Hamlet is one of the most famous written books by Shakespeare (Shakespeare, 278). It’s second after Cinderella to have the most number of audiences. It is a well written story revolving around a royal family and its members’ greed to inherit the throne through extreme methods. King Claudius kills King Hamlet by pouring poison into his ears. He then goes on to inherit the throne despite there being rules against treason and murder. He also marries the dead King’s wife after three months of grieving. All these actions portray how hungry he was for King Hamlet’s wife and throne. The dead King appears in the form of a ghost to his son Prince Hamlet. He narrates the whole story of how Claudius killed him with a poison through his ears, and he seeks revenge from his son. He wants Prince Hamlet to revenge his death. Prince Hamlet has a hard time believing the ghost’s story but later on, the whole truth gets revealed in a play he plotted. He feigns madness to revenge for his father's death. Shakespeare, in this play, delays the whole action of Prince Hamlet killing Claudius for some reasons (Shakespeare, 125). Every novel or a movie critic stipulates his/her reasons for this delay. Some say Shakespeare intended to prolong the book; others say …show more content…
He is a masterpiece in establishing the reality of issues. He is also portrayed as a determined fellow who always gets what he wants no matter the cost. He is depicted as a Catholic who believes the religious and ecclesiastical laws staunchly about revenge and taking a humans life. The features that would efficiently describe him include, devout, afraid and not a coward, determined, skillful and a person of character. He can also be the right defender of justice as he does not act without justifiable reasons behind his actions. He is finally cautious to execute his plans when the timing is right having prepared and delayed the revenge for
William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” is a play illustrating a prince seeking revenge for his father tragic death. Hamlet, the prince, is left clueless about who has killed his father until some night watcher gives him some news about a ghost that looks like his dead father. Hamlet decides to go see the ghost for himself and is shocked with what the ghost has said to him. The murder of his father was not an accidental snake bite, but instead Hamlet’s father was the murdered by his uncle, Claudius, the new king of Denmark. Hamlet becomes angry at Claudius for killing his father and is also angry at his mother, Gertrude, for betraying his father and marrying Claudius. Hamlet begins to act insane because he wants to distract the people around him so he can avenge his father’s death.
Hamlet is a tale of despair and murder. Throughout the play, Shakespeare weaves a web of death, love, and betrayal that intrigued people of the time period and is still read widely today. The tale tells of the death of a king, and it follows his son Hamlet, the prince of Denmark. Hamlet's uncle, Claudius, takes the throne and marries his dead brother's wife only a month after his death. Soon after the ghost of the old king appears to young Hamlet and tells him he was murdered by none other than his brother Claudius, the new king. Hamlet then tries to prove Claudius' guilt and begins to slip slowly into madness. The key points in the plot of Hamlet are the meeting with the ghost, proving Claudius' guilt, and the ironic and untimely deaths of different characters. In the play Hamlet, Shakespeare draws a picture very complex and intriguing using imagery and diction.
Hamlet overall reacts dramatically angry, and he cannot control his emotions. He wants revenge as bad as the ghost and his point of view on Claudius has change effectively. The news that Claudius killed his father changes his character from a intelligence, emotional, and ethical character to an angry and uncontrollable character. Before, Hamlet viewed Claudius as inferior to his father and contained a small amount of trust for him, but after hearing the news from the ghost, he views Claudius as a villian and should seek death. Hamlet finds out that Claudius purposely killed his father to gain power and marry his wife.
" The revenger places himself outside the normal moral order of things, and often becomes more isolated as the play progresses-an isolation which at its most extreme becomes madness." (Elizabethan Revenge in
William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet relays Hamlet’s quest to avenge the murder of his father, the king of Denmark. The late King Hamlet was murdered by his brother, Claudius, who took the throne and Hamlet’s mother Gertrude for himself. Hamlet is beseeched by the ghost of his father to take vengeance upon Claudius; while he swears to do so, the prince inexplicably delays killing Claudius for months on end. Hamlet’s feeble attempt to first confirm his uncle’s guilt with a play that recounts the murder and his botched excuses for not killing Claudius when the opportunity arises serve as testimony to Hamlet’s true self. Hamlet is riddled with doubt towards the validity of the ghost and his own ability to carry out the act necessary to
Morality fuels people’s actions both consciously and subconsciously. Those that are fueled by a virtuous morals tend to act more positively whereas those who are fueled by vice, tend to lead more vengeful lives. Hamlet and Claudius are prime examples of characters that develop through virtue and vice. Though Hamlet’s desire to kill Claudius is fueled by seeking revenge for his father’s murder, his reason is a positive one that will benefit his kingdom in the long run. Claudius on the other hand, seeks power solely for personal gain and will stop at nothing to secure his position.
