
How Does Atticus Finch Use Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW defines discrimination as unfair treatment towards someone due to not conforming with a specific group. Numerous federal laws (legalisation) have been introduced. An example is the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 which covers discrimination faced in employment/occupation. Sex, race, marital, Homosexual, disability and transgender are types of discrimination categories which are considered to be against the law in NSW. The type of discrimination law that I have chosen is race which is violated and portrayed in the movie ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. Racial discrimination refers to being unfairly treated due to your race, colour, ethnic background, nationality etc.
In ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, Atticus …show more content…

TKAM portrays society in the 20th century and ‘White Supremacy’ which is mainly shown through racial discrimination in the Tom Robinson’s case (based on the Scottsboro Trial). During the 1930s, Maycomb society was full of racial segregation, racial discrimination and standing up for a coloured man was against the societal expectations, ideals and ‘White Supremacy’. The movie depicts challenges Tom Robinson had to overcome regarding the ‘Jim Crow Laws’ in Maycomb society which affected the average working Afrcian-americans. Atticus Finch follows his heart and fights for the innocent Tom Robinson knowing that he is damaging his reputation, risking his family’s safety and has a slim chance of winning due to his client being ‘black’. Regardless of the unanimous evidence in favour of Tom Robinson being innocent but due to racial discrimination being common in the 1930s an innocent man was sentenced guilty. In Maycomb’s society in 1930s it was near impossible to receive a fair trial because white people were referred to be more superior than coloured. This is shown through the dialogue ‘In our courts, when it’s a white man’s word against a black man’s, the white man always wins’ which is said by

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