Guns are a tool that can be used to defend or hurt someone, the only distinction between the two purposes is who is behind that firearm. The ability for anyone to own and use a firearm is one in which is exclusive to all Americas. Since our nations being Americans have had the right to possess a gun to protect themselves and those they hold dear. It is a right that all Americans have but one that is threatened because of recent tragedies and occurrences at the hand of ill people.
Peoples behavior towards guns is part of the reason few people carry or own firearms. The amount of uncertainty, unpredictability, and danger associated with firearms often deters people from their use. Essentially the problem is that people who should not have firearms are able to obtain them through illegal means. It's these people and the things they do that make people want to limit and regulate the sale and ownership of weapons. However, many if not the majority, of weapons used in these tragedies, are illegally obtained or stolen. More gun regulations affect the people who are most capable to handle
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Most gun violence is between two criminals, however, there are circumstances in which it affects a group of random people. Recently the influx of mass shootings has increased the negative perceptions of guns. They lead to an increase in security and stricter rules. The problem with gun violence and gun control is that it is a huge political debate with most pro gun advocates being Republican and most anti guns’ activists being democrat. Because of this most conversation around the topic directs people to one of the two political ideals. Politicians from either side preach to their choir of supporters, changing no minds and creating a bigger divide. Each time tragedy strikes, officials respond. But being proactive instead of reactive could potentially limit the amount of gun violence and the people it
The violence in the United States is a big issue, but making more gun laws is not the answer. It is an inevitable fact that making it harder to get access to guns would only lead people to turn to black markets and more underhanded deals. In an article for the Los Angeles Times, James Q. Wilson writes, “It is virtually impossible to use new background check or waiting-period laws to prevent dangerous people from getting guns. Those that they cannot buy, they will steal or borrow” (Wilson). Dramatic changes within gun controls laws would, in itself, make more people mad and possibly lead to riots. In many people's minds, more gun control laws would mean to taking guns away. Gun control laws within themself are not a bad thing, the extent to which they are taken within a nation
There are currently over 200 million guns in use, which means obtaining a gun in the United States mustn't be that hard. If gun usage could be regulated more by banning certain unneeded weapons to the public and requiring a more in depth background check, than miss usage of guns, and deaths caused by them would decrease. However, already existing laws need to be enforced and harsher penalties for those who don't follow the laws. If the country would agree on certain legislation for gun control, than The United States could be a much safer
Gun violence is a very serious matter that is affecting communities all over the United States. The crimes caused by guns affects everyone in some way, shape, or form. From losing loved ones to our neighborhoods not being safe anymore, the United States has the highest number of gun deaths per year. More importantly it affects the youth of the world in a negative way, leaving it emotionally or physically scarred, or even worse, dead. If we take a stand I believe we can put an end to gun violence and gun crimes once and for all.
Gun ownership has increased over the years due to people not feeling safe. Due to this increase of gun owners, many lives have been saved. “Federal law prohibits, with certain exceptions, the possession of a handgun or handgun ammunition by any person under the age of 18. Federal law provides no minimum age for the possession of long guns or long gun ammunition” (Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence). The government is trying to tighten regulation of firearms because of the school shootings, terrorist attacks, and workplace violence incidents that are happening in the United States. Gun control is a huge debate and people on one side want the ability to carry a gun to be abolished Gun control activists also wish to ban all gun purchases because they believe the firearm will make it into the hands of the wrong people. However, the people that are for the conceal carry laws believe that increased gun laws are what is causing the violence because it is harder for law abiding citizens to obtain a gun while those that are committing the crimes are still able to get firearms illegally.
In today’s society the majority of the crimes are still being committed by people who have possessed a firearm that has been obtained illegally or without proper permits. That being said there has been a strong push for gun control because of the rise of shootings involving a large group of people such as the Columbine massacre, Virginia Tech shooting and latest Aurora movie theater shooting involving people who have purchased firearms legally. Gun control laws in the United States have been established for many years but to maintain a civilized society with limited crime stronger control laws need to be enforced in which will help reduce crime in our country. Establishing stronger gun control laws will educate
If gun control is regulated, then we will have less crime. Access to firearms makes killing easy, efficient, and impersonal, which increases the lethality of crime. Josh Sugarmann, the Executive Director of the Violence Policy Center has once said, "We recoil in horror and search for explanations, but we never face up to the obvious preventive measure: a ban on the handy killing machines that make crimes so easy.”Allowing untrained people to carry guns puts others at risk and it can result in self-inflicting injuries both by suicide and unintentional incidents. Gun violence in America kills more than 30,000 and injures almost 70,000 each year. Guns can be misused and abused, which is why gun
Gun violence in the United States is higher than ever, and criminals with guns will “…kill as many as 1000 people each day” (Alpers&Wilson). Taking this into perspective, it is only right to fight fire with fire or, in this case, use a gun to protect yourself and those around you. Gun control does not only decrease the ability for protection, it also decreases our rights as U.S citizens. The constitution clearly states that we are given the right to bear arms, meaning we may carry fire arms. Even if we have stricter laws for guns, it will not stop killers from shooting innocent people. These men and women causing damage to the lives of numerous individuals do not care if there is a law banning guns, because all they truly want to do is
The reason why our nation is allowed to bear a large quantity of firearms is due to the Second Amendment of our constitution, which specifically states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (U.S. Const. am. 2) Because of how vague this amendment is when it comes to law interpretation, it is often used by gun advocates to argue for lenient gun laws. Even though the Second Amendment prevents the federal government from completely banning guns in America, there are still restrictions on the distribution and possession of firearms. Each of the states have their own specific gun laws but generally, a person must obtain a license or permit to purchase or possess a firearm. Also, another thing to note is that all states allow some form of concealed carry, which is carrying a concealed firearm in public. Despite the laws that allow the bearing and distribution of guns, society has multiple viewpoints concerning the usage and appropriateness of the freedom of having the "right to bear arms."
