The story “To Kill a Mockingbird”, racial stereotyping played a significant part in society. In the Tom Robinson case, even though there wasn’t sufficient evidence to prove guilt, many supported to action of calling the defendant guilty due to his race. One of the main characters; Atticus Finch, decided to act as attorney to the defendant of this case, well aware that this action would have a negative effect on his family’s reputation. Despite this, one could argue that Atticus was wise to defend Tom Robinson for a number of reasons. A primary reason for Atticus to defend Tom Robinson would be to set an example for Jem and Scout, who weren’t fully aware of racial stereotyping. In the courtroom, Atticus mentions that this case only exists because people can’t accept facts that go against their own stereotypes (Lee 273). In this instance, Atticus is not only supporting his defendant, but is showing that his views are that which are …show more content…
This isn’t necessarily true, although the majority of the citizens of Maycomb supported this view. This can be proven due to the mob that showed up at the Finch’s household, and told Atticus that he had everything to lose from supporting Tom Robinson in the case (Lee 193-195). Atticus contradicts this, indicating that he was thinking about one thing that he wouldn’t lose from accepting this case. In a later scene when another mob comes to the county jail, Atticus remains calm until he realizes the presence of Jem, Scout, and Dill (Lee 203). Due to his concern compared to earlier, one could infer that Atticus would only feel as if he had everything to lose when he can lose his children. In actuality, only his reputation and respect from others are in jeopardy. Since his children aren’t at stake, Atticus believes that accepting to defend Tom Robinson is worth the criticism
In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" one of the main characters Atticus Finch defends a black man named Tom Robinson in court for good reasons even though everyone thinks he is wrong to do so. The book is by Harper lee and is written from the first person perspective of the main character who is a little girl named scout. The court case is between the Ewell family and Tom Robinson who they are accusing of beating and raping their oldest daughter Mayella Ewell. Atticus is defending Tom Robinson as his lawyer and I think it makes sense. Even though there are some reasons Atticus shouldn't be defending Tom Robinson but the reasons to are far greater.
Some might question if it made sense for Atticus to do this; but based off of Atticus's personality it most certainly does make sense for him to defend Tom Robinson. Atticus is a compassionate and caring man, even the lessons he teaches his children, Scout and Jem; reflect his personality. Atticus
After hearing about how Atticus is going to defend Tom Robinson he had to deal with a lot of hate and people questioning why he is defending him. Atticus is courageous and doesn’t let the hate get to him. He goes up against the majority and fights for what he believes is right, and doesn’t listen to what anyone else think. In this time period blacks were discriminated against. Atticus took a courageous step to decide to defend tom Robinson.
Imagine being a white lawyer in the 1930s and being asked to defend a black man who has been accused of raping a white woman. This is exactly what occurs in Harper Lee’s novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, when Atticus Finch, a white lawyer, chooses to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, who has been accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell, in 1935. Many people may believe Atticus Finch was wrong to have defended Tom Robinson because it put him and his family in harm’s way. However, Atticus was right to have defended Tom Robinson because Atticus knows very well that all people must be treated equally. and Atticus has to set a good example for his children.
Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is set in Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930s. Racism is ever present toward blacks and the trial of Tom Robinson, an African American, clearly displays this. Tom Robinson was accused of raping a white woman. The huge detail in this is that it was a white woman. Racial issues are really brought about because of that detail. People during this time would easily take a white man’s word over that of a black man, so nobody would ever trust Tom Robinson, especially since he was a black man being accused of a crime against a white woman. Tom Robinson really can’t do anything to help his case. The only person that can help him is Atticus. While Atticus does not believe that he will win the case, he knows that it is right to do everything he can to help Tom. He knows right from wrong and he will do everything in his power to help people see that, and to help Tom survive this case. Tom Robinson could also be described as a Mockingbird in this story. If proven innocent, he would be
Undoubtedly, one of the most controversial subjects in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, would be whether or not Atticus Finch should have defended Tom Robinson. However, in order to understand this controversy, a person must first be able to understand Atticus Finch himself. Atticus as a character is a very intellectual person who possesses the fortitude to stand up for whatever he believes is right and will not let other people’s choices affect his own. Furthermore, it is also important to understand that Atticus is not a racist, nor does he approve of the idea that one group of people are better than another based on their appearances in general, and because of this, a person can generalize that Atticus’s characteristic traits are why he did not complain when given the task of defending a black man, Tom Robinson, who had been wrongfully accused of raping a white woman. A man that he, as well as a small group of other people from town, viewed as the picture of innocence. In their eyes, Tom was no more than a mockingbird, “[and mockingbirds] don’t do one thing but make music for [people] to enjoy” (Lee 119). Knowing this, anyone with a reasonably strong sense of what is right and what is wrong can conclude that it does make sense for Atticus Finch to have taken the case due to his belief that it is a sin to kill the innocent as well as his courage that allows him to stay true to his ideas, even though when taking the case, he was inevitably going to be putting his
Atticus should have defend Tom Robinson because he was being a good example, he knew Tom was innocent, and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn’t defend him. This matters to Tom Robinson because he could go to prison if Atticus didn't help
Racism is a horrible thing. Saying different nationalities are better than the other, saying colored people do not deserve the same rights as we white people is so degrading and just mean.
