
How Does Ernes Use Stage Directions In The Importance Of Being Earnest

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Act One
Nature of a play- The fact that this writing is intended to be performed means that readers have to pay more attention to stage directions and to which character is speaking. Readers wouldn’t have known that Ernest is actually named Jack if the stage directions didn’t tell them. When Gwendolen came back to Algernon’s place to get Jack’s country address, Algernon copied it down on his shirt cuff. Readers know that he copied the address down because of the stage directions. Stage directions help create irony within the play, allowing readers to know something the characters might not. When The Importance of Being Earnest is being performed on stage, spectators actually get to see the stage directions performed rather than just reading …show more content…

For example, readers learned that one of the main characters, Jack Worthing, has adopted a false identity under the name of Ernest. Ironically the definition of earnest, is to be serious and sincere and he’s been deceiving everyone about his true identity. When Jack told Gwendolen what a charming day it has been, she told him that whenever someone talks about the weather she feels as if they mean something else. After her reply, Jack admitted that he meant something completely different. Their quick conversation was example of verbal irony, and it also led to them both confessing their love for eachother. The predominant reason for Gwendolen wanting to marry Jack is because of her love of the name Earnest. The irony of their situation is that while the readers know his real name is John “Jack” Worthing, Gwendolen only knows and loves him as Ernest Worthing. Another example of dramatic irony was when Jack gave Gwendolen his address in the country, while Algernon was eavesdropping and copied it. Previously Jack refused to give Algernon his address to prevent him from meeting his ward Cecily. So when Algernon copied Jack’s address down on his shirt cuff, it foreshadowed that he might be going to Jack’s country estate to meet

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