How does America see me? they see me as a white, rich and privileged blonde. They see me as someone who is educated and well rounded. They see me as someone with a future. They see me as someone who does not get in trouble, ever. They see me as someone who lives a lavish life. I am seen as someone who has is figured out. People can assume I look like someone who has bent the system in favor of them. They assume that since I am blonde that I am either incredibly stupid, or i am pure genius. I am seen as a white American with no care in politics. They see me as someone who has it all. Since I am a woman I am dainty and weak. They assume that even though I am educated, I will never be the same level as a man. They see me as someone who is incompetent
What kind of an American am I? To summarize it up into one word, I'm a proud American. To explain the characteristics that the word proud means to me, I took each letter in the word and made a new word. The new words represent the kind of American I am.
What does being American mean to me?As America is a first world country, world police, economic powerhouse, and land of the free. With an advanced nation like ours comes advanced ideals, beliefs, religions, so on and so forth. Cores are a fundamental requirement for a nation to successfully prosper and communication within ourselves and other nations is a must to prevent an economic collapse, eventually leading into failed state status. I see cores as spiritual possessions that you use as a celestial guide to govern your life and should abide by, at the same level as morals. As you read this opinion based passage, ask yourself, what American cores effect you?
What does being an American mean to me? That is a question that many people over their entire lives have at least once thought about. Being an American citizen gives me many rights and liberties, and that makes this country so unique. I have visited other countries on my vacations, and many have relied on people coming from other countries to help make money, mostly from tourism. These countries have been changing their laws and government to make them more free, but visiting those countries as a tourism-which in some countries I have for months at a time-is very different then living there and being a resident.
Upon activation by an emotional or physical stressor, corticotropic releasing hormone (CRH) is released from the paraventricular cells of the hypothalamus and exerts its effect on the anterior pituitary gland Here, CRH stimulates the synthesis of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and its release into the bloodstream [19,20]. In turn, ACTH acts on receptors of the adrenal cortex to stimulate the synthesis and release of cortisol [19,20]. Also known as the body’s ‘‘stress hormone’’, cortisol travels through the blood in both protein-bound (inactive) and free (active) forms. Cortisol can act to limit its own synthesis via a negative feedback mechanism to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland [19,20]. Upon reaching a target cell, free cortisol diffuses through the cell membrane to bind to the cytoplasmic glucocorti- coid receptor [19,20]. This ligand-receptor complex translocates to the nucleus where it binds glucocorticoid-response elements to affect transcription of target genes [19,20]. As our body’s central glucocorticoid, cortisol has many actions. These include gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, modulating the immune system, increase of blood pressure and insulin resistance [19,20]. Cortisol is metabolized by 11-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 to its inactive form, cortisone [19,20 GOW
To be American to me means that I have the right to live my life the way id want to. If I have a goal or a dream I can achieve it by working hard. If I have an opinion about something I am allowed to say it without getting into trouble. I am allowed to say my opinion on anything even if it's not nice. People get to go out and make their dreams come true every day. If you work hard for what you want I think you should be considered an American. You decide what to do with your day. No one can force you to do something you don't want. Freedom is an important part of America. Freedom is what makes America
America's gift to my generation is the Internet. The internet is the greatest modern gift that America can give to my generation. This has positioned my generation to be the most technologically advanced generation yet. We use this technology to become the next doctors, scientists, teachers, engineers, diplomats etc of America. People use the internet in school and in everyday life. The Armed forces use the internet to coordinate themselves in times of war and hardships.
America is, and always has been a very ambitious and prestigious country. America is known for being an accepting country to numberless amounts of people, cultures, and ideals. Even from the early years of America, it has always been seen as a tremendous, model country. We went from being the first country to have a self-run government to being an inspiring example to other countries to have similar policies. The United States has set many precedents throughout its existence. To me, being American means that I am part of a great country that gives us freedom, does not discriminate, and cares about its citizens.
There is arguably no other international event in the world that celebrates sport more than the Olympics. The modern Olympic Games are perhaps the most prominent media event in the world capturing the attention of billions of people around the globe on a recurring basis (Walters & Murphy, 2008). Zaharopoulos (2007) noted that now that billions of people view the Olympic Games on television, it has become a shared experience of the world. During the 2012 London Olympics, an estimated 4.8 billion people, or 71% of the global population, viewed the 16-day event on television. In the U.S., NBC’s television coverage of the London Olympics became the
There is a stigma of being an American. If an individual works day in and day out, that person will achieve their life goal. This is pursuing the American dream, because all citizens have equal opportunity to become successful and live a prosperous life. Now all Americans can have equal rights, so each and every one can strive for success equally. We banned slavery, segregation, and institutional racism. Women are viewed as equally under the law as men, and homosexuals can legally marry. Equality took a many hard fought years to cover everyone, but now everyone is content. Wrong! In the novel Rereading America many different cultural contexts explains that if you are born into poverty, was a women, or was of color, then life was not as equal as a wealthy white born male to become successful and have equally opportunities.
As everyone gazes at the crimson red and snow white stripes on the flag, we all know our founding fathers have done us well. We look at the flag with happiness and gratitude, always taking our hats off in its presents. Americans show much appreciation to the flag and most everything we have accomplished. America means so much to us, more than practically anything else. America means three things to me; freedom, beauty and farming.
“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are untimely our own responsibility.” -Eleanor Roosevelt. We are held accountable to be an upstanding citizen and help the community. However, I feel as Christian citizens it's our responsibility to share the gospel of Christ to whoever we can and show the world a Christian perspective. Americans I believe our general responsibility is to say and know “The National Anthem,” pay tribute to those who serve or have served, and access the right to vote
There is no set American identity, and anyone should know that. Everyone has their lifetime, not to find, but to create who they are. We create our own identities as we go, whether we take the road of lies, or truth. I´ve had my fair share of jerks, and jocks, and plain stupid people in my life, but those people have helped me create and mold who I am today, even though I may not like the way I am.
At the macro level, I am seen as a sex symbol that not able to think objectively and generally gets paid.
I would like to attend Health Careers High School because I would like to become a doctor when I grow older. Ever since I was little I watched my dad work as a pediatrician and saw how happy he was when he diagnosed his patients correctly and when they recovered from the illness. This inspired me to become a doctor so I can relieve people from pain and help them feel better. When my family and I moved to San Antonio in 2014, we found out about the best high school in the city, Health Careers. At that time I was only in 6th grade but I was already looking forward to go to a school dedicated for students that wanted to go into the medical field.
In the system of the Juvenile Justice System ( J.J.S) they spend a lot of money on troubled youth. The J.J.S should attempt to help these kids but, not spend thousands of dollars a year to help “rehabilitate” these kids. The kids that come in should not come into be spoon fed with nice things while in detention. They are not there because they are victims, they are there because they are victims of their own decisions.