Katy Perry “Firework” song is a power anthem which plays a huge role when it comes to popular culture in today’s society. It creates an empowering message to women by portraying them as strong willed, independent human beings rather than the stereotypical portrayal of women who depend on men. Although in the movie, the song Firework is used as a encouraging anthem to children because it is a children’s movie. In the Hollywood reporter review article it states that the 3d scene helps influence the song choice because it is a very loud and fun song. The song portrays women to be as strong as men, although the film i chose doesn’t express the song in that way. The song has been known to be influential to different groups of people but I
Cooke was considered a great soul singer that inspired many people. This song encouraged people that change will
After watching “The Language You Cry In” in class, I found myself reflecting on how music has impacted my life and with whom I have shared it with. It’s truly incredible how a simple, 5 line chorus ultimately allowed this woman to discover her history as it traveled from Sierra Leone all the way to the Gullah society in Georgia. The really displays the power that music can have over not only individual societies, but over the globe. No matter what political movements were occurring and throughout the immense inequality and slavery that was being faced, music has always remained reliable. This song brought people together and allowed them to embrace their heritage even in the worst of times, and I believe that this is still true today.
Regardless of what number of individuals attempt to co-select the tune, despite everything it holds its energy, after forty years. It's an incredible proto-rap melody, and an extraordinary tune
Indeed Dylan wrote it as an “anthem” for the time and has thus remained an important societal commentary through its universal lyrics. Popularized in the relatively recent movie Watchmen, which occurs in the same era, the song is likely to remain at the forefront of the public mind when protest songs are considered.
“Firework” by Katy Perry is a self-empowerment song that encourages the audience to overstep their limits and seize the opportunity to make a change. Rhetorical appeals such as ethos, which defines credibility as the source coming from research that is reliable and has a good reputation, can be established through a writer’s experiences, education, work, or research. In contrast to pathos, it is based on emotions, from anger to happiness, which can connect the the sympathy from the audience. The video uses both ethos and pathos rhetorical appeals to effectively present this requisite. Throughout the film, it displays the pathos from the back-and-forth scenes of their emotions changing from fear to courage.
career and when this song was written. People wanted a happier time in the United States, like
and the reason why I picked this song is because it presents a strong message. Not only did
In Katy Perry’s contemplative song “Firework” she inspires the pursuit of self-acceptance by utilizing similes to build her message. In line twelve, Katy creates and highlights the imagery of how an individual can illuminate not only their own life, but also other people’s life just as fireworks light up the night on the Fourth of July, seizing the attention of those that walk by. Accordingly, in line twenty-two, the simile “you don’t have to feel like a waste of space,” molds the vacuous thoughts that are often expressed by individuals that see themselves as worthless and useless, and reveals how there is absolutely no need to feel that way, uncovering that everyone in this world matters. In conjunction with this, line twenty-nine compares
Boom, Boom, Boom! Is an example of onomatopoeia, which is a figurative language. In the song “Fireworks” by Katy Perry is filled with numerous types of figurative language and poetic elements. From personification to internal rhyme, there is more to it. Along with that, there are means behind the words. Throughout the song, what the singer is saying is that you are unique and that you should show others what you got.
Music has a strong impact on people but it’s not the instrument that spoke to the people it’s the lyrics that spoke to the people. The lyrics in songs are probably the strongest form of
In “Firework” by Katy Perry an important idea is to not be afraid to express who you really are. In the song, it endlessly shows that each person is original and unique, how we are all different and we cannot be changed or replaced by anything and anyone. In the beginning, the poet is questioning us as something used, worthless and ordinary in “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?” The narrator also compares us as being “buried deep”and “six feet under scream”. However, later on in the poem we start to see the situation through an opposed view. Readers can then grasp the message that everyone is “original, cannot be replaced.” This shows that each and one of us is an individual and extraordinary, we cannot change who we are. This is the important idea of the poem - causing readers to reflect on themselves as an individual and to be able to express who you really are without being worried.
Style wise, this song was a little different for Katy Perry. The upbeat tempo helped the syllables of the words fit into a flowing musical meter. This caused the song to be very appealing to listeners, making it a very successful song. Katy Perry's purpose still remained to send out a message of loving who you are, regardless of your differences and always staying strong. Songs usually evoke some type of emotion and “Firework” is no exception.
In “Firework” by Katy Perry an important idea is to not be afraid to express who you really are. In the song, it endlessly shows that each person is original and unique, how we are all different and we cannot be changed or replaced by anything. In the beginning, the poet is questioning us as something used, worthless and ordinary in “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?” The narrator also compares us as being “buried deep”and “six feet under scream”. However, later on in the poem we
While hearing this song i used to think just hear it all trying to be a firework. When i actually put a though and analyze the lyrics i got to see that this song has a really good meaning behind it. It’s
Katy Perry takes a similar approach by creating a song that allows people to be the way they are. Katy Perry had created the song “Fireworks.“ This song is an inspirational song that allows people to reveal themselves to the true world instead of keeping it a secret. Katy is trying to portray the fact that people should not be afraid to represent the way they truly are. She wants everyone to show his or her “true colors“. In a sense, Katy wants to people to embrace what they are. In the first few lines she states, “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag. Drifting through the wind. Wanting to start again“ (Fireworks). This part of the song reveals that a lot of people go with the flow. They just follow the norms of society and do not fight against it. She continues on to talk about how people continue to go with the flow until she states, “Do you know that there 's still a chance for you. 'Cause there 's a spark in you“ (Fireworks). This portion of the song reveals there is hope even if want to go against the norm. Just a small push is needed in order to get over the hurdle. Then Katy states, “ 'Cause baby you 're a firework. Come and show 'em what you 're worth. Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh! As you shoot across the sky-y-y“ (Fireworks). When you do reveal yourself, it will feel like a huge burden is lifted off your shoulders. Katy is trying to say to her fans be motivated and keep reaching for the stars. Being unique might be a bad thing, but don‘t let their voice reach you.