Eddie is an old war veteran who works as a maintenance man at Ruby Pier, a seaside amusement park. On his birthday, Eddie goes through his everyday routine, checking up on the rides and day dreaming about his late wife Marguerite until he dies trying to save a little girl from a falling ride cart. The last thing Eddie remembers before going to Heaven is small hands in his hands. When Eddie wakes he finds himself back in Ruby Peir. The only difference is that he feels like a child again. While running around the pier, Eddie meets The Blue Man. The Blue Man tells Eddie about his life as a carnival attraction and how he dies. He learns that he accidentally killed the Blue Man when he was a child by running in front of his car. Eddie has to go …show more content…
He sees a diner in the distance and runs to it. Eddie sees his father, who was very cold to Eddie and ruined his childhood. He screams and tried to get his Father's attention but fails. When he is about to cry a woman tells him that she is his third person and therefore Eddie cannot talk to his father. We then see a snip of one of Eddie's birthdays. He is in the hospital recovering from his broken knee. His Mother, Marguerite, Mickey Shea, a family friend, and Eddie's Father come in with a big cake. Everyone sings for him except his Father, who glances away and doesn't say a word. The readers learn a bit more about Eddie's past when their relationship is described in further detail. Eddie's Father never let him get to close and always pushed him away. When Eddie got older, his Father beat him and made him embarrassed. One night, Eddie's father, drunk, tired to punch Eddie. For the first time in his life, Eddie protects himself. His Father is outraged and never speaks to him again. Back in the mountain, Eddie meets a woman called Ruby, who's husband built Ruby Pier. Ruby tells Eddie about the great sadness Ruby Pier brought to her. The place burned down and caused her husband to go bankrupt. Ruby tells Eddie not to hate his Father and shows him the truth about his death. Eddie sees Mickey Shea, drunk and angry in his house. Eddie's mother brings him a glass of water and goes to her room. It is here that Mickey Shea assaults and tries to rape Eddie's mother. Before he can do anything, Eddie's Father steps in. Eddie's Father and Mickey fight all the way down to the Pier where Eddie's Father gets sick trying to save Mickey from drowning. Eddie is furious and questions why his Father would save a traitor. Ruby explains that forgiveness is more important than anything. Eddie learns that on the night of his death, his Father tried to climb out the hospital window shouting for Eddie and his
It is Eddie’s fifth birthday, and an Irish man, called Mickey Shea joyfully picks Eddie up by his feet and shakes him out once for each year he has completed, while the other adult men laugh and cheer. Firstly, “Eddie is wearing his birthday gift, a red cowboy hat and a toy holster. He gets up and runs from one group to the next, pulling out the toy gun and going, ‘Bang, bang!’ ‘C’mere boy’ Mickey Shea beckons from a bench. ‘Bang, bang,’ goes Eddie. MIckey Shea works with Eddie’s dad, fixing the rides. He is fat and wears suspenders and is always singing Irish songs. To Eddie, he smells funny, like cough medicine” (Albom 23). This is the beginning part of one of the flashbacks that talks about Eddie’s birthday, where the writer introduce Mickey
Once everyone left Eddie started approaching a lady that was going into her car. He just went for it. He tried to yank the purse out of her hand. He pushed her down just so that he could get the purse. He began to run toward the mall.
His father on the other hand came from a gang background, and his goal as a father was to have his children learn how to rely on themselves. He did not want his children to live off of his money. Eddie is a mix of his mom’s personality with his dad’s values and character.
Mickey Shea - Mickey was essential to move the plot along because Mickey helped Eddie’s family out. Without Mickey, Eddie’s family probably would have been different since Mickey got Eddie’s dad a job so they can earn more money. In the book it says, “He had chased … mouth to feed.” (Albom 137) This means that when Eddie’s father and Mickey got into a fight, Eddie’s father couldn’t kill Mickey because Mickey had helped out with the family. Mickey gave Eddie’s family a better life, but when he and Eddie’s father got into a fight, Eddie’s father couldn’t afford to kill Mickey after everything he’s done for the family.
