In the Crucible, Arthur Miller uses scapegoat to display one’s desire to avoid taking responsibility for their wrongdoings. When Reverend John Hale comes over to discover what ails Betty, he begins to question Abigail about the dancing in the forest mentioned to him by Reverend Parris. Abigail begins by claiming that it was simply dancing. However, as the questioning becomes more serious, she blames Tituba for making her dance and drink blood. She continues to point the blame at Tituba, proclaiming, “She sends her spirit on me in church; she makes me laugh at prayer!” (Miller 41). Abigail realizes how serious her actions are, and how great the consequences can be. Dancing unclothed and laughing at prayer is sinful and condemned by the church. …show more content…
As trials are being conducted in the Salem meeting house, John Proctor enters, bringing Mary Warren and a testament of ninety-one townspeople to claim the innocence of those convicted of witchcraft. Danforth questions Proctor’s intentions. He fears that his purpose is to undermine the court. He shares his concern, explaining, “A person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there is no road between.” (Miller 87). Danforth’s strong will and great faith in the court result in an ignorance that prevents him from being open minded to any other possibility. He does not believe that one can disagree with the court without seeking to overthrow it. Danforth’s use of fallacy of the false alternative forces the people of Salem to unquestionably agree with the rulings and executions conducted by the court. For if they don’t, they will risk being accused of seeking to overthrow the court. Moreover, Miller’s use of the device points out others’ ignorance towards the complexity of the situation, displaying how they only view the problem as a black or white matter. The use of this device contributes to the plot by revealing that things aren’t always as they seem. By forcing others to choose from only two options, it also creates an inner conflict of believing in what one holds to be true in their heart or what is …show more content…
As John and Elizabeth Proctor discuss the recent issue of witchcraft in Salem, Giles Corey and Francis Nurse rush in appearing troubled. They both claim that their wives have been wrongly convicted of witchcraft and have been taken to jail. Giles explains that Mr. Walcott once had a pig that died right after he purchased it from Mrs. Corey. He continues by mentioning how his wife informed Mr. Walcott that his pigs won’t live long unless he feeds them. Giles share Walcott’s conviction against his wife, exclaiming, “Now he goes to court and claims that from that day to this he cannot keep a pig alive for more than four weeks because my Martha bewitched them with her books!” (Miller 68). Giles Corey understands that Mr. Walcott is using only one instance to justify why his pigs are dying. He acknowledges that Mr. Walcott has manipulated the words of his wife and taken her interest in books to draw his own conclusion with no real evidence. Instead of searching for a rational reason to explain the death of his pigs, he simply chooses an explanation which brings the least amount of scrutiny upon his own failure, even though such an explanation is completely irrational. Mr. Walcott’s hasty generalization has come back to hurt Mrs. Corey and put Mr. Corey in a state of distress as he struggles to prove her innocence. Additionally, the use of hasty
Judge Danforth is also responsible for the Salem witch trials because his rulings to kill people came with no concrete evidence against them, only unreliable witnesses. Judge Danforth has a very cutthroat way for his rulings. One is either guilty or innocent, no opportunity for a second trial or a review of the case. He openly lets the court know this by saying "If you are not with the court, you are against it"(72). This almost proves that Judge Danforth is ignorant to hard evidence, only wanting people to admit that they are with or against him. Neither option is a just opinion, adding to the hysteria, lie so you can live and others die or tell your truth and die while others live. The people of Salem do not want to make this decision, thus leading to more innocent deaths of the people of Salem. If there had been a different judge in the Salem with trials they would have been over without a death and Abigail's deception would have been brought to light. Judge Danforth decides that many people are guilty, when in reality he should have said he was guilty.
Hale; I only said she were reading books”. Giles explained to John Proctor and Reverend Hale about his wife’s actions, which leads them to believe that she does witch craft. Stated in paragraph one, “Anyone that reads books other than the Bible are considered to be a witch”. Giles is now worried of his wife being executed. While the word got around Salem about Miss Corey, Walcott heard and decided to plead on her. Walcott stated that he brought a pig from Miss Corey but it later died from not being fed well. Walcott says that Miss Corey casted a spirit upon the pig. Walcott’s actions reveals to Giles that Walcott has a problem with his wife. In court Giles cries out saying “I have been to court thirty-three times now”, letting everyone know that he has experience in court and it also reveals his ability to win any argument. Giles is now confident about winning his thirty-fourth court case. Giles says “I know my rights and I will have them” This foreshadows Giles ability to with this
In The Crucible, John Proctor the protagonist, becomes a victim of the witch trials when his wife Elizabeth, is accused of witchcraft. In order to free his wife, Proctor must convince Judge Danforth of his wife’s innocence. Judge Danforth does not sign condemnations lightly and takes meticulous inspection of his cases to determine the guilty party. It is because of Danforth’s dedication to the law and the truth that Proctor utilizes ethos and logos to persuade him. However, due to the nature of witchcraft, ethos and logos are not effective arguments and Proctor eventually resorts to pathos to convince Danforth to free his wife.
