
How Does Bennett Create Humour In The History Boys

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One way in which Bennett creates humour in The History Boys is through the rivalry and disjointed ways that the Headmaster and Hector work with the boys. This is evident repeatedly throughout the play. For example in the French scene Hector and The Headmaster are introduced for the first time. Bennett tells the audience a considerable amount about the personalities of Hector and the Headmaster. At the beginning of the scene Hector seems to be very intelligent, speaking in what appears to be fluent French, and animatedly interacting with the boys. He not only is teaching them but they respond with vigour and enthusiasm. Hector's intelligence is further reinforced when the Headmaster enters on page 14, and Bennett shows the audience that Hector is not only able to overpower the Headmaster due to the fact that the …show more content…

This defeats the Headmaster immediately, with no defence being put up on his behalf. By doing this Bennett uses one of the pupils to undermine the Headmaster, although this time it is much more serious than making him speak a language that he doesn't know. Dakin, a boy who can be no older than 19, manages to out-wit and manipulate a man who is supposed to be in charge of him, none the less more intelligent, and instead is thrown by the first hurdle Dakin confronts him with which is the hypocrisy of the situation between him and Fiona, and Hector and his pupils. This creates a very humorous situation because Hector has vicariously outwitted the Headmaster through Dakin. It was his teaching methods that the Headmaster disliked so much that enabled Dakin to think in the way that he did, so even if Hector himself didn't fight for his position, he had passed on enough knowledge and compassion for one of his pupils to do it for

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