Greek Religion and its Effects on Society, Government, and Social Habits
Cameron Montesano
Boulder Creek High School
The topic of this paper is Greek religion. The purpose of research is to gain more knowledge of the history of Greek religion as well as how it has affected future religions and societies. All research done for this project has been done online, the majority of sources coming from which is one of the most trustable sites I’ve come across. An overwhelmingly large amount of information was able to be found on this topic so resources was not a problem for research. I thought it would be best to focus on the gods since they played the largest role in Greek mythology and religion, and
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Today it’s just myths and stories, but back in the B.C.’s it was taken very seriously by the Greeks. Greek religion and mythology is important to know about as it has played a large role in history as well as ancient Greece civilizations. It is so important that it is still commonly referenced today in media such as movies and books.
The number of gods and goddesses that exist in Greek mythology is uncountable, but there are twelve major ones. These ones are seen as the most important of the gods and goddesses, or the most relevant of them.
Greek Gods
Zeus is the most recognizable name in Greek mythology. In his origin he was thought to be the sky god, bringing weather changes. He eventually became the god of gods due to development in the mythology according to John M. Wickersham in Zues (2000). More officially, he was the “god of law and social order” (Wickersham, 2000). He was an important god because of his role in the stories about the titans, who were believed to rule before gods. The story of the titans says that Zeus was the sixth son of the titans’ chief, Cronus, and he was the only son that
The Greek gods were thought of as the most powerful forces to ever exist in ancient times. In turn, they played a pivotal role in the Greek people’s lives. Their power and influence over the Greek people is evident in many of the stories in Greek literature. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, the most powerful Greek gods, each played a part in the story of Antigone by Sophocles.
Zeus in Greek mythology was chief and father of all Gods and mortals. He corresponds to the Roman god Jupiter. He lived atop Mt. Olympus, at the center of the earth where all the gods lived and held court. Sometimes Olympus was thought of as an actual mountain in Greece, but more often as a lofty reign in the heavens. Zeus was pictured as a kingly, bearded figure who supposedly hurled thunderbolts from the mountain to announce his anger.
Beginning around 700 B.C., stories by Homer and other Greek poets told of the lives of powerful gods who involved themselves in human affairs. Supreme among these gods was Zeus, but to the Romans he was known as Jupiter. Zeus was the supreme god and ruler of Olympus. He was known by many titles: Lord of the Sky, the Cloud- gatherer, the Rain-god, and Zeus the Thunderer. All of which are the most popular names dating back to ancient Greek history and mythology.
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Greek Mythology played a monumental role in the structural development of ancient Greece, not only as a society, but as individuals. Surprisingly, their religion was not exactly one of originality. In fact, their religion was loosely based on earlier cultures’ religions. It bears many strikingly similar resemblances to some of the oldest recorded religions in history. Ancient Greek religion is a type of polytheism called “Monarchial Polytheism.” That is, they believe in several different gods and deities but there is a supreme ruler above all of them. In order to fully understand how similar the mythological systems of religions have been throughout the years, you must look back towards the earliest of recorded civilizations. Polytheism
One of the most prominent groups of ancient teachings is Greek mythology. These myths bestow us with an insight on the gods, heroes, practices, and beliefs of the ancient Greeks. Although there were several Greek gods, Zeus was the supreme ruler of them all. Zeus- powerful, wise, and authoritative, was comparable to the Christian God in numerous ways. But conversely, the two were quite different in many ways as well.
A polytheistic Greek religion is surrounded by numerous gods. Each represented a certain aspect of human problems including abstract ideas, such as justice and wisdom. This was the religion most devout Greeks followed and believed in. The most important gods were Olympian gods led by Zeus. These gods were: Athena, Apollo, Poseidon, Hermes, Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Ares, Artemis, Hades, Hephaistos,
Zeus was the supreme god and ruler of Olympus. He was known by many names: Lord of the Sky, the Rain-god, the Cloud-gatherer, and Zeus the Thunderer. Zeus was the sixth child born to Cronus and Rhea behind Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, Dementer, and Hera. The high soaring eagle was sacred to him, and to the Romans he was known as Jupiter. Zeus was a strong, mighty, awesome, glorious, and wise god. Although, he was very foolish and naïve with hiding his love affairs from Hera.
Zeus, he was the king of the gods and the supreme ruler of people. He originally was a god of the sky. In time, the Greeks regarded him as the only god who concerned him-self with the whole universe. They also associated Zeus with justice and believed that he punished the wicked and rewarded the good. He belonged to the race of Titans, and was the son of Cronus and Rhea. After overthrowing Cronus, Zeus took his father's place and ruled from Mount Olympus. He headed a family of twelve major gods, called the Olympians.
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Ancient Greece has been a religion- centered culture since the earliest period of habitation in Greece, the Pre-Mycenaean/Mycenaean period. Also through to the Dark Ages to the Classical period. It is a religiously centered civilization, and did have significant changes in the how it was incorporated into people’s daily lives. Religion is important to know about the Ancient Greeks because through it we are able to understand how they lived their lives.
The ancient Greeks with their brilliant and imaginative spirit created a complete order of things that functioned harmoniously in the infinite world that contained them. Although its exact origins are lost in time, Greek religion is thought to date from about the 2d millenium B.C., when the culture of Aryan invaders fused with those of the Aegean and Minoan peoples who had inhabited the region of Greece from Neolithic times [1]. The beginning and the genesis of this world occupied the ancient Greeks in much the same way it did the early people of every civilization. Greek religion was at the beginning a blend of Minoan, Egyptian, Asian, and other elements, but it subsequently evolved along with Greek thought.
Zeus was considered to be the leader of the Olympian gods of Mount Olympus. He was the god of the sky and thunder. He had many powers but the most significant was the power to wield lightning bolts. He could hurl lightning bolts at people who defied him or other gods who he was displeased with. He was the youngest child of Cronus and Rhea and was planned to get eaten by Cronus like all of his brothers and sisters before him, but he was hidden from Cronus at Mount Dicte. He then went on to overthrow Cronus and control the gods. He had twenty-four children and some of them were powerful gods. He also had some half god children like Hercules. He lives on the top of Mount Olympus with Hera, his wife.
“ The religion of Greek people is an important aspect of the Greek culture.”(Religion in Greece Greek religion was a form of polytheism, which meant that they believed in many deities. Because religion was not built around a book, they expressed it in many forms. Greek theatre was performed on many different occasions, including special occasions. Greek religion was both private and