
How Does Audre Lorde Encourage Individualism

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Individualism is defined in the Oxford dictionary, as “the quality of being different from other people and doing things in their own way” (Turnbull, Deuter and Bradbery). It emphasizes the importance of setting goals for one’s self and staying true to their desires. In her short essay “Uses of the Erotic,” Audre Lorde stresses the importance of reclaiming individuality that has been lost due to society’s tendency to discourage the ability to feel and express emotions to their fullest capacity. As Lorde outlines in her short essay, the use of erotic encourages individualism by disregarding the societal norms set for women, urging them to reflect on their ability to feel emotions to their fullest capacity, and then allowing them to express those emotions to the rest of the world. With these actions, women may reclaim their individuality in a society that worships conformity. The erotic can lead to the encouragement of individualism by disregarding society’s expectations, discovering new feelings and speaking out for themselves, to achieve this idea of individuality. …show more content…

Society has ruled that women can only truly be strong if they suppress their emotions, and because of this “As women, have come to distrust the power which rises from their deepest and nonrational knowledge” (Lorde). However, contrary to popular belief, women can empower one another to live their most fulfilling lives by defying this societal norm and recognizing the power of exploring their deepest emotional desires. By appreciating the depth of their emotions, women can set new standards for themselves and have the ability to break the mold society forces them to conform to. In challenging society’s expectations by embracing their inner erotic, women may redefine and reclaim

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