Rising sea levels, polar bears falling through ice, huge monsoons evaporated by blistering sunlight, it sounds like a nightmare, but all of these things are happening on Earth. Earth's temperature is rising, the average temperature is expected to rise a little over 8 degrees fahrenheit over the next couple centuries. These changes in our climate can result in bigger problems than just warmer weather. Climate change happens to everyone and it will affect all living things on Earth, through the use of our resources, such as: agriculture, water, resources, ecosystems, and health. This will all come into play when humans start to notice climate change all around the world. Due to humans burning fossil fuels that destroy our atmosphere, the warming …show more content…
The polar bears rely on seals for their food source, but since the ice is melting, they can’t get the seals. When animals do not have food they don't have energy, this means less energy for reproduction. The polar bears in the Arctic are becoming vulnerable due to Arctic ice melting. All of these causes lead to a reduced population in polar bears. Scientists in the Arctic were pinned in a building by polar bears, because the bears could not find any other food except humans. Polar bears populations are predicted to drop 30% in the next 35 to 40 years. This can lead to another animal added to an endangered species list, because of humans. Global Warming doesn’t just affect one part of the Earth. Temperatures around the Earth have been rising, and humans have started to notice. March has a new record for the high temperatures. 2015 was recorded as the hottest year that scientists have ever recorded. According to NASA, the temperature is 2.30°F warmer than the average global temperature (baseline for 1951-1980). Hotter temperatures can result in drought, loss of more Arctic sea ice, loss of agriculture, and many more negative effects that can be detrimental to the Earth and the organisms that reside …show more content…
Most arguments against climate change are disproved because they lack evidence. Articles on climate change being nonexistent contain points like polar bears thriving in their natural habitats, but in reality polar bears are suffering because of melting sea ice. Articles may say that sea ice is being formed and is doing well, and that polar bears wouldn’t be suffering if the sea ice was forming. Articles use the example Nature vs Man, the thought that nature is producing more CO2 than humans. This may be true, but since humans still take up a large portion of the CO2 emissions, humans should be held responsible. The Earth was okay for 4 billion years until man started the Industrial Revolution. Things went downhill from
The melting sea ice is also affecting the polar bear's main prey, seals, forcing the bears to turn to alternate, less nutritious food sources. Once sea ice forms in the winter, seals use the ice to create dens to give birth to their pups. In these months, polar bears use sea ice as their hunting grounds to find seal dens. Now that Seasonal Ice is forming later and melting earlier (IPCC, 2013), seals have less time to build dens and give birth. Consequently, polar bears have less time to hunt their preferred prey of seal pups. They must spend more time on land hunting other animals of less nutritional value. Organizations like Sea World Parks have reported male polar bears occasionally eating newly-born polar bear cubs because they cannot find other food to eat. Lack of nutritional food leads to a reduced body size. Polar bears are becoming thinner and weaker from not eating enough (Rode, Amstrup, & Regehr 2010). They have to swim longer distances to find ice to hunt upon, causing many cubs to die because they are not yet strong enough. In the Hudson Bay, the average polar bear weight has decreased by 15% and the population has decreased by 20% (National Wildlife Federation). In the summer when there is no ice, polar bears in the Hudson Bay go onto land to fast until the ice reforms. Now that ice is
There are about 100 different species of animals there, all of which are affected by climate change, but polar bears the worst. Polar bears are the most sensitive to the rapid change in climate because most of their life is spent on sea ice. With the temperatures rising in the Beringia Upland Tundra, the sea ice they thrive on is melting at a very high rate (Powell). Without this ice, the polar bears will not be able to easily move around to mate with other polar bears. They will also not be able to successful hunts on seals because the seals will see them swimming and swim away before anything bad can happen to them. If there was not a shortage of ice, the seals would not see the polar bears on the ice and they would swim closer to the surface. Another challenge the polar bears will face is that they will be eventually forced to go on to the seashore. This would be catastrophic because there would be and increase of competition for food. This could start massive stampedes that could kill polar bear cubs due to adult polar bears trampling them. As of now, there are only 26,000 wild polar bears alive. By 2050, it is predicted that two thirds of all wild polar bears will be gone. By 2100, it is predicted that polar bears will become extinct if nothing is done about global warming and climate change (Kliskey). Another animal in the Beringia Upland Tundra that is affected by climate change in
Glacier retreat will greatly affect polar and aquatic ecosystems and animals. Most arctic life revolves around the sea and presence of sea ice. Without the presence of ice, most ecosystems will be recreated. Polar bears are one species in great danger. Polar bears use sea ice as a birthing and hunting ground, and also use it to travel from one place to another. As glaciers start to disappear, the mother polar bear has less access to food; therefore, the chance of survival for her and her young is very slim. The polar bears chance of reproduction becomes less as the glaciers retreat. As the top of the food chain, their decline will cause negative effects for each level below them (Review Diagram G). The only way for polar bears to survive, is by
With the ever rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and constant warnings about global warming, it is no wonder that the animals inhabiting the artic regions around the world are now suffering a decline in their habitat as well as their livelihood. Such is the case with the Polar Bears who may soon be gone in a scant few years.