In the Shakespearean drama Hamlet, the entire story is driven by the pivotal first act in which the Prince encounters the ghost of his father, who was murdered by the newly appointed King Claudius. King Hamlet instructs his son to get revenge on his relative, but he does not follow through, resulting in many missed opportunities. In the hypothetical situation in which Hamlet did not come in contact with the apparition, he still would not have exacted revenge on Claudius. There is no reason he would chose to get his vengeance if he refused to do so even with his father’s prodding. In addition, although he may still use the players to determine the identity of the murderer, Hamlet would not act choose to act on what he has learned and would die
Instead, he spends most of the play thinking about his plan, causing him to realize many fears he has about his revenge plan, the biggest being that the whole plan is based on
Although Hamlet has thoughts on the moral consequences of revenge, which is the cause of the delay to gain vengeance for his father, he deceives others by his irritating actions. After threatening the queen in her bedroom, telling her that she is not leaving the room until he knows that she is innocent from his fathers’ death.
Hamlet has a visit from his father’s ghost and is told that his death was brought about by murder, the person doing so being Claudius. Hamlet is told by his ghostly father figure to avenge his death and kill Claudius, a task Hamlet would prove is more complicated than it would appear. Like Hamlet, Claudius is too proving to be his own worst enemy, struggling with hiding the guilt from killing his own brother. This drives Claudius away from others, becoming more and more suspicious of all those around him.
In the play, Hamlet, William Shakespeare plants the plot of revenge into Hamlet's head. In Denmark, Hamlet's father is murdered by Claudius. Claudius is the new king and Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet does not like Claudius because he marries Gertrude, his mother, and because Hamlet's father dies. The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to Hamlet to tell him to seek revenge on his murderer. The ghost then tells Hamlet Claudius has murdered him by pouring poison into his ear. Hamlet loves his father and believes he needs to kill Claudius. The opportunity to kill Claudius appears when Claudius is in his room. Hamlet walks in on Claudius praying and is about to kill him. Hamlet refuses to murder Claudius in that moment. In Hamlet, Hamlet does not kill Claudius when he is given the opportunity because Claudius is praying, Hamlet is not ready to kill, and Hamlet is insane.
Through William Shakespeare’s work Hamlet, lies and deceit plague the characters. Claudius’s life revolves around one big lie, that he killed his brother to become King, and then married his brother’s wife. Hamlet’s father appears as a ghost and confronts Hamlet to tell his son about how he was killed by his brother. The ghost of King Hamlet asks Hamlet to promise him to seek revenge on Claudius by killing him, and to not act against his mother. The promise that Prince Hamlet makes is troublesome to him, he must kill his uncle but must also not wrong his mother, his mother’s own death turns out to be the final motivation Hamlet needs to murder Claudius.
Killing Claudius was meant to be something that will cause him to suffer not only on earth but also in eternity. “…do this same villain send to heaven. O, this is hire and salary, not revenge” (). When the ghost of his father appeared to him and set him on the path of revenge, Hamlet was at prayer, and as such, he chooses not to act in a state of grace. He wants the punishment that will be enacted on his uncle to be eternal, and as such he holds his actions and making any decisions till after.
The Ghost's accusations increase Hamlet's dilemma, since one of his main concerns is the afterlife of Claudius. After proving Hamlet that Claudius is a murderer, the prince delays in getting revenge against his uncle. The reason for his delay is that he does not want
In the book of Hamlet there were many opportunities to take his revenge but Hamlet found reasons not to. He always found ways to procrastinate until the end of the book. It came to a point where he was a danger to everyone around him. If he would have killed Claudius the first chance he got many lives could have been spared. Hamlet has proved throughout the story he had difficulty taking his revenge by killing King Claudius.