In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, Miller introduces a society that values its reputation. The honest, upright, and highly respected character, John Proctor, faces a difficult choice between retaining his good name and confessing his sin of lechery with Abigail Williams. Then he must decide between lying about his guilt in order to save his life and dying an honest man. His honesty, along with his innocence, shows the audience that the judicial system in Salem is corrupted and serves injustice. Proctor is willing to tell the truth even when it is clearly going to ruin his reputation and name in the village.
To save herself, mary warren points at proctor and claims proctor is “the devil’s man” (Miller 118). When Abigail blamed Tituba, the accusation of witchcraft eventually scapegoated to Mary Warren, who in return uses John proctor to her advantage as well as a disadvantage to Abigail. scapegoating Mary Warren was not the best of ideas because little does Abby know, Mary was willing to give up proctor and abigail’s affair to her advantage. This resulted in proctor being executed and a disadvantage to Abigail because she has lost her love. Additionally, “[Giles Corey’s] very public death played a role in building public opposition to the witchcraft trials” (Linder). Giles Corey, Martha Corey’s husband, was scapegoated by the girls once he tried to defend Martha. The result of that ended with Giles being put on trial and sentenced to death by pressing under heavy stones. Martha Corey is able to use this to her advantage because her husband was seen as a martyr and everyone began to see that these trials were nothing more than ridiculous. Martha’s fate was rather different from Giles. “based on the girls’ testimony, Martha Corey was sent to the Salem jail to await trial”
America’s most successful interrogator, Ali Soufan, claims that “When they are in pain, people will say anything to get the pain to stop. Most of the time, they will lie, make up anything to make you stop hurting them.” This happens in everyday life, if a person feels they are threatened, they will say whatever it takes to avoid the threat, even if it’s not true. The Crucible also shows this, representing the lengths people will go to to save themselves through deceit. In his play, Arthur Miller’s use of Abigail’s threat, Abigail’s confession with Tituba, and Mary Warren’s betrayal demonstrates that people will lie and manipulate to preserve themselves.
Giles Corey, Francis Nurse meet in a room with Judge Hawthorne, Governor Danforth and Rev Hale because Giles Corey has announced, “Putnam was only making a grab for more land.” Mary Warren and Proctor then enter the room. Mary Warren confesses about witchcraft and the girls. That the girls and her were just pretending. Parris,“ they just want to overthrow the court!” Danforth asks proctor, “Are you attempting to undermine the court, no proctor says i just would like to free my wife.” Proctor gets questioned by his religious beliefs by Judge Hawthorne. Later that day Proctor gets the news that Elizabeth is pregnant. Proctor is told she will not be hung until after the delivery. Danforth asks proctor, “will you drop your condemnation of the court, proctor refuses.” Proctor then submits a signed deposition by 91 land farmers for Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey and Elizabeth Proctor for being good people and being innocent. Parris requests that they all should be questioned becauses it’s an attack on the court. Giles corey gets questioned by Putnam, he believes that Giles Corey prompted his daughter to accuse Jacobs of witchcraft. Giles will not give any answers or name the witnesses Giles corey is taken to jail because of contempt of the court. Abigail and the girls are then called to court and questioned for Mary’s confession she has made. Abigail denies what Mary says and about the needle with the poppet. Mary is then put on the spot
The Crucible Essay: Reason and processes For Abigail William’s proceedings and success in play “The Crucible” is authored by Arthur Miller. In Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” the character Abigail William influences the proceedings, and continually succeeds. It is because of her will of ambition to achieve her desires and that moves her to prepare such things to make her desires happen. She gives a pressure and threaten to the other town girls to act like there are spirits which are coming after her and the other girls.
