A lot can happen to anyone. Take Gregor for example. He was a normal person, hating his job but providing for his family, but one day that all changed. Gregor started off feeling accomplished in life but by the end, he felt like he had nothing. He then felt like his family and friends didn’t want him anymore, by the end, he didn’t even have food or water.
The deterioration of Gregor's life was in part due to the ostracism associated with his being turned into a bug. Once his family found out what happened, they banished him to his room, and his parents could not even bear to look at him. Prior to his metamorphosis, Gregor was an integral part of the family. He provided the money by which the family survived. Yet as soon as he changed, he was labeled an outcast, who was useless to the family, and therefore not paid any attention. He felt this ostracism, and it made him not want to continue on in life, he gave up because he felt unloved.
Gregor Samsa is a traveling salesman who hates his job but keeps it because of he has to pay off his his father dept and care for his family. He transforms into a large bug and spends the rest of his life in that state. Despite his transformation into an insect, Gregor changes very little as a character over the course of the story. He accepts the hardships he faces as a bug and as a man without complaining. When his father went into debt he readily took role as the money earner in the family, even though it meant taking a job he did not like.
With his new insect body Gregor becomes more alienated from his family then he did before his transformation. Before Gregor’s alienation came from his family’s lack to show their appreciation for him. Now he feels alienated from the family’s inability to acknowledge him. As his family gradually becomes weary of Gregor’s presence, his social separation from his family becomes permanent through his death. Although once upon a time Gregor had been the one to support the entire family as a traveling salesman in his new body he is no longer able to work to continue to support his family. In due time as the family begin to start working to support themselves
Isolation not only changes the personalities of Gregor and his family, but also it changes the role and duties Gregor plays in his family. Before the metamorphosis, Gregor worked alone to provide for the entire family. For example, in the beginning, before the transformation, he says, “But besides that, the money Gregor had brought home every month he had kept only a few dollars for himself” (4). This shows Gregor’s selfishness and his family’s heavy dependency on his income. It establishes the fact that Gregor’s family’s loyalty to Gregor was strong because the family depended on Gregor for their own survival, and shows how they betrayed him by disregarding him after he became an insect. The isolation of Gregor caused by the transformation not only affects Gregor’s role in the family, but also changes the role of Mr. Samsa. Mr. Samsa originally told by Gregor: ”Now his father was still healthy, certainly. But he was an old man who had not worked for the past five years and who in any case could not be expected to undertake that much” (17). This shows how irresponsible Mr. Samsa acted for his family in the beginning. Mr. Samsa, a man in his 50s, blamed his unemployment on anxiety and depression from a past failed business. Mr. Samsa changes his role as the useless drag to the provider of the family, and even obtains a new job as a bank manager.
His family's lack of acceptance leaves Gregor “...completely filled with rage at his miserable treatment…” (Page 41). He sees that that family never really cared about him except for when he was helping them out of debt. Gregor soon becomes accepting of his physical metamorphosis and accepts his life living in “the darkest corner of his room” (Page 44). Not only does Gregor become accepting of his physical feature but he begins to accept the fact that he no longer really cares about his family anymore. Gregor embraces his feelings of dislike towards his family, he says, “It hardly surprised him that lately he was showing so little consideration for others; once such consideration had been his greatest pride” (Page 45). This shows that once Gregor becomes aware of the way his family feels towards his metamorphosis, his isolation and alienation leads him to care less about his family's expectation and views of
First lets show how this happened in The Metamorphosis. The lack of sympathy the author had for Gregor was amazing. He went through a change in his life that no one thought would be possible. He went
