Individualism is defined in the Oxford dictionary, as “the quality of being different from other people and doing things in their own way” (Turnbull, Deuter and Bradbery). It emphasizes the importance of setting goals for one’s self and staying true to their desires. In her short essay “Uses of the Erotic,” Audre Lorde stresses the importance of reclaiming individuality that has been lost due to society’s tendency to discourage the ability to feel and express emotions to their fullest capacity. As Lorde outlines in her short essay, the use of erotic encourages individualism by disregarding the societal norms set for women, urging them to reflect on their ability to feel emotions to their fullest capacity, and then allowing them to express those emotions to the rest of the world. With these actions, women may reclaim their individuality in a society that worships conformity. The erotic can lead to the encouragement of individualism by disregarding society’s expectations, discovering new feelings and speaking out for themselves, to achieve this idea of individuality. …show more content…
Society has ruled that women can only truly be strong if they suppress their emotions, and because of this “As women, have come to distrust the power which rises from their deepest and nonrational knowledge” (Lorde). However, contrary to popular belief, women can empower one another to live their most fulfilling lives by defying this societal norm and recognizing the power of exploring their deepest emotional desires. By appreciating the depth of their emotions, women can set new standards for themselves and have the ability to break the mold society forces them to conform to. In challenging society’s expectations by embracing their inner erotic, women may redefine and reclaim
Smith states her argument topic the humanities are a necessity in people’s life at the beginning by using the work of Audre Lorde. She claims that the vanish of language proves that the skill of critical thinking is degradation through various types of social media (48). By proving this claim, Smith uses the word from Robert Frost as an evidence to prove that people’s minds are easy to be manipulated. Smith mentions that for a long time, in many people’s opinions, the humanities are not making any profit because they see people always have a difficult time to find a decent job after graduating with a major in the humanities. She even uses her own story as a counter- evidence to demonstrate this situation in widely consider (50).
For this journal entry, I chose to compare Audre Lorde's Age, Race, Class and Sex: Women Redefining Difference to the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. In Lorde's piece, she talks about how oppressed people are often taught to ignore the fact that they are oppressed. We are taught to handle the difference we face by either ignoring them, copying them or destroying them. Lorde says that society as a whole has failed to see differences as a "springboard for creative change." Her article focuses on the fact that refusing to see creative differences makes it impossible to see the different problems and pitfalls women face. Some problems all women share and other problems all women do not share. For example, the experience of a white woman is different
Race and class identity of various groups of people render a great deal of influence on the experience one faces after a natural disaster. Unfortunately, oppression comes along with the quality of life for poor and middle classes. Thus, the experiences of higher and lower social classes are vastly different in terms of physical and psychological effects on the people. Higher social classes have the ability to restore any damages caused from a natural disaster in a timely manner, such as Hurricane Matthew. On the contrary, those people of the lower economic and social classes affected by the hurricane in Haiti, Bahamas, and Jamaica this past weekend will take a number of months or even years to rebuild their prior lifestyles. On pg. 4 in the
Audre Lorde’s use of poetic devices conveys theme and the overarching idea of the Civil Rights movement. Although the poet utilizes various different devices, the main idea almost stays consistent throughout the poem. In the first stanza, the theme is revealed through figurative language and imagery. “like an iron wall my eyes are blocked with rubble. ”(stanza 1).
In today’s society, we tend to show more respect to women who exhibit the characteristics that, during the 17th century, were uncommon and slightly frowned upon. A woman that shows independence, assertiveness, and courage receives more respect than a woman who portrays dependency, shyness, and cowardice. The women that portray independence and assertiveness typically hold a higher position of power than women that do not show those characteristics; they are considered emotionally stronger, smarter, and more successful. Kelly Clarkson’s 2003 hit single “Miss Independent” emphasizes the qualities that we expect women of our society today to exhibit, and amply describes Hope Leslie’s aberrant behavior.