“She made me do it! She made Betty do it!” said seventeen year old Abigail Williams when accusing Tituba, a servant from Barbados, of witchcraft. Abigail is the person in the play, The Crucible, to do whatever it takes to stay alive and out of jail. The Crucible is a play inspired by the McCarthy hearings in the 1950’s. It focuses on the Salem witch trials and how the devils work is incorporated in the trials. Abigail was a walking and breathing problem during these trials because of her personality. She was stubborn, selfish, and persuasive. Her personality shows through out all four acts of the play in different situations, as does mine, but in a more minor way compared to hers.
However, this is inaccurate because it is the town which is too easily gullible and gives strength to her, otherwise meaningless, claims. When Elizabeth is taken away, John Proctor accurately expresses the town’s fault when he tells Hale, This is reflective of the fact in Salem that the accuser’s word is seen as the truth. It is this untestable principle of accusation that shows how naive and oblivious the community truly is. Likewise, when attempting to pin witchcraftery on Mary Warren, Abigail cries,the rest of the court continue to press Marry Warren. Despite Abigail uttering nonsense and even being contradicted, respected individuals of Salem continue to refuse to accept the logical truth. They would rather protect their reputation than end the games of a young girl. While many may place the blame on Abigail Williams, she is but a teenager and it is the town that gives her strength by supporting her preposterous
The Crucible is a powerful and disturbing drama based on a true event in American history: The Salem Witch Trials of 1692. The Salem Witch Trials is about hearings and prosecutions of people who were accused of witchcraft. The play is written by Arthur Miller, who writes about a town minister, Reverend Parris and how he discovers his daughter Betty, niece Abigail, and other girls dancing in the forest with his slave Tituba. Betty faints in fright at being discovered, and will not wake up. Multiple people insist it is witchcraft, but, is it really? Abigail William, Parris’ niece, is the key character as to why they ended up the way they did, she is motivated through greediness and social status, causing her to react with extreme and irrational tactics; along with accusing people as an act of selfishness, and doing anything in order to not gain a bad reputation. She is the source of everything that goes wrong in the play, and the attempts to defend herself from the consequences of her own actions, end up ruining many people's lives.
As the trials go on, many more accusations are made. Giles Corey accuses Putnam of trying to get other landowners hanged for witchcraft so that he can have their land for himself. Marshall Danforth asks for a source and the person’s name. Giles says that he cannot give out the person’s name. Giles is in the court because his wife, Martha Corey had been arrested and accused of witchcraft. She gave away a pig to a man, and the pig became ill and died shortly after the pig was acquired. Francis Nurse is in the court because his wife, Rebecca Nurse was arrested too. He along with Giles continue to confront Danforth about Putnam’s doing, but Danforth responds with that they will have to put their thoughts into writing
In The Crucible, Abigail is responsible for sparking the conflict on the witch hunt in Salem because she confesses to Reverend Hale about dancing with the Devil. Events start to stir up when Abigail begins to undergo a lot of pressure, after Tituba is claimed to be the chosen one by Hale; Abigail says,”I danced with the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand” (1.1.1053-1054.). Before that took place other events with other people such as Betty and Parris, has made it obvious that Abigail is the one igniting the others to do witchcraft. Abigail gives a hit to her uncle Parris, when she says,”Uncle we did dance; let you tell them I confessed it” (1.1.63-63.). Abigail also begins to threaten Betty and Mary Warren
Fear of death or punishment pushes individuals to drastic measures that can only redirect the oncoming consequences toward another.abigail has had an affair with John Proctor and has fallen in love, but he was a married man. To get rid of his wife and finaly be with him, Abigail resorts to witchcraft to kill her Elithzbeth. once Abigail"s Uncle, Parris, found out about her activities in the forest, Abigail cried "She made me do it! She made Betty do it" blaming Tituba to save herself from punishment or possible execution (Miller 43). A character scapegoating reveals so much about themelsf and others. Abigail"s action revael what kind of character she has become and hints at further accustsion as well as causes more chaos. from that moment
In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Miller demonstrated that it was Abigail’s flaws- lust, jealousy, and mendacity- that led her to be responsible the most for the tragedy of the witch-hunt in Salem. The Crucible focuses of the finding of young girls and a slave messing around in the woods, trying to conjure spirits from the dead. Rather than admit to their actions and face the consequences, the girls accuse everyone else of the crimes they were guilty of. Abigail Williams is the person who caused much of the drama in this story. She bears much responsibility for everyone meeting with Tituba in the woods. Once Parris discovers this meeting, Abigail attempts to keep her actions a secret because it would possibly reveal her affair with Proctor. Abigail lies to cover up her affair with proctor, and to stop the charges of witchcraft in order to prevent the terrible punishments that go along with the accusations.