Julius Caesar, or Caius Julius Caesar if you know his full name, was a man who has played such a large role in shaping the western world. Only a short list of people can claim such an importance. Exactly what this man did is still discussed today. It takes a special something to say something new about the Romans, and in Adrian Goldsworthy's book Caesar, Life of a Colossus shows that off. Goldsworthy's book is fair,based on facts, and is a sensible interpretation of ancient history. Goldsworthy’s biography is clearly focused on just Caesar, and less so on those around him. Goldsworthy’s accounts like to point out the truly brilliant actions of Caesar, but also his
Julius Caesar is thought of as the most powerful and glorious ruler to step foot in Rome. The only thing
Julius Caesar is a powerful, confident man who leads great armies and efficiently rules the Roman Empire.
Julius Caesar was a Roman military general, politician, and dictator who played a big role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Although Brutus’s speech is more straightforward because he uses a lot of logos, Antony delivers an effective speech because of how wise and genuine he was with his words, and he uses a lot of pathos in the speech. He was a general, politician, and dictator who played a big role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire. Although Brutus’s speech is more straightforward because he uses a lot of logos, Antony delivers a more effective speech because of how wise and genuine he was with his words, and he uses a lot of pathos in the speech. Antony's speech is more effective due to the emotional
Julius Caesar is a powerful, confident man who leads great armies and efficiently rules the Roman Empire.
Julius Caesar born 12 July 100 BCE, was a politically adept and popular leader of the Roman Republic who significantly transformed what became known as the Roman Empire by greatly expanding its reach and establishing itself. By aged 31, Caesar fought in many roman wars and found himself in roman republic. After many alliances he became the dictator of the Roman Empire and ruled for only just one year before his death.
Julius Caesar’s mindset influenced the history of his people. He was born July 12, 100 b.c in Rome as Gaius Julius Caesar, known today as Julius Caesar. He was a Praetor, Aedile, Consul, Pontifex Maximus, and dictator for life, and his greatest achievement is changing the Roman republic to the Roman empire. His life ended tragically when he was stabbed twenty three times by his political enemies. Creating the Roman empire changed the history of his people.
Julius Caesar was and still is considered to be one of the greatest military generals in history. His combination of leadership skills, military genius, and speaking ability propelled him to the forefront of Roman society. Born on June 12/13 100 B.C., Caesar was born into an ancient aristocratic family. Around the age of 16 after his father had died, Caesar had joined the military. It was apparent from this time onward that Caesar was especially gifted in the arts of strategy and warfare. By the age of 30 Caesar had begun making political strides in his perpetual quest for glory and prominence. During this time he would work closely with his friend and future mortal enemy, Pompey. In the next ten years, Caesar would become governor of Spain and ascend to the position of consul. His partnership with Marcus Licinius Crassus further increased Caesar’s rise to power, as Crassus himself was a powerful politician and general, who was arguably the wealthiest man in all of Rome. Along with Pompey, the three men formed what came to be known as the First Triumvirate. Although Caesar was aligned with Pompey, he never ceased to find ways outmaneuver him, qualities that would eventually precipitate Rome’s civil war. Continuing his military conquests, Caesar would become the governor of Gaul, which is now modern day Belgium and France. After ascending to this position, he’d engage in a near decade-long conquest of Gaul known as the Gallic War. Probably his most successful battle and
Julius Caesar is a man famous for his death, but his death was in fact the least exciting part of his life. Stretching from 100 BC to 44 BC, he accomplished much with his life as both a politician and ruler during a prosperous time of ancient Rome that he created. Julius Caesar was an admirable leader of ancient Rome that carried his fame into modern times because of his interesting early life, ways as a military leader, and time as dictator.
Julius Caesar was undoubtedly a man who changed history. His life and its story have inspired generations of awe and scrupulous study. Many would argue he is the most influential man in recorded history. However, can the great Caesar truly be declared a ‘event-making man’, according to the criteria of the Great Man Theory? Did he truly influence the course of history through his own extraordinary acts of will and leadership? Or was he simply a fortunate man who appeared in the right place at the right time, being only the pawn of a greater scheme? By following and exploring the political ideals and abilities of Caesar, as well as his military ability and prowess, this essay hopes to clearly
In the determination of whether Julius Caesar was an intelligent, political hero or an egocentric, dictating villain, it is important to look at all of the facts. Born in 100 B.C.E. and assassinated in 44 B.C.E., Julius Caesar was legendary. He along Pompey, and Crassus created the first unofficial Triumvirate which was negotiated to appease both the Roman citizens and the power hungry rivals. Still, this agreement would not last long. After Pompey’s wife, Julia Caesar and daughter of Caesar’s daughter given to Pompey to establish the Trimvirate, dies in childbirth, civil war breaks out as Caesar leads his army against Rome. He fights until Pompey is murdered in Egypt. As Rome is “shattered,” Julius Caesar one person should rule. He
Julius Caesar, a man born in around 12 to 13, 100 BC, was considered the start of a new legacy in the history of Rome. Participating in several wars, becoming dictator after forming multiple military alliances, to being assassinated on the Ides of March, Julius Caesar was a politically-flexible, popular leader of the Roman Empire. (Julius Caesar Biography, April 23, 2014) Although Caesar’s birth was never confirmed on the exact date, he was born and raised by his mother, Aurelia, and by his father, Gaius Julius Caesar. (Julius Caesar: Historical Background, April 23, 2014)
Ever wondered what it takes to be a good king or ruler? Julius Caesar is one of the most famous rulers of all time. He was one of Rome’s greatest and most powerful leaders. His changes to the empire helped take Rome to new levels of success. The life of Caesar was short, yet great. It is important to learn about this great man and his many accomplishments.
. This book covers the narrative life of Julius Caesar as well as new theories and research that clarify Julius Caesar's conflicting personality. Julius Caesar by Michael Grant has lots of information and goes way into depth about Julius's life. The book is written in chronological order and Michael Grant offers many theories and rumors about Julius Caesar that makes the book more interesting. The book has tons of information, but Michael Grant displays the information in a way that is easy for most readers to understand. Michael Grant emphasizes Julius Caesar's military importance and how it helped him become the ruler of Rome.
Julius Caesar is the one of the famous Roman generals. Many may recognize this name from the great works of Shakespeare. Before the great works of Shakespeare, Julius Caesar was famous in his Roman city which. Julius Caesar was a dictator that turned the Roman republic to the Roman Empire. Even though the life time of Julius Caesar took place in 100 BC – 44 BC, people everywhere will mention Caesar’s name and legacy.
Julius Caesar is and was one of the most influential people in history. He created laws, stuck wars, and developed new strategies for leadership and battles. "Caesar is widely considered to be one of the greatest military geniuses of all time, as well as a brilliant politician and one of the ancient world's strongest leaders (Julius Caesar pg.1)." He transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire and he extended his land all the way through Gaul to The Atlantic Ocean, as well as fighting a civil war and being proclaimed as dictator for life.