The concept of mythical norm was introduced by a feminist writer, Audre Lorde, who critically analyzed the dominant power mechanism in society that operates through a deeply ingrained idea of a normalized and naturalized male identity. This normative identity is both an image and ideal that stands out as a symbol of societal norms and privileges that are institutionalized in the law. More specifically, Lorde wrote,
During this period, women are feeling sympathy for each other’s voiceless nightmares, but fail to speak out because they are helpless. They have been tamed and trained to be as the author transmits: empathetic yet
Audre Lorde argues that erotic can be a source of power to women, and it is not really a bad thing to use it. Erotic is defined as the “personification of love in all aspects”, meaning that it can also be express in other aspects of our lives other than sex. As what you said, Lorde states that erotic is commonly confused with pornography and it has been used against women. She says that women are taught that they can only be strong if they suppress the erotic within their lives and consciousness. However, she argues that suppression of the erotic strengthens the male power.
Poetry is a very creative way of writing and reading literature. It is used to express feelings, thoughts, or emotions on a certain topic. Poetry writing goes back to ancient times and is still used today. Famous poets include Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, Edgar Allen Poe and many others. There was one poet, in particular, that was more modern and different than the rest, Audre Lorde. She was known as a feminist, civil rights activist, mother, and a visionary. Audre Lorde was creative in a way that she used her poetry to support and spread awareness for many social movements in America. Her poetry often expressed her thoughts and feelings on major issues such as Civil Rights, Gay rights, Women's rights and racial equality. Mrs. Lorde uses unique literacy languages, such as similes, symbols, imagery, and tone throughout her works entitled “A Litany for Survival” and “Outline”; to voice her struggles through her childhood and life.
emphasizes that although reality is constructed by our social interactions, our perceived reality, including those of a sexual nature are not the same for everyone. It is critical that a situation is defined by the establishment of relevant identities of those involved in the interaction. It is this construction that involves
Hence, the level of prejudice caused by this, where some were forced to leave the workplace, due unjust laws and morals that are stationary in Western society. History tends to bury what it seeks to reject, and lesbianism was not an egalitarian in Lorde’s time. She transforms her lesbianism into a positive trait, and does not consider it as a deviance or fault, but rather turns it into a liberating factor to achieve self-preservation and inspiration. Illustrating the way in which the “problem”, (in this case homophobia) and the concept of identity through Lorde’s writing unfolds the nature of possibility and the upbringing of a new normality. To Lorde, the recognition of difference both racial and sexual, signify a source of empowerment to the sense of self and denial tends to extract those from accepting one’s
Human sexuality is a common phrase for all, and anything, pertaining to the feelings and behaviors of sex for the human race. Sexuality has been a topic that has been discussed and studied for as far back as 1000 years B.C. and is still being studied today. As the discussion of sexuality has progressed through history, theories have been created based on research and experiments that scholars have implemented, based on their own perceptions of human behavior. Out of the many theories that pose to explain sexual behavior, Sexuality Now explained ten that are seemed to be the most overlapped, and built off of theories. Of these theories, two that were discussed in the text were the behavioral and sociological theory. These two theories cover some of the basic ideas of what could possibly influence a person’s sexuality.
In Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar and Alice Munro’s Lives of Girls and Women, Esther and Del try to take control of their sexuality and their sexual lives. These two female protagonists attempt to gain sexual confidence by quietly rejecting the societal images of women. They are able to seduce men and pilot their own sexual lives. These women are also able to ignore the popular beliefs about marriage and motherhood, thus freeing them from the traditional, restrictive female sexual roles. By rejecting the popular notions of womanhood, sexuality, and marriage, Esther and Del become the mistresses of their sexuality and sexual
The most recent and current third wave of feminism began in the mid-90’s and has destabilized many past constructs including “universal womanhood,” gender, body, hetreronormativity, and sexuality. A peculiar and important point of the latest wave that
In order to find human fulfillment, one must find God of Jesus Christ as well. Erotic loving is our desire for this fulfillment, which can be seen through eros. Human nature can be simply defined