Depression Article 1: Depression Among Women of Reproductive Age Depression can affect women of all ages. Depression can come with a wide range of symptoms, and it can lead to serious consequences. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention lists some of the symptoms of depression “A low or sad mood, loss of interest in fun activities, changes in eating, sleep, and energy, problems in thinking, concentrating, and making decisions, feelings of worthlessness, shame, or guilt, thoughts that life is not worth living” (2015). These symptoms can have a wide range of effects on a woman that is of reproductive age. Many times the depression can present itself as postpartum depression. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention defines postpartum …show more content…
The site goes on to list some of the reasons that women have depression “are genes, brain chemistry and changing hormones, postpartum depression, and stress” (n.d.). The National Institute of Mental Health recognizes that there is a genetic link between women and depression and that there is other factors such as stress from daily life and depression that can come from giving birth. There is different types of depression and it can come in different stages of life. According to the National Institute of Mental Health “More women than men get depression” (n.d.). A woman that is on medication for depression should keep in contact with her doctor, and consult with them if they are trying to get pregnant, or if they are already pregnant. The National Institute of Mental Health has a comprehensive list of phone numbers and websites to visit in order to start the journey of receiving help for depression. The National Institute of Mental Health also lists different therapies and medications that can help treat women who have depression. The medicine for depression can have side-effects, so keeping in contact with the doctor is essential. The National Institute of Mental Health also has a section on how you can help a loved one whom you believe to suffer from depression. The article also goes on to state how one can help themselves when they recognize that they suffer from depression,
Mayella is not very powerful in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. She is the lowest of the low in her class. She is a female that doesn't get any respect from anyone in her community, including her father. Only in one way is Mayella powerful, she is white going against an African -American in her court case. Mayella has a very small amount of power in the book, only in the fact that she is a white person against an African -American in her court case against Tom Robinson.
Postpartum depression, which is the most prevalent of all maternal depressive disorders, is said to be the hidden epidemic of the 21st century. (1) Despite its high prevalence rate of 10-15% and increased incidence, postpartum depression often goes undetected, and thus untreated. (2) Nearly 50% of postpartum depression cases are untreated. As a result, these cases are put at a high risk of being exposed to the severe and progressive nature of their depressive disorder. (3) In other words, the health conditions of untreated postpartum depression cases worsen and progress to one of their utmost stages, and they are: postpartum obsessive compulsive disorder, postpartum panic disorder, postpartum post traumatic stress, and postpartum psychosis.
Depression is the most common mental health disorder; it affects over 17 million American adults each year. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by at least four symptoms such as changes in sleep, appetite, weight, and psychomotor activity; decreased energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt; difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions; or recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation, thoughts or attempts. “Women are approximately two times more likely than men to suffer from major depression” (Research Agenda for Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors in Women’s Health, 1996) and it has been called the most significant mental health risk for women. Women are more likely to suffer from depression during marriage
According to the North Carolina Clinic, they have a research program to understand why women go through depression during pregnancy, and after childbirth. The research program
Mothers who have brought into this world a blessing have been preparing themselves for a big change in their life. They have been learning and educating themselves about how to be a good mother. Many mothers find it really hard to transition from being an independent woman without children to becoming a mother (Corrigan, Kwasky, & Groh, 2015). Adapting to motherhood can be a drastic change, and usually creates challenges that lead to feeling overwhelmed (Leger & Letourneau, 2015). When a newly mother begins experiencing stress or becomes emotional then there can be a possibility that they can encounter Postpartum Depression (Leger et al., 2015). Postpartum depression can be seen and experienced in many different ways, it all varies on every mother (Corrigan et al., 2015). Many different mental health issues can be seen including baby blues, postpartum depression, postpartum obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the most serious, postpartum psychosis (Tam & Leslie, 2001).
Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that causes extreme sadness, anxiety and exhaustion. The main cause of postpartum depression is believed to arise from the drastic change of hormones in the mother's body. After giving birth the production of estrogen and progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, is quickly stopped. The drop of progesterone can lead to chemical changes in the brain that may cause mood swings. Another cause of postpartum depression is the inadequate amount of sleep the mother gets. Sleep is essential for everyone but especially a mother that just gave birth. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, “Constant sleep deprivation can lead to physical discomfort and exhaustion…” (National Institute of Mental Health
Mental health has become an important factor in a persons well-being and is recognized as having the same importance as physical health. The mental health of a person can determine how they act in society. Their mood and behavior can be severely affected in ways that family or friends don’t understand. A mood disorder that has a significant affect on family members is called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is a mood disorder that occurs in women who have given birth a few weeks prior. This mood disorder is diagnosed after two months or even longer, new mother can be continuously sad throughout the day and feel as though not having a connection with their baby. Doctors are not able to know which mother will have postpartum depression
Postpartum psychiatric disorders, particularly depression, has become the most underdiagnosed complication in the United States. It can lead to increased costs of medical care, inappropriate medical care, child abuse and neglect, discontinuation of breastfeeding, and family dysfunction and adversely affects early brain development (Earls, 2010). Over 400,000 infants are born to mothers that are depressed. One of 7 new mothers (14.5%) experience depressive episodes that impair maternal role function. An episode of major or minor depression that occurs during pregnancy or the first 12 months after birth is called perinatal or postpartum depression (Wisner, Chambers & Sit, 2006). Mothers with postpartum depression experience feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that may make it difficult for them to complete daily care activities for themselves or for others (Postpartum Depression). The six stages of postpartum are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance and PTSD. These stages may affect any women regardless of age, race, ethnicity, or economic status. However only a physician can diagnose a woman with postpartum depression. It does not occur because of something a mother does or does not do, it’s a combination of physical and emotional factors. After childbirth, the levels of hormones in a woman’s body quickly drop; which may lead to chemical changes in her brain (Postpartum Depression). Unbalanced hormones may trigger mood swings.