Scout asked Atticus why he must defend Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman, Atticus responded, “For a number of reasons, Atticus said. The main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold my head up in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t tell you or Jem not to do
Atticus, by defending Tom Robinson, is showing compassion and tolerance. Atticus, a white lawyer, stands up for Tom Robinson, who is black, and believes that everyone should have an equal chance in court. When Atticus was appointed to defend Tom Robinson, he believed that Tom is innocent, as he did not commit the crime. Atticus says, “ if I didn’t, I couldn’t
When asked why Atticus was defending Tom Robinson he said “I couldn't hold up my head in town........ I couldn’t even tell you (Scout) or Jem not to do something again.” (78) Atticus cares very much about being a role model to his children so much, he took up a case because he wants to be a good role model and lead by a good example.
If Atticus didn't take the case than he knew he could never tell Scout and Jem not to do something. ¨...if I didn't I couldn't hold up my head in town, I couldn't represent this county in the legislature, I couldn't even tell you or Jem not to do something again.”(Lee, Pg. 100). If Atticus didn't take this case it would hurt him in a lot of different ways, he would be looked down in Maycomb county. He might also lose his job as a lawyer. But most importantly he would lose respect and wouldn't be able to tell Scout and Jem that they couldn't do something, just because he didn't take Tom´s case. Another reason it makes sense for Atticus to defend Tom Robinson is because Atticus is strong and tuff and can take threats and bad words being yelled at him, “...when Mr. Ewell approached him, cursed” him, spat on him, and threatened to kill him.”(Lee, Pg. 291). Atticus was tough and didn't feel threatened by Bob Ewell. Atticus would rather have Mr. Ewell take things out on him then his kids. The last way it makes sense for Atticus to defend Tom Robinson is because Atticus wants to be one of the first lawyers to defend a black man, “Do all lawyers defend n-Negroes, Atticus.”(Lee, Pg. 100). Atticus wants to show that all people are equal and that he should be able to defend anyone he wants if he believes they are
The reason that Atticus is defending Tom in which he explained to Scout many times before ; the reason he is defending Tom Robinson is because he believes in justice and that everyone is equal you can just say he believe in equality . He is not just defending Tom because he is black . He told Scout that if he does not defending him he could not be a man that he wants to be he would just be a man without anything : for example we would lack respect for himself . He just would not be the man that he wants to be.
The first part of To Kill A Mockingbird introduces the Finch family and their daily lives. The father in the family is an attorney whose only care is the moral rights of others. His views aren't biased or prejudice, he only sees humans who deserve as much respect as they should. He gets a case of a black man being accused of rape towards a white woman. He explains to Scout as this, “..but there’s been some high talk around town to the effect that I shouldn’t be defending this man (Lee 75).” Ever since Atticus has been appointed to the Tom Robinson case, most of the conservative white people in Maycomb County found it a little dishonoring since the defendant was an African American. "Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win," Atticus said (Lee
First of all, Atticus vigorously fights for his beliefs even when it seems like the whole town, even his family is against him. Before the trial, Atticus was about to defend two men are talking about him and his goals for the trial. One man says “You know the court appointed him [Atticus] to defend this N word. Yeah but Atticus aims to defend him. That's what I don't like about it." (p. 218). Atticus defending Tom Robinson even when the