its use. Sometimes the effects can be faced and treated, and other times the outcome is a lifelong challenge. During the prenatal period, it is important that new mothers are informed of the different types of abuse, how they may affect the fetus, and the adverse conditions their child may be faced with before and after birth.
If our earth is filling with heavenly things, then it would be located in the South Pacific ocean like an archipelago island known as Vanuatu. The European civilization began to settle down here, seems to be the symbolic representation of the happiest place on the earth. It is consists of a y-shaped place, contain four main islands and eighty smaller islands around
1. Client demonstrates excessive and sometimes unrealistic worry that has been occurring more days than not for past seven months. Client has been affected by physical issues due to anxiety; such as, nausea, diarrhea, lack of sleep and trouble falling asleep, excessive crying, discourse at home, and hypervigilance.
I am almost in high school, that means I will have to start looking at colleges and careers. Recently in Ms.Pennington’s ELA class I have been looking at possibilities for a career on cfnc.org. One of my goals for this paper is to find out what career fits me best by using cfnc. A second goal I would like to accomplish is to look at careers that match my personality. Finally my third goal is to look at colleges that fit my career I choose.