
How Does Beowulf Show Self Sacrifice

Decent Essays

In the epic Beowulf, Christian elements are not hard to come by. The biggest Christian element that we see is “self-sacrifice”. By definition, sacrifice is “an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy”. Beowulf shows self- sacrifice in many ways more than one throughout the epic. We usually see this important theme being practiced the most in the different battles that Beowulf engaged in. In this essay, we will explore how Beowulf shows self-sacrifice and the Christian elements are represented throughout the epic.
Beowulf’s first showing of sacrifice is in his very first battle of the story, against Grendel. Beowulf sacrifices from the beginning, by leaving his home, the only place he knows, to rescue people that were not his own. This portrays genuine selflessness. Beowulf shows strength and courageousness by not fearing the unknown, only thinking of the eminent danger the people are in without his help. He …show more content…

The dragon in Beowulf symbolize many things. These things include evil and death. The dragon holds the treasure of the people of the village in his layer, knowing that it doesn’t belong to it. Beowulf knows that getting the treasure back for his people would bring his people a lot of joy. The dragon symbolizes death not only because it died, but because he was the cause of Beowulf’s death as well, adding to the pagan beliefs of the story. Beowulf’s death can be compared to the death of God as he died upon the cross, giving his life for significance. Beowulf’s fight with the dragon symbolizes a stand against evil just as God stood against evil and mistreating others. Beowulf knew that failure during the battle would bring destruction to his people after many years of peace. God knew that if he did not die upon the cross for his people and pay the price for our sins, that his people would suffer. Both God and Beowulf were courageous

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