
How Does Daisy Use Power In The Great Gatsby

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In Fitzgerald’s most profound novel, The Great Gatsby. The overall theme is how money and power are the root of all evil. Fitzgerald creativity uses all the characters in The Great Gatsby to illustrate how society can influence ones actions especially within the time period the novel takes place in. He stresses Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship and how the choices they make can effect society and the people around them. A main example is how Daisy’s decision effects her fate in the novel, such as when she received a letter of hope from Gatsby on her wedding day, she had a choice to change her entire life, yet she ended up choosing money over true love. However she isn’t ultimately to blame for this decision as the idea of money yielding happiness is the driving force between Gatsby and all the other characters in Fitzgerald’s novel, which serves as a mirror for society during the roaring twenties. The movement of society is what people abide by in order to fit in and is the force between what …show more content…

On the day of her wedding, she received a letter from Gatsby confessing his love for her. Although she knew Gatsby was the man of her dreams, she ended up choosing Tom who had money and power over true love. This decision haunted her throughout her life because she knew Tom was not a loyal husband as he cheated on her multiple times, however Daisy just didn’t have the courage and independency to stand up for herself and make the right choice. Daisy says “I hope she’ll be a fool—that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Gatsby 19). Due to having this mentality, it shows her dependency on men and how she believes that being beautiful is most important for women. Having this personally trait and the drive for wealth, resulted in harming loved ones around her and was the main reason towards the actions that led to the downfall of the novel and Gatsby’s

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