Bullying is a hot-button issue in children’s lives today, as parents, teachers, and counselors alike, attempt to determine the severity of bullying’s repercussions. While tradition dictates that bullying is a harmless childhood reality that has few long-term effects, research indicates that bullying threatens children’s normal developmental processes (Rettew & Pawlowski, 2016). In order to assist and counsel participants of bullying, counselors should understand that bullying effects children negatively, for the short and long-term, emotionally, psychologically and physically.
Bullying has been recognized as a risk factor in improvement and personal growth of children and adulthood. It is a form of hostile conduct in which an individual engages to cause another individual harm or distress (Kirves, & Sajaniemi, 2012).. Therefore, it is vital to be able to detect signs of bullying in order to stop further consequences, such as self-harm, and suicide. Children who have experienced bullying become hopeless, anxious, have low self-efficacy, and have recurrent negative thoughts (Kirves, & Sajaniemi, 2012). Research in bullying has also concluded that children who bully other children are more prone to become anti-social and engage in criminal activity (Kirves, & Sajaniemi, 2012).
Some people may even say that bullying can often be seen as a good thing in a child’s development and not just as a gateway to self-harm. The act of bullying, despite leading towards many negative repercussions, can introduce children to rather early, but harsh, lessons that not everybody in life is going to treat them as nice as they think. David Derbyshire’s article, “Why it’s not bad to be bullied,” states that that the mutual detestation of two individuals can actually help students in developing things such as healthy social and emotional skills, as well as sometimes having an even bigger impact on their development towards making friendships.”(Derbyshire, “Why it’s not bad to be bullied”). Even though the study did not suggest that it was healthy to be the victim of bullying, it also found that negative experiences, such as bullying, could teach children about conflict
Bullying affects children and teenagers because it can lead to low self esteem, isolation, depression, and even self-harm or worse, suicide. There are many websites that are not conclusive because they contain anecdotes without statistical evidence or case studies and research. “Bullying Is a 'Serious Public Health Problem,' Experts Say” by Ashley Strickland’s audience ranges from parents to teenagers. Strickland provides credible information on bullying because she includes essential content, statistical evidence, and solutions, which makes this article as an important and valuable source to use for a cause-and-effect essay.
Many people believe bullying is a part of growing up. Some believe every kid will experience bullying at one point or another in life. The time is not taken to think about how it might affect an individual in the future. Bullying shows to affect people’s mental and physical health overtime. When someone is bullied overtime it would have a larger impact on their later life. Bullying can deteriorate both an individual’s mental and physical health in a alarming way. The community should help to learn and provide information on identifying bullying and the affects of bullying. Bullying is extremely toxic to an individual, it may later negatively affect physical formation and function of the brain and how an individual may deal with stress. As a society this topic needs to be more discussed.
Bullying is defined as the prolonged malicious act of harming peers by abusing their own--or an existing imbalance of--power, and has become one of the most common sources of trauma among adolescents. One report shows that one of three children were victims of bullying during some point in their life, and that 10-14% of all adolescents were victims of chronic bullying for at least six months prior to conducting the survey. Children who were victims of bullying are also found to be at a higher risk of diagnoses for anxiety disorders and depression during young and middle adulthood. These victims are reported to be more likely to have lower levels of general/physical health and lower educational acquirements than young and middle aged adults who were not bullied (Wolke & Lereya, 2015). Because bullying is such a prominent problem, citizens, policymakers, and social scientists alike, should feel or have some social and moral obligation to address, and hopefully avert bullying.