Throughout the novel, Eddie also can be exemplified as a sympathetic character. sympathetic characters are when readers feel sympathy for throughout a story. The reader can feel empathy for Eddie, when the author describes the pain of Eddie’s gunshot wound. The pain was described to be unbearable and the description of the event of the gunshot pains a morbid picture in the reader’s mind. During Eddie’s time as a soldier in World War II, any reader can feel an astonishing amount of sympathy for Eddie. During, Eddie’s time as a soldier, he experienced, “A piercing pain ripped through Eddie's leg. He screamed a long, hard curse then crumbled to the ground. Blood was spewing below his knee. Plane engines roared. The skies lit in bluish flashes. He lay there, bleeding and burning, his eyes shut against the searing heat, and for the first time in his life, he felt ready to die,” (Albom 84). The reader can comprehend Eddies suffering and pain. Eddie was on the ground, in a war zone hurt and slowly dying. Readers can feel a lot of sympathy for when Eddie wanted to let go of the world and die. Before Eddie’s death, he ran under a falling amusement park ride to save a little girl, Eddie
It is the story of a man named Eddie who for almost his whole life was the maintenance man at an amusement park called Ruby Pier. The story starts with the end of
He also felt very cal very calm. He meets this guy named the Blue moon who works at Ruby pier slideshow. During the conversation Eddie find out that he is dead and he has gone to heaven.
Eddie learned a lot about his life in heaven. He learned from Captain about sacrifice. At a young age Eddie joined the army and fought for the rights and freedom of his country and would sacrifice his life to do so. During the end of his career in the military Eddy was on a mission to burn down some huts. The orders were followed and as he was watching the last hut burn he saw a shadow dart across the door that entered the hut. He sat there and heard bomber planes getting closer and closer to his location but he kept seeing the shadow dart all over the hut. He told his captain that there was someone in the hut and insisted on going in there and saving who was ever in there as he went to run in the hut his caption shot him in the leg and saved him from the fire and the bomber
The Blue man told Eddie that he caused the Blue man’s death when he was a child. The Blue man told Eddie “that there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.” (Pg48) Ruby is the third person Eddie meets in heaven. She told Eddie that his dad called out his wife’s and two sons names before he died. She taught Eddie about forgiveness. The Captain was the second person Eddie met in heaven. He was Eddie’s Captain in the war and died trying to save Eddie’s life. Tala was the fifth person Eddie met in heaven. She is the girl that Eddie killed when he burned down a village escaping captivity during the war. She made Eddie accept that his life did have meaning to a lot of people. Amy or Annie is the girl Eddie saved from the falling park ride. Mr. Nathanson was the superintendent of the building Eddie’s parents lived in.
He returns to the drood manor only to find that the armorer had died from a massive heart attack, but yet his corpse was not present. He then obtains his next assignment in paris directly from the matriarch. He needs to break up a conflict between the elves, Their intense knowledge of magic makes them a threat if they begin to war. He breaks up the fight between the faction rulers Queen Mab and King Oberon. He threatens that if they don’t stop they will have to deal with the whole Drood family. Upon leaving Paris he encounters a tall man in a brown trench coat. He say to Eddie that he would regret his decision to threaten the elves. Eddie thinks nothing of it and moves
Eddie’s mother gives him another way to spend his money.
He is in a place that looks very familiar. He sees kids having fun on rides he see a very familiar person he realizes that it is his dad working on the train carts he.Eddie has a puzzled but satisfied look on his face he start to remember all the thing that his dad did to him when he younger and how his mom got beaten by his dad and the night the Mickey was trying to get his job back.
This character was a part of the “freak show” for Ruby Pier during his lifetime, where Eddie grew up and worked as an adult. Growing up, Joseph suffered from anxiety problems that stemmed from his father’s aggressive and demanding behavior. Doctors prescribed him silver nitrate to calm his nerves but when he continually increased the dosage, his skin began to turn blue. Not being able to find a job or fit into society, The Blue Man came to Ruby Pier, the only place he felt he could lead a normal life. Eddie, then a small child, ran in front of Joseph’s car one day in an attempt to catch a ball. Joseph slams on the breaks but the sudden excitement was too much for his already frail heart and he died from a heart attack. This incident showed Eddie how much of a significant impact his actions had on the people around him, even if he didn’t realize
In Act One, tension is commenced after Catherine and Rodolpho go out on a sentimental date to a show at the Paramount. Eddie is presented as a fatherly-like character up to this point, the audience thinks of him as an ordinary,
“Strangers... are just family you have yet to come to know” (Albom 49). This event relates to the time when Nicky, a teenage boy, visits Ruby Pier and accidentally loses his car key on one of the rides called “Freddy's Free Fall”. It is that same key that falls into the gears and causes the ride to break. That action sets off the series of events that leads to Eddie's death. Nicky and Eddie didn't even know each other yet Nicky changed Eddies life, forever. Numerous people, including The captain affected Eddie. One moment was when the Captain shot Eddie in the leg. He proceeds with this action because he believes it is the only way he can get Eddie to leave with them. This happened for a reason, so Eddie would go home and resume his life at the Pier. Even though his injury ended many experiences like running, dancing, and his dreams of becoming an engineer at least he didn't lose his life and was therefore able to touch the lives of others. We are all connected to each other in some way, even if it means simply sharing space on this