Domestic terrorism is inciting fear in a certain people through attacks within a single nation which directly affects its citizens. Throughout American history Domestic terrorism has had a very prominent impact on our citizens and their pursuit of the American Dream. In early American history most of the terror was originated within America from our conflicting values. However, in recent years foreign influences have started to spread and affect America and its citizens through Terrorism. Acts of terrorism in the United States have had and will continue to have direct and indirect deterring effects on its citizens which can create roadblocks in their pursuit of the American Dream.
Often in American history terrorism has gotten the best of us. Terrorism has torn our people apart and caused us to be afraid of going about our lives, therefore succeeding in its purpose. One of those attacks being the event that occurred September 11, 2001 when “terrorists
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At the annual 2013 Boston Marathon ”A pair of homemade bombs detonated” in a crowd of observers which lead to the death of “three people and the injury of 260”(source J). That is 3 people whose dreams were 100% crushed by the bombs, but what about the other 260 people who were injured, the thousands of spectators who witnessed the atrocity, the victims loved ones and the American populace? All of these people were in some way were affected by the events that occurred that day and. As for the American populace they experience more of an indirect effect, as they do with every terrorist attack. They may feel frightened to continue Pursuing their dreams or they may feel that there life is in danger. Either way as Americans no one should have the right to steal their unalienable rights without reason,But terorist do and will continue to unless we find a way to stop
On September 11, 2001, the worst attack on the United States took place from the extremist group called al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda had 19 members hijack four U.S. airplanes and used them to strike various targets on the East Coast. This attack of terrorism killed nearly 3,000 people. Osama Bin Laden took responsibility for being the mastermind behind this attack. Americans were scared and
on September 11, 2001 The American soil was once again attacked, in an act led by terrorism which also directed The United States into war but not a world war, but a war against terrorism.
On September 11, 2001 a normal Tuesday morning an American Airline Boeing 767 plane loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade center in New York City. The impact left a massive burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds of people and trapping hundreds more in in higher floors. As the evacuation of the tower and its twin got underway, television broadcasted live images of what initially appeared to be a freak accident. Then, 18 minutes later after the first plane hit, a second Boeing 767- United Airlines flight 175- appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the world trade center and sliced into the south tower near 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that showered burning debris over surrounding buildings and the streets below. It was evident that America was now under attack; at this point we knew that the U.S had been a target of terrorist. What is a terrorist, some may say that terrorism is the evil acts of a group or individual geared towards another group that has a political motive but also cause fear among a group of people. That is true but would it be a called terrorism, if you
Terrorism was traditionally viewed as a term ascribed to others. Prior to the events of 9/11, it was applied to foreign conflicts that were read about and briefly covered by media outlets, thus viewed as an abstract concept and someone else’s problem. Some would argue that the events of 9/11 was the fourth act of terroristic activities on American soil. The first was perpetrated on Native Americans, second would be the horrors and hells of the North American slave trade and third is lynching.
September 11th, 2001 marked the beginning of the war against terrorism. On that fateful day, thousands of Americans were killed in an attack instigated by the Al Qaeda terrorists. The aftermath of 9/11 was a time
In today’s society domestic terrorism is one of the biggest threats to the United States. Some of these recent terrorist attacks include. Domestic Terrorism is when U.S. citizens carry out terrorist acts against other U.S. residents or groups.Many people think that the biggest threat of terrorism to the U.S. is from a foreign country, when in fact, the bigger threat is closer to home. Domestic terrorism is becoming a bigger threat to the U.S. than international terrorism and we need to find a way to prevent these attacks.
