Harper Lee uses the novel To Kill a Mockingbird to describe how life was in the 1930s. Harper Lee uses her novel to explain about real life problems in the 1930s to explain the
Scottsboro case by using the 6th amendment and the 8th amendment, the education of African Americans, and the stock market crash to relate to her novel. The life of African American who are being judge by all whites. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird some examples of racism are the Tom Robinson case and how the jury treated him unfairly because he was black and they were white and this relates to real life because of the Scottsboro case which happen to have two white women accuse nine African Americans to have raped them and they were judge
Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird” is set in a small Southern United States community called Maycomb during the Great Depression era. The whole book primarily revolves around segregation and racism and how it relates to Maycomb’s history. It eventually leads to the trial of Tom Robinson where he is accused of beating up and raping Mayella Ewell. Even though it was clear that Tom Robinson did not do anything wrong he was convicted by an all white jury simply because he was black. The trial of Tom Robinson and its verdict shows an example of how segregation in the court system prevents fair trials from occurring.
To Kill a Mockingbird, a classic novel written by Harper Lee, is focused on racism that takes place in Maycomb, Alabama during the 1930s, where African Americans were segregated by white men. Harper Lee said that the Scottsboro trial, which was a trial that started because of discrimination, inspired her on writing To Kill a Mockingbird. Despite the differences between the Scottsboro Boys and To Kill a Mockingbird, both of them had an impact on the racial implications and laws of the south.
Maycomb county is a small town in Alabama. It’s a place where everybody knows everybody. The author Harper Lee got this story and setting from a small town she lived in when she was young. All the characters are based on childhood friends she had personal experience with. Harper was not a writer who wrote for other people she was a writer who wrote for herself. She was persuaded to publish the childhood novel of her and her friends and all of the adventures they have been through. Maycomb, some twenty miles east of Finch’s landing (pg5). Maycomb county was an old town, but it was an old town when i first knew it (pg6). The rainy roads turn to red slop; grass grew on the sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square. somehow it was hotter than a black dog suffered on a summer day (pg6).
To Kill a Mockingbird, written in 1960 by Harper Lee, is a classical tale of how racism and prejudice affected the lives of African-Americans in a small Alabama community in the early 1900s. Racism affects multiple events throughout the book. If racism could have been overcome, many people in Maycomb could have had a different life. During the book, racism played an important role in three major events. These events included Helen Robinson not being able to get a job, Tom Robinson’s conviction, and Miss Merriweather explaining her feelings toward black people.
All in all, the Jim Crow laws, mob mentality, and the Scottsboro Trials were three historical concepts Harper Lee used frequently in her story. In To Kill a Mockingbird, she uses these concept to influence, enrich, and ultimately determine the plot. Ultimately, it was with these critical connections that this American classic has been able to have the profound effect it has had on its readers over the years.
Harper Lee’s coming-of-age story reminds readers how far society has come. In the time period in which the novel is set, society faced many issues involving racism and discrimination. Now in the 2000’s the world doesn't focus on the colour of one’s skin but the person it carries. Harper Lee effectively represents African-American history in her novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Throughout the novel Lee shows how racism negatively affected Maycomb County’s population by utilizing major themes including racial discrimination and the right to a fair trial. Lee’s novel has a similar story to multiple cases in the early 1900’s as well as showing links to the troubles the town faced with the Great Depression and social standings.
Harper Lee had written To Kill A Mockingbird , which is based on events during Harper Lee’s life. Both blacks and whites had suffered setbacks in the 1930’s.(Moss,391) Cotton prices fell and stayed low for several years.(Moss,391) Whites believed they were superior to all blacks. Towns were organized by skin color, and class structure was based on income and achievements. In TKAM, the Cunningham’s were very poor, and never took money from anybody. They had repaid people by giving them crops they had grown on their farm. Jim Crow Laws was a racial caste system with a series of anti-rigid black laws(David). Some laws were, whites were allowed to beat black, white and blacks were not allowed to eat together. Also, there was a lot of segregation and prejudice people. Newspapers and magazines were stereotyping blacks, calling them names and even children’s board games were portrayed as blacks being inferior beings.(Pilgrim)
The scars and stains of racism are still deeply embedded in the American society (John Lewis www.BrainyQuotes.com). In the book To Kill a Mockingbird there are real life events that Harper Lee used. There are different ideas such as the Jim Crow laws, mob mentality, and the Scottsboro trials that Harper Lee uses to help her write her book.
Racism is one of the worlds's major issues today. Racism is the violation of the rights of a group of people on the basis of race,color,religion,national origin. The term racism implies blind hatred, malice, or prejudice. racism hurts everyone involved. to kill a mockingbird is a novel written by Harper Lee and is set in maycomb county that takes place in the 1930's. The scottsboro trial is about nine African american teenagers accused in Alabama of raping two white american women on a train in 1931.In to kill a mockingbird, Harper Lee shows how fear and racism is often more powerful than reason and intelligence. The Scottsboro trial is similar.In to kill a mockingbird the author shows us how hard it was for colored people. A colored person
The novel To Kill a Mockingbird is a book of fiction, but we know that some major historical events like the Scottsboro case and the Jim Crow laws were reflected in this novel. The author Harper Lee could not have ignored the Jim Crow Laws and the Scottsboro trial as she was in her childhood when all of these injustices and racism happened. In her novel, Harper Lee reflects on the Scottsboro case by changing people who were involved in this case with fictional characters. The Jim Crow laws influenced Harper Lee in To Kill a Mockingbird and she reflects about that by showing the whites racist attitude toward the black people and their injustices in court.
Throughout history, there has been an overarching theme that writers write about. Great authors write about what they know. They write about what they see. They write about what they hear. They write about personal experiences and incorporate details from their lives into their literature. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is a classical work that reflects the Civil Rights and Women’s Movement of the 1950’s-1960’s through her depiction of the relationship between blacks and whites and her portrayal of female characters.
The world famous novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee was written in the 1960’s, but takes place in the 1930’s. Many components influenced Lee’s writing, but the main ones are the racial, social, and economic components of the time period in the 1930’s. This time period was very prominent throughout the writing of this novel. She lived through this time period, and her writing definitely shows it.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee depicts racism in the 1930’s and shows the characters had to overcome challenges because of it. The 1930’s was a difficult time to live in because of racism against African Americans and the depression, where thousands of people lost their jobs. The idea “an extraordinary challenge can sometimes make an ordinary person into a hero” shows that anyone in To Kill a Mockingbird could have been a hero, even in a time of hardships. Scout Finch, Arthur “Boo” Radley, and Atticus Finch overcame challenges in the story in order to become great heroes.
We can use the characters, the setting, and the relationships between characters in To Kill a Mockingbird to understand how the past affects the future. When Lee’s novel takes place, it is during the prime of racism and discrimination in America, specifically Alabama. Caucasians are incredibly rude to African-Americans solely because of skin color. Many cities and states are segregated during this terrible time period. To Kill a Mockingbird accurately illustrates how life during the 1930s was when it came to racism, the Great Depression, and false rape accusations.
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has become a mainstay in American high-schools. This is a classic novel that has inspired many people of all ages. It had a big impact on how people viewed and treated each other. This is a story that teaches everyone about the value of honesty, love, friendship and trust. Every word written in this book has a truly deep meaning to it. The time period that the book was written in was during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. This setting was in a small town in Maycomb, Alabama with people who did not get along. During this time there was a lot of segregation within America and different races. To Kill a Mockingbird is about a family who believes in doing the right thing and being honest. There was a