
How Does Hugo Chavez Deal With Food Insecurity In Venezuela

Decent Essays

Venezuela, the neighbor of Colombia is dealing with food insecurity because Hugo Chavez failed to protect the people of Venezuela the right to have food. I chose this topic because I myself am Colombian and I hate seeing my neighboring country suffer from food insecurity. The scholarly article, The Right to Food under Hugo Chavez, that I will be using for this research paper was found in the FAU libraries using the SocINDEX database. The article is about how Hugo Chavez failed to protect Venezuelan’s right to food by establishing state-run stores where food can be purchased at a discounted price and by imposing price controls on food which led to the withdrawal of many food retailers thus reducing the absolute supply of food. According to Derek Byerlee, food security can be defined as “the challenge of meeting food and nutritional needs while protecting environmental services.” Based on the definition given by Byerlee, food insecurity will be the exact opposite. Not meeting the food and nutritional needs of a country. Keep this definition in mind as this word will be mentioned throughout the paper. …show more content…

There are three aspects of the right to food, to respect, protect, and fulfill it (Alston and Eide 1984, 252-56). Although Chavez respected the right to food, he failed to protect it and fulfill it. He used Venezuela’s wealth, which was acquired from oil, to establish “missions” that would distribute free food to low income families. Chavez ended up imposing price control on food which was a short term solution to the problem. As time passed retailers stopped selling food because of the price control, this led to multiple food shortages. Because of the price control, food shortages became the

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