
How Does Hitchcock Create Tension In The Lodger

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This statement could be a reference that Hitchcock expose his own anxieties through films and this build the tension in the film, so results very attractive to people because is easy to relate to the fears of the characters. According to the article Taking Hitchcock seriously, this director represents in his films the constant apprehensions and anxieties specific of a fat person. This could include the uncertainty of how people really perceive each other, which is shown when the characters avoid looking at the camera, at each other or when they look directly to it. In The Lodger, Daisy constantly avoids looking at the camera, so she is perceive as unapproachable, neither the lodger nor the audience feels good enough to be seen by this woman. This movement defies the security of viewers, as they are implicitly asked to be engage in the film in an …show more content…

When they see at the camera the director shows the viewer that the feeling of security in this aspect is an illusion, as the characters are aware of their presence.
When the viewer watches a Hitchcock film the insecurity that characters feel is transmitted to the audience. In a way as the characters´ expectations and experiences become worse, the audience feels insecure not only because of the suspense and confusing information but because Hitchcock through his underlying themes is able to shake the audience´s beliefs. In The Lady Vanishes, as Iris´ despair regarding Miss Froy disappearance grows so does the audience´s doubts about this woman´s mental health, as well as the expectations of Iris becoming a hero as she gives up power and surrenders to

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