Stricter gun control for civilians in the United States would reduce the violence in our country. According to a poll taken by Sandra M. Alters in 2007, an overwhelming 60% of Americans support gun control. Only 32% of Americans said that they do not support gun control and another 8% said that they have no preference. The American public sees gun control as a way to stop the madness and the violence escalating in our country.
Gun control has been a long debate to determine if it’s better to have stricter access to firearms. America is one of the few countries that has gun rights embedded in their constitution. But what makes the US exceptional is that it has the right to keep and bear arms, other countries do not provide the right to have access to them, but rather, the government is allowed to regulate its use. The right to bear arms has also been the cause of growing violence and crime, at least according to anti-gun lobbyists. Citizens should be aware the dangers and harm that guns present to society. Controlling the sale of firearms can greatly decrease the number of violent crimes.
In the course of history gun control and mass shootings has always been an issue, but much too often, history has been being made. Gun control is an understatement for what actually is being implemented. The process to get a gun, for example, a rifle, is all too easy. Let me personally walk you through this gruesome process . First, you walk into the store, second you pick your desired weapon, third you walk to the cashier to do a background check, finally you buy the gun. The hardest part about that process was choosing the actual weapon you want. With little gun control comes more mass shootings, and with more control comes less mass shootings. Obtaining a gun is much too easy, and needs to become more strict, or even
Currently, it is very easy for anyone to get their hands on a gun. If the laws and regulations were made to be stricter, the amount of people who die due to gun violence could potentially and would most likely decrease. If someone needs a gun fast and wants to do something illegal with it, they are not going to wait a long time or want to have to go through a long process. Guns are also rarely used for self defense. Every year there are over thousands of assaults however less than one percent of these cases end up being self defense. Many people want to own a gun to feel safe and for self defense however they end up being used for crimes. Being able to buy things such as fast shooting guns and silencers make it very easy for someone to commit large shootings. If gun control was more strict, these mass shootings could be more easily avoided. A large percentage of suicides in the U.S. are done with guns that are legally bought. If the waiting period and process for
Gun violence is a very controversial topic because everyone has their own perspectives on this particular topic. There are so many crimes caused by fire arms that it’s just plain out ridiculous. Many people have lost their lives due to gun violence and other crimes due to the use of a gun. Although guns are used for protection in certain cases, but most of the time they are not. There aren’t too many cases where someone used a gun for self-defense but there are many news stories and etcetera about a crime committed with the use of a firearm. A long time ago weapon violence had its issues however in no way like what is going on it current society. While there are occasions that have happened that appear to be stunning, tragic and pointless, comparable activities have happened decades prior; with the exception of they didn 't appear to happen as regularly as they do today. Weapon savagery has developed into a worldwide emergency. A few individuals feel we ought to boycott weapons inside and out, while others feel this would be unthinkable. Disposing of firearms may cure the issue however it may not be sufficient to make the issue go away.
The right to possess guns is a fundamental element to American identity. The right to own and operate guns under certain circumstances is in fact guaranteed as part of the United States Constitution. Over the course of American history and particularly in the 21st century, there exists a great debate over the possession of guns of private citizens. Both sides of the debate argue with fervor. There are those that argue fervently for the right to possess arms; they argue for guns with regard to home protection, property protection, personal security, and that it is a fundamental right as a citizen.
We don’t need to be that vigilant in order to know that gun-related violence and massacres have infiltrated our society. There have been many cases of public mass shootings that have occurred, with some of them happening in schools. 2015 will now be known as the year of mass shootings in the United States, and this is also the reason why the discussion for new gun control laws has heighten in the media.