In an article published in the British Medical Journal Volume 289, C Thakur made the hypothesis that "human tidal waves" cause increases in crime rates due to the gravitational pull of the full moon. I feel that the evidence for this theory is decidedly inconclusive, and should therefore not be taken seriously. Thakur calculated that incidences of aggressive behavior spiked in the three cities which he surveyed around the time of the full moon. He then goes on to conclude that humans are unaware of the effect the moon has on our bodies that have high water content. However it is entirely possible that the pleasant weather could have encouraged more people to leave their home, and the higher visibility could have emboldened them. Ultimately,
Memphis Tennessee statistics report an overall downward trend in crime based on data from fourteen years with violent crime increasing. In 2012 the city violent crime rate was higher than the national violent crime rate average by 352.41%. However Memphis crime rate is still high. Memphis was ranked third most dangerous city in America in 2014. The rate is steadily increasing. (
Biological factors alone are not a sufficient reason why crime occurs. An example would be looking at testosterone and adult deviance. Most studies have shown no correlation with circulating testosterone and behavior. However, there is significance to examining biological factors. The answer lies in the fact that biological explanations of crime understate the important role of social conditions. (Conklin, p 93). When looking at biological and social combined, there is a moderately strong relationship between testosterone and social integration while growing up. Social integration can be fragmented due to less social opportunities by being in lower-class status, unmarried, and an unstable work history. (Conklin, p 96).
1.“‘We must strive to be like the moon.’ An old man in Kabati repeated this sentence often to people who walked past his house on their way to the river to fetch water, to hunt, to tap palm wine; and to their farms. I remember asking my grandmother what the old man meant. She explained that the adage served to remind people to always be on their best behavior and to be good to others. She said that people complain when there is too much sun and it gets unbearably hot, and also when it rains too much or when it is cold. But, she said, no one grumbles when the moon shines. Everyone becomes happy and appreciates the moon in their own special way. Children watch their shadows and play in its light, people gather at the square to tell stories and dance through the night. A lot of happy things happen when the moon shines. These are some of the reasons why we should want to be like the moon.” (Beah 29)
One of the most fascinating things about this series of revivals was actually the fact that due to the massive life changes that the revivals created that there was in fact a decline of crime so prevalent that the police officers actually were more in demand for their quartet services more than anything else. It was also during these revivals that there was such a hunger for the Word that speakers, preachers, teachers etc.. were usually tiered by the end of their speaking with people still asking for more, meeting places were so packed that windows were removed from homes so that those outside could hear, and clergy themselves had to either leave the areas that they were speaking to ( to France) in order to get some rest or some even died from
Title: The Influence of time of day on violent Crime activity in LeDroit Park, Washington, DC.
There has been many anecdotes involving the lunar effect. A huge amount of anecdotes involve crimes ' that took place on the night of the full moon. For example, a dispatcher said that " six years ago on the night of the full moon, he responded to a report of a fight at a hotel saying that one of the men looked like the comic book character of wolverine"( Alkofer,2016 ). A different dispatcher also had a story involving a crime that took place on a night with a full moon. The dispatcher talked about how " he 's been on the job for only two months, and how he had to respond to a call about a sixty nine year old woman who was brandishing a shotgun under the night of a full moon"(Alkofer,2016). As you can see there are a lot of anecdotes that involve people being mentally affected by the full moon, however there are even more stories that involve animals. For instance, a woman that worked at a veterinary hospital " saw four cats come in with urinary
“The black, submissive sky recedes when the influence from the white, imperious moon disrupts the balance of candid humanity,” my brother always said.
Kelly, Rotton, and Culver report that Caton examined 45,000,000 births and found a weak peak around the third quarter phase of the Moon, while the full moon and new moon phases had an average or slightly below average birth rate.In 1959 Walter and Abraham Menaker reported that a study of over 510,000 births in New York City showed a 1 percent increase in births in the two weeks after full moon. In 1967 Walter Menaker studied another 500,000 births in New York City, and this time he found a 1 percent increase in births in the two-week period centered on the full moon. In 1973 M. Osley, D. Summerville, and L. B. Borst studied another 500,000 births in New York City, and they reported a 1 percent increase in births before the full moon. In 1957 Rippmann analyzed 9,551 births in Danville, PA and found no correlation between the birth rate and the phase of the moon.A fifteen month study in Jacksonville, Florida also revealed at least no lunar effect on crime and hospital room admittance. In particular:There was no increase in crime on full moons, according to a statistical analysis by the Jacksonville Police Department. Five of the fifteen full moons had a higher than average rate of crime while ten full moons had a lower than average rate. The
Crime is an unfortunate part of many people’s lives - both for the victim of the crime and also the suspect. There are many theories as to why crimes happen, who commits the crimes, and why crimes happen to certain people. Not all crimes can be solved, or questions answered but these theories give a peek into the thinking or background behind some crimes that are committed.
comment: Why does he say be like the moon if the adage is pertaining to the people's behavior when the moon is out?
Crime is a socially constructed phenomenon. It is not static but dynamic and is defined into existence. It changes over time and place. For example, early definitions of crime such as classicism defined individuals as rational, free and responsible for their own actions. The emergence of positivism was an attempt to bring scientific methodology to criminology. Positivists believe in objectively quantifying cause and effect. In the early twentieth century a sociological lens was applied. Functionalist sociologists such as Durkheim argued that crime had a positive function for society by reinforcing societal norms and values (Ziyanak and Williams 2014). Anomie and strain theory proposed later by Robert Merton examined how poorer classes experienced frustration through lack of opportunities leading to strain. There are many others including labelling, control and cultural deviance, however; this shows that our understanding of criminology is not static and like crime itself it changes over time and place.
Growing up in coastal Georgia with two parents from an island I have always been fascinated with the ocean. Despite not being able to swim or surf, I have always found the movement of the water to be relaxing. So I figured, why not try to identify the origin of the oceans’ majestic movement. With a little research I was able to find out that the tides are a result of the gravitation of the moon. However, finding the origin of this fact took a lot more research then a simple google search.
The aim of this essay is to compare, contrast and evaluate two sociological theories of crime causation and two psychological theories of crime causation.
The effects of crime on victim can have a mixed feeling about making a victim impact statement. They may want to tell the judge or parole hearing officer how the crime affected their life and yet they may be anxious because you don't know how to prepare an impact statement or you don't want to bring back bad memories by describing how the crime has hurt you. The victim impact statements may include descriptions of:
Biological theory states that the individual will have certain traits will be transmitted from parent to children through genetics and not from social learning. Along with the juvenile having similar facial characteristics, which some believe also predisposes them to criminal behavior (Palmerin, 2012).