Blanche’s baths represent the shedding of lies and negativity from her life. She is seeking a new beginning but unfortunately due to Stanley will not be given that chance. Stanley makes sure that his wife hears what he knows before Blanche tells her otherwise. He makes sure todo it when Blanche can’t defend herself. Stanley’s motive is to get Blanche out of the house and to never return.
Melting of the ice caps --- loss of habitat near the poles. Polar bears are now thought to be greatly endangered by the shortening of their feeding season due to dwindling ice packs.
According to Shim, Siegel, Shim 2012, budgets are an efficient method of allocating financial resources to achieve strategic goals. For companies to compete in the global market it is essential to monitor and control spending in order to see progress toward reaching their goals. Budgets help to control spending, estimate cash flow and profits, while striving to meet goals.
One of the more debated and controversial topics in modern time is whether climate change really has an effect on animal life and the environments they live in. There are numerous sources of evidence on both sides supporting many theories and trying to determine whether climate change actually has an effect on animal life can be hard. In the following paper, we will discuss how it has a negative effect on animals like polar bears and how their population sizes are decreasing due to environmental changes like the the ozone layer and the melting ice caps.
This week, a viral picture of a sickly polar bear is causing debate all over the world about climate change. Although the issue is not strongly affecting humans just yet, it is influencing wildlife all over the globe. Polar bears, in particular, have been the focus of concern for various organizations that are making it their mission to protect the endangered species. Now more than ever, it seems the polar bear really needs humans to reconsider the choices being made about the environment.
Global warming affects polar bears in antarctica by making the icebergs melt. It make them have to swim for a long time in the ocean to get to a iceberg to rest. It also causes less polar bears to survive. There is also not enough food for the polar bears and its family. we can stop global warming by using cars less to get around so that the pollution does not go into the air. You can use less electricity and use the energy from the sun. you can use less water from the sink or the shower. You can use less heat. To stop that we can use hydroelectric power, solar power, and wind
There are so many consequences because of global warming and humans polluting. As a result of global warming, the polar bear habitat is getting demolished. The warmer temperatures are melting the ice in the Arctic and North Pole. Polar bears are travelling miles and miles to find ice. Polar bears live, eat, and raise their cubs on Arctic ice, which is breaking up and melting at an alarming rate. Year by year, this problem will get worse and worse. Humans and factories throw away their waste in the ocean and it goes in the water the fish and animals drink. Polar bears eat fish and they are affected by this polluted water as well. Hunters kill many animals including the polar bears and it’s decreasing their population. When polar bear population decreases, other animal populations will rise and the animal chain will change. We should not let global warming take over our species and destroy the animal chain. Polar bears are one of the many animals affected and if there are too many animals affected, the whole animal chain will fall apart. Research shows that, even if steps are taken to reduce emissions now, gases already in the atmosphere will continue to heat up the earth for another 40 to 50 years. Scientific statistics indicate they may suffer extinction by year 2100. We still have many years to make a
The U.S Fish Wildlife Service says that Polar Bears are declining, and are becoming endangered. 22,000 to 31,000 Polar Bears are now roming the world. Studies have shown that these bears are going to be extinct because of the ice that are melting. The Atlantic bear usually make their dens in the ice and snow. However, because of Global Warming the icebergs are melting, causing the dens harder to live in for the bears. I believe we should do more to help these bears from becoming extinct by stopping Global Warming, and clean the environment, and starting a club.
Another point he makes is that Polar bears are getting scrawnier because the seal habitat has declined because global warming causes the ice to melt. This is false. A common fact global warming supporters forget to mention is that arctic and Antarctic snowfall replenish the ice each year. Polar bears and seals are more in danger of poaching than losing their habitat to global warming. Both species are on the endangered list. However, weighing anywhere between 775 to 1,200 pounds. Polar bears are still the largest species of bear living on the planet.
Polar bears are the most known animals for the impacts of climate change on species. Global warming has been most prominent in the Arctic, and this trend is expected to continue. Their dependence on sea ice makes them highly vulnerable to a changing climate. Polar bears greatly rely on the sea ice environment for traveling, hunting, mating, resting, and in some areas, maternal dens (WWF). Specifically, they depend heavily on sea ice-dependent prey such as seals. Additionally, their long generation time and low reproductive rate may limit their ability to adapt to changes in the environment. Every time people breathe or burn something, oxygen in the air is converted to carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is used by plants to breathe and is converted back to oxygen, creating a cycle. If there is an increase in oxygen burning, for example, burning a lot of coal or oil to generate electricity or run cars, and cut down trees, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increased. This makes the air thicker and warms up the earth. The amount of warming is only a few degrees but it is enough to disturb the fragile balance of nature, which in turn will melt the polar ice, raise sea levels, cause violent hurricanes and endanger species such as polar bears. The polar bears are just one example of endangered animals because of the high demand of human need for energy which is acquired by burning fossil fuels.
The average temperature is expected to rise over time. With the temperature slowly rising, icebergs are melting in Antarctica which is causing polar bears to have to move. Snow and ice cover has been decreasing a lot already. Sea levels are also rising, if sea levels are rising that can cause floods. More and more floods, droughts, and heat waves have been occurring more than one hundred years ago. With all of these natural disasters happening more often, the human race is having