How do we know that Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare? We know because the historical record tells us so, strongly and unequivocally. The historical evidence demonstrates that one and the same man, William Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon, was William Shakespeare the player, William Shakespeare the Globe-sharer, and William Shakespeare the author of the plays and poems that bear his name -- and no person of the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras ever doubted the attribution. No Elizabethan ever suggested that Shakespeare's plays and poems were written by someone else, or that Shakespeare the player was not Shakespeare the author, or that Shakespeare the Globe-sharer was not Shakespeare of Stratford. No contemporary of Shakespeare's ever suggested
Secondly, lots of investigators have stated the talent Shakespeare had. Shakespeare could write a whole play off the top of his head! He had many other talents like acting that he also had. “....Shakespeare...became an actor and writer…” (Background) “....Were about hundred documents relating to William Shakespeare.”(Background) “....230 or so play texts still exist from Shakespeare’s time…”(Background) “....three thousand plays thought to have been staged in london from from Shakespeare’s time.”(Background)Shakespeare was the ideal renaissance
While William Shakespeare’s name is written on many famous plays such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream and more, did he actually write the plays? The truth is, that there is no solid proof that William Shakespeare was a writer at all, except for his signature scrawled on the manuscripts. Over the years, many people and organizations have claimed that other people have written the plays, such as, Christopher Marlowe, Francis Bacon, William Stanley, Edward De Vere and even Queen Elizabeth I. All of these people were good writers, and there is a possibility that one of them wrote Shakespeare, but why would somebody write under a pen name? The answer is, they would not, unless they were hiding something. The only person
They proposed many other claimants to the Shakespearean works but the most popular was Edward de Vere. I can understand why many of people’s opinions are this way because there is just so much evidence that Oxford could have authored them, but there is still just as much evidence that Shakespeare did write them. From personal knowledge, we all know that we don’t have many documentations nor knowledge of Shakespeare’s life. But after analyzing and putting pieces together of the actual minimal bits of information we DO have, in the end, they all point towards Shakespeare and Shakespeare only. All the websites I looked at contained many convincing and reasonable points from both sides of the argument but the following evidence is what proved to me, that Shakspeare indeed, did write Shakespeare. I learned that Shakespeare went to an excellent grammar school to learn Latin, in which is precisely needed for creating the plays and sonnets we have today. We understand that although there were many ways he wrote his name, still a nobleman like de Vere or Bacon couldn’t have presented their works like that. Also the fact that Shakespeare was known to do collaborations with other lowly playwrights because it was common in that era, proves that the wealthy nobles could never have collaborated with average
People assume that just because as Pruitt (2015) explains “...Nothing has been found documenting the 37 plays and 154 sonnets” (p. 1) that Shakespeare did not do his own work. Everyone believes someone else with more of an education is the mastermind behind the plays and sonnets. Someone like Christopher Marlowe, Edward de Vere, Francis Bacon, or perhaps a group of people.
William Shakespeare was a very famous writer from the 15th century who had very popular poetry, but did he wrote his own plays? There is reason to believe that William Shakespeare did not write his own plays. He came from an all illiterate family, he had no record of his schooling, and when he died, he will had nothing to do with poetry or any writing. William Shakespeare did not write his own plays.
Shakespeare was one of the most famous people known to literature. He made thirty-eight plays in his lifetime. Being as famous has he was, there was some controversy. Some controversy that a person may believe involving Shakespeare is the authorship conspiracy. Some people believe that there were other authors thats wrote parts of Shakespeare's plays. According to The Telegraph, Edward de Vere wrote poetry similar to Shakespeare's. Some believe that there is references from de Vere in some of the scripts written by Shakespeare. This theory was put forward in the film Anonymous. Another example of controversy that some people believe in is that there are similarities between Sir Francis Bacon and Shakespeare's plays. This theory that was put
While the ideas of the true identity of Shakespeare have differed over the years in an almost trend-like fashion, a very popular idea has surfaced over the last century. The most prolific debate today is between the Stratfordians, or those who claim Shakespeare to be the true author, and the Oxfordians, those who claim Edward DeVere, Earl of Oxford, to be the true author.
