
How Does Dimmesdale Change In The Scarlet Letter

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In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the main characters is Arthur Dimmesdale, a Puritan minister living in Boston during the seventeenth century. Another main character, Hester Prynne, is the young wife of the aging Roger Chillingworth, a doctor who has recently gone missing. Dimmesdale and Hester commit adultery together and Hester becomes pregnant. Because her husband has been missing, however, the community discoverers her sin and they severely punish Hester. Dimmesdale does not confess to have taken a part in the adultery, and even with the ill treatment she receives, Hester refuses to reveal her partner in crime. Dimmesdale struggles between his guilt and wanting to conceal the sin, and hides the deadly secret from the world for seven years. Over the course of the three scaffold scenes, Dimmesdale changes from cowardly guilt and hypocrisy to desperate guilt and hypocrisy, and finally to repentant hope. In the first scaffold scene Dimmesdale is aware of his guilt and hypocrisy when he questions Hester but is too cowardly to …show more content…

His words to Hester during her public punishment reveal his internal guilt and hypocrisy, and show that he realizes that it will weigh down upon his soul forever. His guilt only increases from that point onwards, and he becomes ill and ever-increasingly guilty despite harsh self inflicted penances and indirect confessions to the community. Finally, when his death his near, Dimmesdale makes decision he should have made years ago, to confess the sin hidden in his heart to the entire town. Due to his health he collapses, and is finally released from his guilt and hypocrisy moments before he dies. Free from his suffering, Dimmesdale dies with hope for God’s mercy and with peace in his

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