
How Does Capital Punishment Affect Murder Rates In The United States

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Capital punishment does have an effect on murder rates in the United States. Capital punishment is defined as a sentence of death that is recommended as a consequence for an individual who commits a serious crime, such as murder. According to the Death Penalty Information Center (2016) the analysis indicated that throughout the different states there is no major difference within the percentages of states that shows an increase of crimes as it relates to capital punishment. Georgia is a state that does condone capital punishment and in 2010 there were five hundred and fifty eight murders reported. In contrary, Michigan is a state that does not condone capital punishment and in 2010 there were five hundred and sixty seven murders reported. Therefore, after reviewing percentages, there are no indications that suggest capital punishment deters crime. Furthermore, the results …show more content…

The first type is virtual examination of death rates in support of states that vary in provisions for capital punishment. Another type is longitudinal examinations which gathers the before and after one the eradication or the restoration of capital punishment. The last type is longitudinal assessment of murder rates directly after the preceding and closely following the publicity of the implementations. The furthermost common method of analyzing the deterrent result of capital punishment has been compared with murder rates of the protestor and supporter states. During this finding the murder rates are found to be in the greater in states that are in support of capital punishment than the ones that are not. With these investigations, it discloses that states that do not support capital punishment has not came across any increase in murder rate in there state (Bailey,

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