
How Do People Change In Midnight In Paris

Decent Essays

“It was a good book because it was an honest book.” – Ernest Hemingway’s character in Midnight in Paris. This paper believes this quote to be true and will work in order to prove it. This paper will discuss how people change in Paris, or how Paris changes a person completely. It will look at the topic in three ways, through Woody Allen’s movie, Midnight in Paris, through Hemingway’s book, A Moveable Feast and an average everyday student who just moved to Paris. The motive of this paper is to show and relate to how the city of Paris, the people and the art changes people. What kind of people it attracts and what it gives to them as well as takes from them. This paper believes a movie, a book and a layman would be a perfect panel for explaining …show more content…

He feels very out of place in his time (2011) and “lives in denial” as said by his would be wife. He wishes to live in Paris in the 1920’s, during rains with the artists that crowded the city at the time. Beautifully directed, the protagonist, on one of his midnight walks comes across a 1920’s car and is persuaded by the people accompanying it to go along with them. He is taken to a party where he hears Cole Porter singing nearby on a piano, and meets Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. They start talking to him, and while Pender is confused as to what is happening to him, he realizes that he is in fact not in his time. He has traveled back in time to the 1920’s. He then meets Ernest Hemmingway, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Man Ray, Luis Bunuel and hears about Modigliani, Miro and a few other artists. During his time in the 1920’s, he successfully gives his book to Gertrude Stein to read and critique it, while falling in love with Picasso’s mistress Adriana (the character is supposedly based off Marion Cotillard in the movie). He realizes that he is falling in love with Adriana and asks

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