Bullying has engrained in American society since the country’s founding. Bred from a capitalistic economy and competitive social hierarchy, bullying has remained a relevant issue through the years. School age children are learning skills and lessons from their teachers as well as through peer interactions. Although schools are great tools that children benefit from, there are some bad experiences, such as bullying, that may negatively affect and remain with these children for the rest of their lives. Some
For many years, bullying has been a major problem in many schools. Bullying is associated with serious health concerns, whether a child is the bully or the victim. Kids who are victims of bullying usually have lasting effects on their physical and mental health. This literature review describes the effects of bullying approaching the following topics:
School bullying and bullying as a whole has become a growing concern. The need for more intervention is more recognized, as incidents of bullying and inappropriate acts towards others occur in places outside of the classroom. This literature takes a closer look at bullying in schools. Olwesus (2013) states “the field of bullying research is to some extent plagued by problems, disagreements, and unresolved issues” (p.752). Whether if anyone will agree on the root of bullying, the fact remains that bullying has to be examined at its very core to remedy the matter before it becomes a bigger concern. There is a dire need for intervention based programs to be set in place to address the fact the act of bullying has lasting effects on the bully and the victim. When intervention programs are put into place to address bullying, the act of bullying decreases due to the gained understanding of the effects.
Bullying is defined as the prolonged malicious act of harming peers by abusing their own--or an existing imbalance of--power, and has become one of the most common sources of trauma among adolescents. One report shows that one of three children were victims of bullying during some point in their life, and that 10-14% of all adolescents were victims of chronic bullying for at least six months prior to participating in the survey. Children who were victims of bullying are also found to be at a higher risk of diagnoses for anxiety disorders and depression during young and middle adulthood. These victims are reported to be more likely to have lower levels of general/physical health, and lower educational acquirements than young and middle-aged adults who were not bullied (Wolke & Lereya, 2015). Because bullying is such a prominent problem, citizens, policymakers, and social scientists alike, should feel or have some social and moral obligation to address, and hopefully avert bullying. The state of bullying, and how it is enacted, is constantly changing and adapting to social frameworks. Because bullies can adapt to social changes and regulations, we, as a society, should be equally adaptive in how we perceive, address, prevent, and punish bullying.
Bullying among school-aged children is regarded as a widespread problem in the United States and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the problem. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES), over one third of students in elementary and middle schools are impacted by bullying (Klein, 2012). Bullying is defined as “unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time” (Klein,2012). Studies show that the consequences of bullying not only include students who are bullied, but the effects extend to those who bully and
As bullying continues to rise amongst children of all ages, it is absolutely crucial to not only find out what implications being victimized have on a child, but also find possible ways to eliminate the negative outcomes they endure. Current research has already gathered an abundance of information surrounding the effects bullying has on its victims. One area of current focus on bullying and victimization is the health effects. Serious negative mental, emotional and physical health outcomes have been discovered. Now based on this information, researchers need to push forward and try to find ways to decrease the negative outcomes not simply look at what the effects of bullying are.
Bullying has always been recognized as a normal part of growing up; therefore, most people in the past have not given bullying much thought. Bullying is often thought as “kids being kids” or a “rite of passage,” but it is much more of a problem than just being a kid (Maughan 2). According to the U.S. Deparment of Education, over 13 million students are bullied each year, and over 160,000 students avoid going to school because they are bullied (Maughan 1). Students who feel so threatened by bullying that they do not want to go to school demonstrates just how much bullying can change a child’s life. Bullying is a serious problem, and a child’s life could be dramatically changed by being terrorized at school. (Maughan, 1-2)
Bullying is an undesirable form of aggression that is mostly seen in kids of school ages in which one of the parties is less powerful. The aggressive behavior is normally repeated over a period of time. It has the power to have devastating, lasting problems. The purpose of this article is to provide a coherent analysis of the most recent research on bullying and to address the issues that still exist even when school-based programs have been implemented in schools since the 1980s.
The Effects of Bullying on a Child Every day in our schools, children are threatened, teased, taunted, and tormented by bullies. At any given time, about 25 percent of U.S. students are the victims of bullies and about 20 percent are engaged in bullying behavior (Education World, 2000). The National Association of School Psychologists estimates that 160,000 children stay home from school every day because they are afraid of being bullied (Education World, 2000). Bullying is characterized by three criteria(NCPTB, 2003): It is aggressive behavior or the intent to harm,
* 28% of children bullied in schools are 12 to 18 years old (Boske, & Osanloo, 2015). - There is an urgency to better understand the immediate and long-term impact bullying may have on children’s development because incidents may go unreported and the impact of bullying is often unidentifiable or invisible. The concern lies knowing most children spend at least 30 hours a week in school (Boske, & Osanloo, 2015).