In ¨The Adventures of Tom Sawyer¨ two young boys named Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn witness an indian named Injun Joe murder a Dr. named Dr. Robinson. They see the murder and even though Injun Joe murdered the doctor, he blames the murder on another man who was at the slaughter fest. The boys know who did it but they don't want to tell because they know Injun Joe will come back for revenge because he has that kind of reputation. Huck Finn makes a promise that they won't tell and Tom doesn't know if he wants to tell or keep the promise. Tom should tell the sheriff and have Injun Joe locked up. If Tom does not say a word about this then Muff Potter will be hung because Injun Joe lied and said Muff Potter did it. Muff Potter was knocked out at the time he is known for being the town drunk so he must of believed he did it. Telling the sheriff is the right thing to do because an innocent man will die for doing nothing. The only reason Huck doesn't want to tell is because then they think Injun Joe will get mad and try to get revenge on them. …show more content…
Tom has the evidence and all he needs to do is tell someone about it and he will be deemed a hero. Everyone in the town will thank Tom for letting everyone know who really killed the Dr. In the end Huckleberry Finn will probably be happy that Tom told because now they don't have to feel guilty in knowing who actually killed Dr.
In the novel The adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain chapter 28 Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer go exploring in the alley. When they get to the alley Tom goes in, Huck thinks that it feels like he has been in the alley for days. All of the sudden Tom goes sprinting out of the alley and yells, “ RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Without questions the two ran to the old deserted slaughterhouse. There at the slaughterhouse Tom explained what he saw. He saw the drunk Injun Joe in the alley with the treasure. When Tom was running away he stepped on Injun Joe's hand because he was lying asleep on the floor, drunk. Tom grabbed a towel and ran with Huck to the slaughterhouse.
“There is no better test of a man’s integrity than his behavior when he is wrong.” (Marvin Williams). This story takes place in St. Petersburg, Missouri. Mark Twain, the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, has another book, Huckleberry Finn. “Tom Sawyer hates boredom. So he makes life as exciting as possible – for everyone!”(Twain, back cover). Tom Sawyer, even though he can be a bezonian, has integrity because he helps his friends in indecent situations.
Tom goes with Huckleberry to a graveyard and both of them witness the murder of Dr. Robinson by Injun Joe. The town thinks Tom, Huck, and Joe are dead after the three of them flee town. Tom secretly goes back to town without anyone knowing and listens in on the commotion that is happening in town. Tom decides to return to town during the funeral planned for him and his fellow friends. When tom returns to school he takes the blame for the book that had been damaged by Becky to get back on her good side. In court Tom testifies against Injun Joe, he ends up escaping the court house. When summer comes the boys decide to go hunting for treasure. While hunting for treasure they find Injun Joe who is looking into burying treasure. Huck stays and watches him while Tom goes on a picnic with the school. Tom and Becky go to the mysterious McDougal’s cave while in the cave the two seem to get lost in the cave for a couple of days. Huck finds out that Joe has planned
I believe that the reality of the situation has started to break Huck’s shell of child’s play and ignorant bliss when Tom was shot. He realizes that the situation is serious and calls for more responsibility than either two were paying it. Tom’s injury could prove to be life-threatening, if not
Huck could be a bad influence, the town would look down at Tom for being friends with Huck, he might ruin any good reputation he had left.
Tom and Huckleberry Finn are scared of Injun Joe. The reason why is because Injun Joe found out that Tom and Huckleberry Finn saw the murder. They both sweared that they wouldn’t tell anyone. Since this happened, things are going to change with everything. Tom and Huckleberry Finn witness Injun Joe killing Dr.Robinson.
So a few chapters later, Huck poses as Tom Sawyer. Eventually, the real Tom comes. He
In chapter 26, Tom and Huck were on the verge of possibel death when cornered in a haunted house. Injun Joe approached the stairs and was near to discovering the two boys when the stairs collaspedand brought Injun Joe with them. Tom and Huck had similar reactions when this frightening feat happened for they had nowhere to hide. The text expresses Tom's fear when he exclaims, "'Revenge? What if he means us, Huck!'
My conscience got to stirring me up hotter than ever, until at last I says to it, ‘let up on me-it ain’t too late to tell yet-I’ll paddle ashore at first light and tell. I felt easy and happy and light as a feather right off. All my troubles was gone.’” Huck was just trying to go along with what he and everyone else thought was right, but he didn’t end up telling on Jim because he knew that it was what should be done. He didn’t think it was right or moral, but he as a person didn’t think that Jim should be turned in, so he didn’t turn him in. And his attitude changed later on, as Huck says here, “ It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger- but I done it, and I warn’t ever sorry for it afterward, neither.” In Huck’s time saying that you were sorry to a slave just wasn’t done, and to not even feel wrong about it was unheard of. Huck’s thinking had modernized to this point, and going back to Tom Sawyer’s plan is unjustifiable in the way that no book should ever
Huck and Tom both witnessed a murder and they both took an oath, they swore to never tell anyone about what they saw. They should have gone to the police and told them what they had seen. One reason is because they have nothing to lose. The second reason is because Injin Joe is not going to know if they tell or not so they are in danger either way. The third reason is because there is an innocent man in jail and the murder is still out on the streets.
During the adventures of Huck and Tom’s treasure hunting, the two came across the antagonist, Injun Joe. Earlier, Huck and Tom witnessed Injun Joe murder a doctor and put the blame on an innocent man. The two juvenile boys had made a vow that neither of them would tell anyone since they were scared that Injun Joe would come after them. This shows fear that most people would experience in this situation. Knowing that an innocent man will be punished for an act he did not commit, Tom’s conscience convinced him to testify against Injun Joe, freeing a guiltless man. “Critics... view incidents such as Tom's encounters with Injun confrontations between innocence and evil which initiate Tom into the world of adult responsibilities and consequences.”
In this situation telling authorities would be the best option in the murder scene. First, if someone found out that Tom and huck saw the murder they would get in very bad trouble. Also Muff Potter is in jail and there is no reason for him to be. Finally, they could put Injun Joe in jail because of the murder and they would not have to worry about him.
In the end of the book Tom reveals that Injun Joe is the real murderer. Tom needed a lot of courage to bring this up and had to risk upsetting Huck Finn. He also had to deal with the fact that Injun Joe might try to kill him now. They put Injun Joe on trial and when his part in the murder is about to be revealed he jumps out of a window and goes into hiding. Everyone tries to find him, including Tom and
After witnessing the murder of Dr. Robinson, Tom and Huck decide not to confess what they witnessed and took an oath. Although, Tom’s conscience is wanting him to tell the police Injun Joe is the murder and not Muff Potter he made a promise to his friend not to tell. Tom should not tell the police what happened because he made a promise, he’s just a boy, and he has no evidence.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn are two close friends, but are also very different from each other. While one lives in a well-respected family, the other is abandoned out onto the streets. While one boy is liked by almost everyone in the community, the other is looked down on by society. The only similarities the two companions have together are their bravery and courageousness, their strong belief in superstition, and their love of adventure. Despite their many differences, both boys know when to make the right decision, and both value friendship above all.