Memory, symbol, and pattern shape how readers interpret literature by allowing them to place the events, characters, and themes of the story into a familiar context and revealing deeper meaning within the author’s words. For instance, a reader who has read or watched Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet will begin to identify the same pattern in many stories and movies, the familiar tale of star crossed lovers, which will often add to their enjoyment of the work and their understanding of the characters. Symbolism also plays heavily into a reader’s experience with a particular work of literature. If they are able to identify the important symbols it can give them a better sense of the important themes of the work. If one were to read F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby with no understanding of symbolism, it would be a relatively boring story about a sad man who dedicated his life to the frivolous pursuit of …show more content…
These groupings of four lines are called quatrains, and the first two of the sonnet are similar in meaning, and the third quatrain is linked with the fourth, which is actually just a couplet. This example follows a rhyme scheme of ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, so it follows the usual form of a Shakespearean sonnet. The first two quatrains are linked in meaning because this is where Shakespeare ruminates on how beauty is enhanced by true inward value. He discusses how roses are considered to be more beautiful than they are solely based on looks, because they have such a beautiful scent, but it is not so with the canker blooms, which have as nice a color as roses, but nothing more. Then in the third quatrain he shifts focus slightly, to consider the death of the beautiful flowers. Canker blooms die “unwoo’d and unrespected” while roses are still loved as they are dying, because they still have
In the final two pages of the book, Nick reminisces on the memories he created with Gatsby, and how life was without him. He also thinks about why Gatsby did what he did. The purpose of the final two pages of the book are to show how Gatsby did not have an impact on anyone’s life, and to show how Gatsby’s dream was to unrealistic for him to accomplish. Fitzgerald shows this by using rhetorical devices, such as syntax and diction.
Literature is affected by memory, symbols, and patterns though the connections made between the reader and the novels. By understanding the symbols and patterns of a novel, the reader can better connect to the story being told. In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby is obsessed with looking at a green light. Realizing that the green light symbolizes Gatsby’s longing for Daisy, the reader can better acknowledge the greater theme of the story. Symbols and patterns provide better interpretation of a story to the reader.
Memory, symbol and pattern have significant effects on the reading of literature. By recognizing patterns and being able to “distance oneself from the story…”, a reader can look beyond the mere details, draw from memory to a similar experience and understand the symbols. While I was reading The Great Gatsby for AP Lang last year, upon understanding the significance and symbolism of the green light representing “The
Motifs in The Great Gatsby In the novel, The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald presents many themes. One theme he portrays is hypocrisy and how depending on what angle you are at can determine if it downgrades one’s reputation or not. The motif of hypocrisy pertains to the lack of values characters might have both internally and externally.
Symbols are important in each story to define the theme. Close observation of the symbols within each story proves to one their
Memory, symbol, and pattern affect the reading of literature by making the reader recall information that they have read before and compare the two stories. Memory kicks in when the reader tries to look for similar events from other stories. Symbols fill up many pages in literature and are seen when an object remains its-self while also representing something else. The last of the three main literature analytics is patterns, which is a repeating event that comes out to a similar ending every time.
The Great Gatsby is one of the most read pieces of literature throughout the current modern Western world. High school kids all across the globe must learn and read it as part of their curriculum. One of the aspects that makes this novel so notable is that Fitzgerald, at no point in the story, needs to convey to his audience the theme of his novel directly. The main points of his novel are brought out by the powerful symbols he infuses in the book. Not only does he use them to convey his theme, but also ties them in to the rest of the story. Every aspect of this book is affected by the presence of one of his symbols. Through the use of the green light, the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, and the Valley of the Ashes as symbols,
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby focuses on the corruption of the American dream during the 1920‘s. For the duration of this time period, the American dream was no longer about hard work and reaching a set goal, it had become materialistic and immoral. Many people that had honest and incorruptible dreams, such as Jay Gatsby, used corrupted pathways to realize their fantasy. People’s carelessness was shown through their actions and speech towards others. Fitzgerald uses characterization and symbolism from different characters and items to convey the corruption of the American dream.
bell", and being very spoiled, to win her heart, he must too become a man of
F. Scott Fitzgerald uses imagery and symbolism to represent bigger ideas in his stories. For his novel The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald was able to do something most authors aren’t. He was able to approve of the cover of his book. The cover selected was a painting of a nightly city, being watched over by celestial eyes. The eyes stand out in juxtaposition of the rest of the dark blue sky due to their sickly yellow color as a teal tear travels down from the left. However, a closer look at the eyes in the cover show that they irises are blue, and inside the eyes are two women. The surreal art piece has as much symbolism in it as the pages it protects, especially the eyes in which the painting is named for. The women within the eyes on the cover
F. Scott Fitzgerald is an author who is highly recognized for his use of symbolism in his works of literature. The use of symbolism in any work of literature is very important because it is used to represent something through something else. It is also used to help create emotion and enhance the story. Fitzgerald portrays symbolism in The Great Gatsby through the green light, T.J. Eckleburg, and the colors used for description.
The Great Gatsby is filled with symbols and symbolism, which try to convey Fitzgerald's ideas to the reader. The symbols are uniquely involved in the plot of the story, which makes their implications more real. There are three major symbols that serve very important significance in the symbolism of the novel. They are "the valley of the ashes," the reality that represents the corruption in the world, the green light of Daisy's lap that Gatsby sees across the bay and lastly, the symbolism of the East Egg and West Egg or more important the east and the west of the country.
The first symbol we see appears at the end of Chapter one. It is a
A few symbolisms in novels are as memorable as the green light in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Shining at the end of Daisy’s dock, it is close enough to be seen, but too far away to be reached. Still, Gatsby, an eternal optimist, stares at it at night, as if it showed him that all his far-away dreams were about to come true. The green light in The Great Gatsby is symbolic of hope, a source of inspiration, and a representation of the American Dream to Gatsby and to the novel’s readers.
The book The Great Gatsby is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it’s a narrative told from the perspective of Nick Carraway. He tells the story of the tragic life of Jay Gatsby and talks about the society of the wealthy people with high social status. He talks about the conflict between the two huge power Tom and Gatsby, due to their similarity in their money and social status, while they compete for dominance and masculinity by fighting over Daisy. Through Nick’s narration and his close relationship with Gatsby, the readers realize that the motive behind everything that Gatsby does is to win back Daisy’s heart to repeat the past, the first time when he fell in love with Daisy.