
How Do The Neolithic And Paleolithic Revolutions Differ?

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Essential Questions: Chapter One

Write a response to each of the following questions and / statements. Your responses must be written in complete sentences and should demonstrate an understanding of the course content.

1. How do the Neolithic and Paleolithic Revolutions differ? Ultimately, the Neolithic Revolution advanced society past the basic Paleolithic era, forming a new type of living. The culture introduced in the Neolithic Revolution moved beyond nomadic styles of living and introduced agriculture, which allowed tribes to settle down and form communities. Through the different type of living, new concepts and culture formed: the concept of private property was introduced, which advanced society greatly.

2. What impact does the surplus production of agriculture have on societies?
If societies are able to not only create a constant food supply, but also have a surplus of food, it allows them to begin specializing labor onto areas other than farming. The focus may still be on farming however select amounts of people can now specialize on other things like building tools, architecture, science, etc. This creates a tremendous impact because it allows the civilization to advance in areas other than growth. New ideas can make the society more efficient and quickly increase the carrying capacity.

3. What controversy exists over the use of the term civilization?
The term civilization has acquired a controversy because of the connotations it has adapted to carry. A

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