In 1564, a man was born by the name of William Shakespeare. He was born to a poor family, was given little education, and had no interaction with sophisticated society. Thirty-eight plays and over 150 sonnets are not attributed to this ignorant man. Those who believe that Shakespeare was the author have no definitive proof but instead point to Hamlet’s declaration: "The play’s the thing(Satchell 71)." The true author, however, lies hidden behind he name of Shakespeare. Edward de Vere the premier Earl of Oxford is not only considered a great poet in history, but he may also be the great playwright who concocted the sonnets and plays which are now attributed to William Shakespeare of Stratford, England.
Adam Smith’s discoveries and topics he wrote about in The Wealth of Nations in 1776 has made toward economics have influenced all of our lives today. As an agricultural business student, I see his influence in every economics class I have taken at Iowa State. From free markets to monopolies, Adam Smith was way before his time in economic ideas. “Like most modern believers in free markets, Smith believed that the government should enforce contracts and grant patents and copyrights to encourage inventions and new ideas” (“Adam Smith”). His ability to see the bigger picture and ways to grow the world’s economy pushed others to do the same.
Shakespeare’s authorship is being called into question. Reasonings include, multiple indecipherable signatures, the lack of a poet or playwright reputation and missing records. Shakespeare only has six signatures and all can be found on legal documents. Although he is claimed to be a reputable poet, he never had a poet or playwright reputation. There are suspiciously no signatures on any of his works, which creates no record of him being a true author. This evidence leads one to believe he is not an author, but rather a plagiarist. Many authors believe he is still the author with arguments such as the signatures could be a result of different ways to spell the name, or the reputation debate is because he performed in London, but was a businessman
To start from the beginning of the controversy, the earliest actual documentation of such findings began in 1785 by an oxford scholar named James Wilmot. It was here that when James came up “empty-handed” of any evidence of Shakespeare’s plays did he come to the conclusion that it had to have been someone else and that someone was Sir Francis Bacon. James however never reported anything and on his deathbed actually destroyed his writings, but not before telling a fellow scholar, James Corton Cowell, his findings. Cowell would leave and make a presentation to the Ipswich Philosophic Society, and so began the greatest mystery of whether William Shakespeare was a famous playwright or a fraud taking credit for the work of someone else.
Who was Shakespeare? Was he a man from Stratford-Upon-Avon who started with little and became the greatest English author to ever live; or was he a privileged Earl who was a favorite at Queen Elizabeth’s court? That is the great mystery. This particular mystery is difficult to solve because of the lack of documentary evidence. The Elizabethans did not believe in getting everything in writing as people do today. Therefore, the truth may never be known with certainty. However, evidence does exist to support at least two theories about the Shakespearean authorship: one that the man from Stratford wrote the works, the other that Edward de Vere the Earl of Oxford was the author. The question then becomes, which
The first to be presumed the writer is Shakespeare himself. Many theorists believe it wasn’t Shakespeare due to the fact that he was born in Stratford-Upon-Avon, which was a poor countryside area. Shakespeare was a glove-maker with a low level of education. He wasn’t a
How exactly has such an important mystery like who actually wrote Shakespeare's famous works, remained unsolved for so long? First, this took place in the 16th and 17th Centuries, meaning that no one had security cameras or voice recorders, consequently making any accusations harder to take seriously. Second, all of the people accused at least for the most part, had attained respect for their contributions to society and social status, making it difficult to believe if supposed proof was found. Third, since it has been so long since this happened, people can not talk to anyone who happened to see anything suspicious, people just have to make conclusions off of what people recorded at the time. In summary, the lack of ways to prove what truly happened makes it quite difficult to come to any
One cannot write thirty-six plays, one hundred and fifty-four sonnets and two long narrative poems if they were ordinary. But unbelievably, William Shakespeare did just that from 1564 – 1616. People have questioning how Shakespeare achieved writing such great pieces of literature, when the behind the scenes story does not add up. There are no records to prove he wrote anything and there is proof someone else did what he took credit for. In my opinion, Macbeth and Titus Andronicus, two of Shakespeare’s plays are strong examples of pieces of literature that was not actually created by Shakespeare. I believe William Shakespeare, the man with