
How Do You Acquire Knowledge?

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How do you acquire knowledge? How can we know the nature of reality? That is the question that epistemology asks. But what is epistemology itself and where does it come from? Epistemology focuses on studying knowledge and justified beliefs. What is it that makes knowledge enough and what makes justified beliefs justifiable? Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher born on April 22nd, 1724. He was the man who attempted to build a bridge between the empiricists and the rationalists.
When looking at these two schools of thought one can see that they truly are polar opposites. Empiricist 's focus is that all knowledge becomes known to us through the senses. Knowledge is experience based. John Locke attempted to explain this stance by dividing this theory into two ideas. The first is that there are simple ideas and the second is that there are complex ideas. Simple ideas are based on what we see. Factors like color, shape, size, texture, etc. come into play here. The complex ideas are simple ideas combined. Rationalists on the other hand believe in “innate ideas, reason, and deduction.” (Clay) They believe that we have some ideas, some knowledge before we are born. You also obtain knowledge through reason. They do not agree with the empiricists because they believe that the senses cannot give reasons. They only give opinions. Our senses can not always be trusted because they can lead us to believe something that is not. A prominent figure of of rationalism is Descartes.

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