September 11, 2001 was a day that everyone who was old enough to remember will remember for the rest of their lives. I was in the fourth grade when the World Trade Centers were crashed into. I remember our principal coming on the intercom and saying that we were not allowed to turn our televisions on. I did not understand the magnitude of the situation until I got home and my parents explained it to me. I remember that every plane I saw over my head scared me and I was afraid that a plane was going to be crashed into my home or school. The general population reaction to the attack was that of hysteria and worry. People were afraid of flying. People also feared that this was only the precursor to an even bigger attack that was being planned on the United States. The public wanted someone to blame for the incident and they wanted to know why the government had not prevented the attack if they had been given intelligence that an attack might happen. The years leading up to this terrible day in history were full of tough decisions. No one can say that the government was not interested in terrorism at all. They had small departments in the FBI and CIA that looked at and interpreted terrorism related intelligence. The decisions the government had to make changed the United States forever. There was not one factor that defined how the government dealt with terrorism collectively. The government had to take into account not only the actions to take against
Today, domestic terrorism is one of the major threats to the national security of the US. Since 9/11, the US intelligence services and law enforcement agencies viewed international terrorism as the major threat to the public security of the US but the threat of domestic terrorism has been underestimated. At any rate, American law enforcement agencies conduct active campaigns to prevent international terrorism but domestic terrorism become a serious threat to the national security of the US. In such a way, the US needs to develop effective strategies to prevent the rise of domestic terrorism. Otherwise, the US may face a threat of the consistent growth of domestic terrorism as do some European countries, such as the UK, for instance. Therefore, law enforcement agencies should focus their attention on the prevention of domestic terrorism because, even though domestic terrorism is unseen, it may be even more dangerous than international terrorism. Domestic terrorists undermine the country from within, while international terrorists attack the US from the outside and the US can raise barriers to protect Americans from the foreign threat, while domestic terrorism needs effective work of law enforcement agencies nationwide. Therefore, domestic terrorism is a serious threat to the national security of the US and American law enforcement agencies along legislators and the public have to unite their efforts in the struggle against domestic terrorism.
On September 11, 2001 Muslim terrorists instilled with a hatred of the west attacked the United States in a brutal fashion. Planes were hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center in New York. Over three thousand people were killed and the impregnable nation known as America was know scared and vulnerable. Almost immediately the legislature began drafting an act that would make the war on terror and the fight for homeland security a little easier to fight, this would come to be known as the Patriot Act
On September 11, 2001, the Unites States suffered massive destruction caused by terrorism. Four planes were hijacked by terrorist. Nearly, three thousand lives were lost when two planes crashed into the World Trade Towers, one crashed into the Pentagon, and the final plane crashed in Pennsylvania before it could reach its final destination. An immense fear spread across the country and out of this fear came the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct the Terrorism, also known as the USA Patriot Act.
On September 11, 2001 terrorists apprehended 4 airplanes and committed the most heinous act in American history. They flew two planes into the world trade center, one into the Pentagon, and one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania crash killing more than three thousand American citizens. Since 9 /11many things have changed in America in relation to our national security.
The idea of terrorism is to incite terror of a government by intimidation or coercion. For example, the Weathermen, they used bombs to blow up symbols of the United States to instill terror into the government, to get Americans out of Vietnam War. However, the jihadist of al Qaeda crashed two planes into the World Trade Center to provoke fear into the US by showing weakness in our private transportation system and changing the lives of Americans. Nevertheless, the terror act of 9/11 has people preparing for more international terrorist attacks, but in the last 16 years the only terrorist attacks in the US have been domestic terrorism. This fear of international terrorism was a hot topic during the 2016 Presidential Election, where one party wanted to ban a religious group of people from entering the US. “Yet, domestic terror attacks are by far more many than international ones: in our data set, only about 14% of the almost 82,000 terror incidents were international terror events” (Liebert, Kokakos, & Schulze, 2011, p. 1). This shows that citizens do not know the different between international terrorism and domestic terrorism, because if they did, there would more focus on domestic terrorism even though terrorism is so rare compared to other crimes (Newman & Clark, 2008). I am going to discuss the difference between international terrorism and domestic terrorism.
I do believe that domestic terrorism is still a treat within the United States because of the current violence against civilian population like black lives matter, the KKK or those that randomly attack our police officers. There attentions are to intimidate the everyday law bidding citizens in an attempt to their way of thinking our beliefs. “Homegrown terrorists are produced a number of ways. The first involves individuals who become radicalized by personal experiences. The second might involve a similar pat to radicalization, but it also involves some type of foreign connections.” (White 2014 p. 323) These are the ones that may have parents or other family members from another country and attempt to attack U.S. citizens. I believe that
National terrorism has been the focus of attention since September 11. But now domestic terrorism is becoming increasingly common among hate groups across the nation. Domestic terrorism can be defined as visible crime, or “street crime.” These acts would consist of violent crimes, (acts against people in which injury or death results) property crimes (acts that threaten property held by individuals or the state) and public order crimes. (acts that threaten the general well-being of society and challenger accepted moral principles) It can also however be described as political crime, (criminal acts by or against the government for ideological purposes) which would include the 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing.
Purpose: To inform readers of the effects the recent terrorist attacks have on society today.