ARC 314i-950 summer 2017 Test II Name_______________________
Chapter 7
Architecture as Part of the Environment
Describe Passive Solar Design.
Passive solar design consists of taking natural solar energy, such as that from the sun, and using it to our own advantages such as heating or cooling a building. This technique utilizes the sun's heat energy and is important in architectural designs becuase it can have an impact on bettering the environment. An example of this could be larger window placements on buildings based upon the location of the sun as well as taking into consideration the different season of the year.
Describe Active Solar Design.
Active solar uses energy sources to help capture and convert energy into sources of electricity. Thsi type of solar design utilizes uses specialized equipment to absorb energy and convert that collected energy into an electrical energy. An example of this could be
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Chapter 9
The Invention of Architecture: From Caves to Cities
1. Describe what the natural environment is
Natural environment consists of all of the living and non-living things on earth. This includes all aspects of nature such as: caves, organisms, bodies of water, trees/vegitation, etc.
Describe what the built environment is.
The built environment is any type of environment that has been altered in some way by humans (man-made). An example of this varies from buildings in a city environment to farming land in a more rural environment. Even thought these are two completly different settings, both were created by man which makes them part of the built environment.
3. Describe how one baseball team has been effected by the design of the built environment.
Describe how the dome in Florence assisted Columbus.
Provide another example other than the one proposed in class describing how the design of the built environment can affect
One of the biggest events that really sparked the start of the new interest of baseball was the building of the new New York Yankee stadium. By the outside being painted, light towers being placed in the outfield, a two story concession stand being built, and corporate boxes being put in, the Yankee’s manager, Leland “Larry” MacPhail, was really setting the stage as to what baseball and baseball parks would turn
Solar energy is a renewable energy source meaning that the energy is generated by the sun. The way that solar produces energy is by the sun's rays that reach earth and converts into heat and electricity. Its transported by photovoltaic ( pv devices ) and solar thermal electric power plants. Examples of this energy source is : solar powered window blinds, bulbs, refrigerators, radios, calculators,
Racism is a belief that one race is superior or inferior to another race. And it is defined as hatred by one person to another due to their difference in skin color, beliefs, language and so on and so forth. One factor that promoted racism is darwinism. Today racism influenced hatred and discrimination. I am going to use two articles “Are prisons obsolete?”
Baseball has been one of America’s favorite pastimes since the first league was formed, all the way to the present day. The first section in this research paper will explain some of the games baseball was based on, the places they are from, how they are played, and the people who came up with the game. In the second section, some of the leagues will be listed, with some of the teams, who established the league, and when they were established. In the third section, famous players in baseball history will be listed as well as the teams they played for, the position they played the most and was the best at, and how they affected the world. In the fourth and final section, Famous baseball teams will be listed, with the founders of the team, the year they were founded, and one of the star players. The writer hopes that the reader will learn many interesting facts while reading this research paper.
Solar energy is power obtained by harnessing the energy of the sun's rays, and turning it into clean energy, In Southern California, we are very lucky because we live in a climate that has a lot of sunny days. Solar panels could be put on the roof of the buildings, in the glass windows, on the sidewalk, and disguise them in fake palm trees as leaves, which also creates more shade.. I think it would be really creative to put solar
From 1500 to 1800, China and Japan tried to politically and economically established their countries in very different ways. Japan fought war after war for a century before they changed their ways. China on the other hand slowly established a government and used education as a tool to be politically and economically strong. Japan would later do the same.
The natural environment refers to all forms of life and naturally occurring non-living things on the entire planet. It is the source of our water, air, food and climate on which our life, health and society is absolutely dependent.
The most important and powerful thing in Markus Zusak's book, The Book Thief is words. Words make and break Liesel, they build her up and break her down, they are a part of her, and they bring happiness and destruction to not only her but to all people in Nazi Germany. Words can be life changing, they cantransform you into something great. “Once, words had rendered Liesel useless, but now, when she sat on the floor, with the mayors wife at her husband's desk,she felt an innate sense of power.” (147).
Passive solar heating designs are some of the simplest forms of incorporating solar energy into your daily home life. Passive solar designs incorporate the sun
The natural environment is an intervention that allows the family and child to spend time or would spend time as if the child was a normal developing child.
Recently, the price of unrenewable energy resource such as oil, coral and natural gas is increasing by time because of rare and more and more usage for individual and industries. Solar panels which use energy from Sun are considered as renewable energy through the form of solar radiation, UV. Solar technologies are broadly characterized as either passive solar or active solar depending on the way they
I would define nature as the world around us without any type of human involvement. I believe that nature is anything natural to the earth. It is the plants, animals, rivers, forests, birds, weather, etc. It is a gift given to us from god. Most people believe that nature is just centered on the thought of the ocean and forest. Nature to me is the life source for all living creatures it provides us with the four essential things that we need to survive which are food, water, air, and shelter. However, we are so disconnected from nature we do not see the constant damage that is destroying our home.
The creation of solar energy requires little maintenance and solar electricity power plants produce zero emissions. Solar power plants use two different types of technologies: Concentrated solar power and Photovoltaic systems. Concentrated solar power plants, also known as “concentrated solar thermal”, uses solar thermal energy to make steam that is converted into electricity by a turbine. A photovoltaic system, also known as solar panels, generates electricity from sunlight. It is a device that converts light energy into electrical energy.
After years of battling with this gripe, my team of engineers has developed the perfect window for any building, big or small. My Solar Tech Windows are handcrafted windows, made of the most durable and sustainable materials. They are strong enough to keep Mother Nature out and life in, crystal clear to the naked eye, and controlled by you to let the light in when you feel like it or to lock the sun out when you are not in the mood. Driven by solar power energy, these windows adjust to light and temperature and are controlled by you. Say good-bye to outrageous energy bills during the summer and winter extremes, say good-bye to
Environment is complex of natural and anthropogenic factors and components that are in a state of mutual dependence and affect the ecological balance and quality of life, health, cultural, and historical heritage. The environment is everything that surround us. We are in contact with the environment all the time. My favorite part of the environment is natural environment. The natural environment is the set of living and non-living things on Earth which occur in a state substantially not influenced by humans. We are in contact with the natural environment all the time – help it or polluted it. We also can benefit from it without hurting it. I’m talking about wild fruits. They are plants which are not grown by human and you can eat for free.