
How Does DNA Affect The Human Body

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DNA is the part in all human’s bodies that make people who they are. Every one in the world has their own DNA unless that person has an identical twin. DNA is working in every persons’ body each day. This research paper will explore how DNA affects everyone’s life. What DNA is, the structure of all DNA molecules, some interesting facts about DNA, and what a gene is will be addressed in this document. Many people wonder what make each person special. Well, that question is answered with the definition of a DNA molecule. In the nucleus of each cell are instructions that tell information essential to survival. These instructions are in the form of something important to every human: a DNA molecule. DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. This molecule is present in almost all living beings. DNA transfers genetic information. A DNA molecule is an amazing part of peoples’ bodies. All molecules have a specific structure.
What does a DNA molecule look like and how is it designed? Every DNA molecule looks like a curved ladder shape called a double helix. The double helix is built …show more content…

Many people are surprised to learn that if someone laid about 5,000 strands of DNA side by side, it would equal the width of only one human hair. DNA is extremely miniscule. Also, most cases of Down Syndrome result from just one extra copy of a cell called trisomy 21. A third detail is the fact that every day, billions of brand-new cells are formed each and every day. To compose a new cell, it must copy all of the genetic information, also called hereditary material, that is contained within its nucleus. Normally, this copying process would take 95 years for only one cell, but our body uses special components in our cells to speed up this action. With these components, our body can form a new cell in only six to eight hours. DNA certainly has a lot of influence on peoples’ lives, but genes play a part in it

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