
How Does Huck Finn Tell The Trial Of Tom Sawyer

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In ¨The Adventures of Tom Sawyer¨ two young boys named Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn witness an indian named Injun Joe murder a Dr. named Dr. Robinson. They see the murder and even though Injun Joe murdered the doctor, he blames the murder on another man who was at the slaughter fest. The boys know who did it but they don't want to tell because they know Injun Joe will come back for revenge because he has that kind of reputation. Huck Finn makes a promise that they won't tell and Tom doesn't know if he wants to tell or keep the promise. Tom should tell the sheriff and have Injun Joe locked up. If Tom does not say a word about this then Muff Potter will be hung because Injun Joe lied and said Muff Potter did it. Muff Potter was knocked out at the time he is known for being the town drunk so he must of believed he did it. Telling the sheriff is the right thing to do because an innocent man will die for doing nothing. The only reason Huck doesn't want to tell is because then they think Injun Joe will get mad and try to get revenge on them. …show more content…

Tom has the evidence and all he needs to do is tell someone about it and he will be deemed a hero. Everyone in the town will thank Tom for letting everyone know who really killed the Dr. In the end Huckleberry Finn will probably be happy that Tom told because now they don't have to feel guilty in knowing who actually killed Dr.

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