Almost all women experience some type of depression during pregnancy. Depression is more than just feeling "blue" or "down in the dumps" for a few days. It's a serious illness that involves the brain. Depression makes you feel sad and lonely for a number of days, and could become a serious problem.These feelings can be mild to severe. Depression is the most common problem during pregnancy. Due to the potential birth defects, developmental issues, and negative effects on the health of both mother and child. Hormonal changes cause the depression women experience during pregnancy. The use of antidepressants by pregnant women should be highly restricted in the United States. It can really hurt the child more than
Postpartum depression: What is it, how long does it last, and does it affect children on the long run? Postpartum depression is a depression that affects woman usually during the first months after giving birth. Postpartum depression affects 1 in 5 woman. It can also affect fathers. In most cases, postpartum depression can last many years. There are 3 types of postpartum psychiatric disorders: postpartum blues, postpartum psychosis and postpartum depression. According to Health Facty, there are 10 symptoms of postpartum depression; sadness, mood swings, feeling overwhelmed, crying spells, problems with memory and concentration, change in sleep cycle, altered patterns of eating, loss of libido, social withdrawal, and an enduring sense of
Depression is a major public health problem that is twice as common in women as men during the childbearing years. Postpartum depression is defined as an episode of non-psychotic depression according to standardized diagnostic criteria with onset within 1 year of childbirth (Stewart D., et. al, 2003, p. 4). For women aged 15 to 44 years around the world, Postpartum Depression is second to HIV/AIDS, in terms of total disability (World Health Organization, 2001). Depression has a profound impact on parameters of interpersonal behavior. Post-Partum depression
According to a Mental Health America survey on public attitudes and beliefs about clinical depression and women’s attitude toward depression: More than one-half of women believe it is normal for a woman to be depressed after giving birth ,during menopause and is part of aging. Therefore seeking treatment is not necessary and denial to the fact plays an important role.
A mother who struggles with depression post-partum is likely to expose her baby to more harmful effects. Gerhardt (2015) states that the baby of a depressed mother can find it difficult to cope with or get over stress, or they may be more fearful (p. 21). These babies also may respond to others with depression themselves, as their mother may be neglectful in their care (Gerhardt, 2015, p. 36). One of the reasons for this is because of their cortisol levels, which can fluctuate situationally. However, in infants this can affect their development (Gerhardt, 2015, p. 83) as well as their immune system (Gerhardt, 2015, p. 118), and is evidence that a mother with depression can have a significant impact on her child well beyond when the depression occurs. Additionally, Gerhardt (2015) notes that, “When they grow up, these babies of depressed mothers are highly at risk of succumbing to depression themselves.” (p.
One of the main themes in Greek tragedies is that through suffering there is knowledge to be gained. Greek tragedies focused on popular myths and beliefs, especially in relation to the mythical powers of the gods. The plays read in class show how knowledge is gained through suffering in relation to: the hubris and stubbornness seen by Creon in Antigone, the attempt of trying to change fate seen through Oedipus in Oedipus Rex, and the consequences of disastrous flaws demonstrated by the character Pentheus in the Bacchae.
Some of these are because of the depression and anxiety that women have to go through with the start of their puberty stage (Russo, 2008). Women experience symptoms of psychological discomfort at the time of hormonal change in their body such as prenatal depression. The pregnancy changes the hormones that affect the chemical level in the women’s brain which directly related to depression and anxiety (Russo, 2008). The symptoms can be persistent sadness, difficulty concentration, sleeping too less or too much, change in eating habits and many others. These can be dangerous for both mother and baby (Russo, 2008). The another one is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) which is considered to be the severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Both of these occur most commonly in the days proceeding the second half of women’s menstrual cycle (Russo, 2008). The symptoms of these disorders could be bloating headaches, joint pains, fatigue, panic attacks, irritability, trouble sleeping and many others (Russo, 2008). According to the American college of Obstetricians and gynaecologist estimates that at least 85 percent of menstruating women have at least one PMS symptom as a part of their monthly cycle (Russo, 2008). According to WHO “depressive disorders account for close to 41.9 percent of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders among compared to 29.3 percent of among men”