One of the “deep” causes for Gregor’s end is because it helped caused metamorphosis among the other family members. For example, Gregor sister used to rely on her brother however she went from a girl to a woman. She began to take care of him but at the end she gets a job to help her support her family and also blossoms into a young lady (Page 44).Even though the his father business did not succeed they decide they need to save the their money and look for jobs in order to live. For example, they talk about their future “all three had jobs which very good [...] in conformation of their new dreams and good intentions” (Page 44). The death of Gregor helped the family put into perspective that they need to move into a different apartment in order to save their money and they begin to become more of happy family. If Gregor didn't die at the end the family would still rely on him to make the money and do work for them but now with this metamorphosis they have to change their
In the beginning of the novella, Gregor undergoes a transformation. Many readers view his transformation as he turns into a bug because of the way Kafka describes Gregor. Kafka may have been undergoing a transformation of his own. Kafka dealt with many issues growing up such as self doubt, issues with his father, and eventually, health issues. Like Kafka, Gregor deals with issues with his father and within himself and begins to feel less and less like himself as the novella continues. He awakes from his sleep to ask himself, “What’s happened to me (Kafka, 3)?” With the conflicts Gregor has with his family, especially his father, he begins to feel unwanted and unappreciated. Gregor also feels that he is becoming less sensitive when that used to be one of his main traits as a human (Kafka, 24). Seeing that Gregor is losing his sensitivity, that shows that he is truly losing himself since he is losing one of his main traits. Feeling less like himself, Gregor becomes more distant with his close
In The Metamorphosis the character named Gregor is different then the rest of his family and his family member weren’t really good at accepting the fact of him being different. Gregor is different because his body goes through a very strange process where he turns out becoming a cockroach. He suffers a lot where it gets the point were he isn’t able to get out of his bed, he crawls on walls, and also he isn’t able to go to his job anymore. Gregor isn’t the only one who suffers his family also goes through a very tough time seeing Gregor suffer so much and go through such a terrible transformation. The readers are able to see the suffering when Gregor shows he doesn’t like his body changing.
Gregor falls into severe depression after his metamorphosis. Before Gregor’s transformation, he lived a routine life. He would wake up early, go to work, and come back late only to start the process all over again the next morning. As well as being extremely draining, this lifestyle held no benefits for Gregor, as his work was centered around sustaining
It appears that the people who care the most end up getting hurt by the ones they love. The more time, energy, love, and money that a person sometimes invests get thrown back in their face once something drastic happens. In turn, this causes feelings of worthlessness and isolation and can eventually lead to death. Franz Kafka understands this better than anyone else and can portray this in his novella, the Metamorphosis. In his novella, The Metamorphosis, the protagonist, Gregor Samsa is one who undergoes a physical and mental transformation due to the unrelenting pressures that his father placed upon him which eventually cause him to die. At the heart of the father-son relationship lies Gregor and his father whose relationship is explored
Ambition, if not controlled, can be the cause of your own downfall. This is the theme of the classic play called, “Macbeth.” One can believe that since it was simply fiction and regarded in the past, that it does not apply to the times of now. However, ambition is something that can manifest into something very dangerous if it is not controlled properly. There are many cases now that can be an example of such things.
Throughout the novella, Gregor’s deeply rooted sense of guilt transitions from having the power to drive his actions to merely plaguing his thoughts. Immediately after his transformation, Gregor reveals that he has to “deal with the problems of traveling, the worries about train connections, irregular bad food, temporary and constantly changing human relationships…” (Kafka 4), in his daily work. Although he appears to hate his job, Gregor does not quit, as he has both intrinsic motivation to provide and extrinsic pressure from his family to keep them afloat. Rather than reflecting on his feelings and emotional baggage attached to his job, Gregor focuses on grievances set in reality, and allows this to occupy his conscious mind. After Gregor’s transformation, his
How are the effects of Divergent and Allegiant’s speculation on individuals / groups discussed by the author?
The Jesus Paper. Question 1. John’s purpose in writing the gospel is so that people might believe “that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing, [one] may have life in his name” (Jn. 20:31). So, the essential identity of Jesus is “the Christ” which is a Greek word for “chosen one” or “anointed one.”