
How Does Gun Violence Affect Society

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Guns are a tool that can be used to defend or hurt someone, the only distinction between the two purposes is who is behind that firearm. The ability for anyone to own and use a firearm is one in which is exclusive to all Americas. Since our nations being Americans have had the right to possess a gun to protect themselves and those they hold dear. It is a right that all Americans have but one that is threatened because of recent tragedies and occurrences at the hand of ill people.
Peoples behavior towards guns is part of the reason few people carry or own firearms. The amount of uncertainty, unpredictability, and danger associated with firearms often deters people from their use. Essentially the problem is that people who should not have firearms are able to obtain them through illegal means. It's these people and the things they do that make people want to limit and regulate the sale and ownership of weapons. However, many if not the majority, of weapons used in these tragedies, are illegally obtained or stolen. More gun regulations affect the people who are most capable to handle …show more content…

Most gun violence is between two criminals, however, there are circumstances in which it affects a group of random people. Recently the influx of mass shootings has increased the negative perceptions of guns. They lead to an increase in security and stricter rules. The problem with gun violence and gun control is that it is a huge political debate with most pro gun advocates being Republican and most anti guns’ activists being democrat. Because of this most conversation around the topic directs people to one of the two political ideals. Politicians from either side preach to their choir of supporters, changing no minds and creating a bigger divide. Each time tragedy strikes, officials respond. But being proactive instead of reactive could potentially limit the amount of gun violence and the people it

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