"We used to know pretty much that, in most business or professional environments, you wear a suit’’ (Lindsey Pollak). Some people think that their dress code has an effect on their work. For some people that is the case, but for others it has no effect on their work. Everyone has there opinion, but their dress attire has nothing to do with their work ethic. People wear clothes to work every day and go through the day without worrying if there clothes make them a stronger or weaker employee. They go to work thinking what they have today, whats going on, do they have any meetings, any projects or papers due. Everyone goes to there job because they’re there for what they were hired for not their clothing which they choose to wear. People
Relevant legislations that have an impact on this issue are the labour code of Canada. In the code it states that ‘the employer is responsible for making decisions about dress codes, uniforms, and other clothing requirements’ (Government of Ontario, Ministry of Labour). Although an employer is responsible for making the decisions about dress codes, it can not violate a collective agreement within the workplace, Ontario Human Rights Code, or the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Government of Ontario, Ministry of Labour). This means that what dress code the employer sets it must follow the codes in the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health and safety Act states. Comparing this law set in the Ontario Ministry of Labour to the
Kaepernick’s stunt has managed to influence other people to kneel during the National Anthem as well. Influential enough to become a trending topic even among the people in the White House. The main reason people kneeled according to Steve Wyche, an NFL Media Reporter, was “wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States”. African Americans were subject to many unjust cruelties such as the Jim Crow laws, lynching, and discrimination. It all started in the 1600s, when the government managed to implement a special racial feeling that would later grow into the legal term racism. The government used that to turn the poor whites and blacks against each other. Before this, the poor whites and blacks lived in peace because
It has been proven through research that certain outcomes, such as rape or a promotion at work, happen because of what a person chooses to wear that day. No matter how much someone says that what a person
There are instances when employees represent the company where following dress code is not as important. If one is trying to impress someone at dinner, one would feel comfortable in more casual attire and therefore make a good impression not only of themselves but of the company.
There is strong controversy regarding whether casual wear should be allowed in the workplace. The disagreement between the two articles read, “Dressing for Creativity” and “The Myth of Casual Friday,” questions if attire can affect one's productivity or if it is a form to inspire one's confidence and talent. Although both articles have different points of views, I believe that one’s attitude towards work goes far beyond attire and more into one’s own personal moral code and values.
If a woman is wearing scandalous clothing, is it considered their fault for experiencing sexual assault or distracting their peers in class? Girls and women all over the world are blamed because of their choice of clothing or style. The school system considers it a distraction to boys for girls to be wearing clothing that does not meet their strict standards. Dress codes and sexual assault both victimize and prejudice girls because of what they choose to be comfortable in. Sexual assault is considered the biggest threat to society because of all the negative changes it causes in women.
If you were whatever you want people will judge you and think that you are not professional, unlike if you were wearing more formal clothes. Which means, ”Dress codes promote professionalism
Educators suggest that dress codes teach students what is acceptable in the workforce. However, some employees care less about how their employees dress and more about their work ethic. Students should learn to dress appropriately based on context, dress codes do not express that. Instead, dress codes teach students that “conformity and obedience to authority is more important.”
When it comes to dress code, every individual has a different viewpoint for its implementation. There are clothes that could be fashionable to one person but seen as offensive to another. A dress code can be justifiable when put into a situation that really does require certain attire to be worn. It gives a sense of formality and distinguishes an individual apart from a group. This report seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of school dress codes with that of dress codes in the workplace.
There's no need to go to extremes with a full-piece suit, or on the other side of the spectrum, track pants and sneakers. There is a happy medium where dress pants, button-down shirts, sweaters, and sports jackets rule and serve to make you look like you mean business.
What would I change in the dress code? Well I go to a middle school wear their strict on dress code I have nothing to wear anymore because of the dress code! If I could the dress code I would change the shorts and ripped jeans because not everything can be dress coded I get it that it shows our “thighs” but not everything does that’s why I wanna change it because not everything shows a lot. I wanna be be able to wear shorts to school and ripped jeans without getting in trouble so with ripped jeans we could wear spandex under them and not get in trouble for showing our legs or thighs. The shorts are gonna be short because their shorts I get that but some shorts aren’t we could do the same thing like we do with the ripped jeans wear spandex under it and if they ask just pull the spandex down and try to keep them down so it won’t show anything
In some workplaces, employers insisted that high heels are part of proper “female grooming”. However, high heels will bring hurt for the woman who wears them for a long time. A temp worker named Nicola Thorp can not stand this kind of unfair behavior of woman's dress, and she wrote a petition to hope U.K. Government to change “dress code laws”. The petition says, “Current formal work dress codes are out-dated and sexist.”
At a workplace, it is strongly believed that employees should have a dress code. This dress code gives the company professionalism, it helps avoid injuries, customer support can easily be given, and employees may interpret a dress code as a perk for being an employee at the workplace. All workplaces should have a dress code.
On the other side of the coin, some people do not care about fashion, and while this is fine, does not necessarily serve the person well. People are often judged by their lack of fashion sense. Even though people may not judge others by bad fashion sense on the surface, the issue does come up in the matters of job promotions and future success. If a person does not dress and carry themselves well, it shows a lack of pride in themselves, which may portray that a person does not care about other things as
Business attire in the workforce builds a person confidents, and gives them a sense of belonging. By dressing the part of business attire it affects an individual physically and psychologically, the scientific term behind this is called Enclothed Cognition. Enclothed Cognition is a scientific term stem from Embodied Cognition. This is scientific evidence that proves business attire wore by an individual has influential effects on them physically and psychologically. The clothes people wear can have a dramatic effect on their work productivity in the office. According to chair of psychology professor Richard Petty, “ What we know from psychology is that what you wear, can effect what you think”. As I mention earlier first impression have a convincing influence on how a person is proceed in any form of interaction. Business attire as mentioned before influences the