
How Do Witches Manipulate Macbeth

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The speaker is one of witches. I choose this quotation to show witches’s personality and what they set for Macbeth, as a wicked man. Witches manipulated the play all the time. It start from the first act that began with witches meeting. They designed all of murders, all of anxieties showed on couple Macbeth. They are benefit most in this ridiculous farce. In this quotation, they seduced Macbeth to visit them to satisfied his desire. Although Macbeth didn't heard this, it humiliate Macbeth and all people in the play in audience’s view. Witches utilized the weakness of human nature and make an ending for all of people… We will easily sympathy with Macbeth. Macbeth did his utmost to fight for his life. However, all of his efforts are designed

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