
How Does Charlotte Gray Create Sympathy For Animals In This In Refugee Blue

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In 1939 September WW2 began with Germany invading Poland, then later the declarations of war on Germany by United Kingdom and France. The war brought terrors to Germany as Jews were out casted and treated inferior like animals! The Refugee Blue is a poem written by W.H. Auden, as it denotes the conditions experienced by a Jewish Couple as they rights were very inadequate. During the time when Hitler was in command he formed his racial Rampage, it was almost certain most people will be seeking for refuge; when the war begun most countries became hesitated to allow in refugees. As well as this a novel written by Charlotte Gray called ‘The Last Night’ which also resembles WW2 but it indicates a different repulsive catastrophe of the war; This …show more content…

This quotation illustrates how they had their rights and ethics when they belonged to a county uninhibited. This is because of Nazi occupation. As well as this the collective use of the pronoun ‘we’ denotes that once they had an identity and a place, this makes the reader feel sympathy for the couple as they are neglected. In addition to this, the author shows how out-casted the couple feel. This can be seen in the following quotation, ‘We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now’. This quotation how abandoned they are even though they belong to the to a country they once called home and the country still exists, but they have no place to go to. The repetition of the word ‘dear’ reminds the reader that the refugees have loved ones and families to protect, this make the poem …show more content…

‘Jacobs limbs were intertwined with his for warmth’. This indicates how the children suffered throughout the night as they had no blankets, just Andre keeping his little brother warm with his body. This relates to refugee blues as the voice quoted, ‘saw a poodle in a jacket fastened with a pin’. This shows the contrast between the couple and the animals as the poodle is cared for, unlike the couple. In the last night the children didn’t receive a blanket meaning they’re more inferior then an animal as well as the couple in the refugee

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