
How Does Hitchcock Create Tension In Psycho

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In Hitchcock's widely known movie Psycho, there are many techniques of tension that draws the audience in to continue watching and wonder what's to happen next. One form he used, now a very common form, is mystery. The first main part of mystery is holding back knowledge. Everyone is always craving more knowledge than what the characters know. Hitchcock held back the information the audience wants to know. He does this in two scenes that stand out by using the high angle and the wide high angle. As rest of the film is in eye level. The high angle is used when Arbogast meets the mother. This scene gives the audience visual tension as it pulls the character Arbogast in and expands the visibility of the surroundings. The wide high angle is also used when Arbogast meets the mother scene. …show more content…

This technique is actually quite genius as he only gives you information he wants you to know with this. Of course the question of what the mother looks like isn't revealed until the very end where we find out that Norman Bates is both the mother and himself. He keeps you guessing with every aspect of who this character is with very little information is repeated over and over. The fear that was displayed on Normans face throughout the entire film gave tension in itself. It makes the viewers question why he is in constant fear when someone talks to him. This expressment of fear of Norman in this film will resonate with the audience and because of the emotional attachment that the audience establishes with the characters in the

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