The civil society should be involved in volunteering and participating in anti-trafficking drive. By raising awareness on trafficking issue, the civil society will get a clearer understanding on human trafficking issues. This not only to promote awareness but also to give those that exercising human trafficking an alert. Anti- trafficking drive can bring the civil society to starting to care about those being affected by human trafficking. By establishing a hotline to report on the issues of human trafficking, can encourage people to report on the happening of human trafficking cases around them. Being students, we can deliver our responsibility by participating in club and society that is related to the solving of human trafficking issues.
Human trafficking,the illegal practice of trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation, is a crime that affects the most vulnerable citizens of society. After drugs, it the largest criminal activity globally! The victims must be the primary concern for all law enforcement units. Human trafficking in the world can be diminished and possibly erased through teachings, government intervention, and awareness.
Across the planet earth, there are some 196 sovereign countries that each have their own independent ways of ruling the people of their land. Whether it be a monarch, a dictator, or a president, no one in the world beckons such a large power as the President of the United States. This man or woman is in charge of one of the most powerful countries in the world, and that person makes vital decisions daily that could change the fate of their nation they lead so graciously. Through 44 presidents, the United States has seen its share of wars, problems, fights, and scandals. Whether international, continental, or national, these 44 men have gotten through the toughest of times to lead the nation toward prosperous times and even more prosperous futures. One of these presidents, though, has caused what has come to be known as one of the biggest scandals to ever rock a presidency to its core. Richard Nixon was an adored man, but when he got caught trying to secure success for his campaign, it ended disastrously for him
Another strategy to stop human trafficking is to increase awareness to the public especially to women who are more susceptible to fall prey to human traffickers. It is incredibly important to promote awareness to potential victims before they unknowingly get involved. There are many ways to spread awareness especially in this world of technology. Awareness can be spread through videos on YouTube, community groups on Facebook, status updates on Twitter and e-mails. Traditional ways include hanging up posters and banners, advertising through televisions and radios, campaigns, and so on. To further capture the attention of the civic, A-list celebrities can also get involved in increasing awareness on human trafficking. It is absolutely necessary to educate ourselves on this global problem in order to fight against it. Experts on human trafficking can release tips and guidelines to the public to prevent them from being fooled by the traffickers. With the right amount of knowledge and awareness, it is possible to combat human trafficking.
According to Anderson (2015), the human trafficking is driven by demand to meet the extremely lucrative business. Citizen should be educated and enforced to enjoy y the game responsibly obeying laws. Anderson further explains that government cans also do more by sending the message and amend laws supporting
Everyday millions of people are enslaved, used, and abused in one of the greatest civil rights violations in human history. Modern slavery; better known as human trafficking, is currently spanning the globe and affecting millions of people in hundreds of countries but is widely ignored by society. According to a reporter for National Geographic Magazine, “There are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The modern commerce in humans rivals illegal drug trafficking in its global reach and the destruction of lives” (Cockburn). This epidemic is sorely in need of becoming a priority for 1st world governments which will only happen with pressure from ordinary citizens. Similar to the civil rights movement in 1960’s America, people are being abused, hurt, and denied their fundamental rights. What’s true now just as it was then is that it is the responsibility of every person to come together to create change.
It needs to be dealt with using criminal powers to investigate and prosecute offenders for trafficking and any other criminal activities in which they are involved. There are various organizations that are working to combat human trafficking. There is the International Labor Organization/ Mekong Sub-Regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women. The project has an office in Thailand. Also, the project works with different bodies of government, The Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. There is the International Organization for Migration which takes a multi-pronged approach to prevent trafficking mainly in the countries of origin and support the victims. Finally, there is the Global Rights Organization which is a human rights advocacy group. The group partners with local activists to promote women’s human rights and combat discrimination on the basis of race or ethnicity (Fisanick 180-183). Trafficked persons should be seen as victims of
It since like there are little researches about human trafficking that can reveal how serious the problem became in our society. The government need to put more attention to this situations by creating new policy that can help the victims of trafficking. The cause of these problem varies. “These causes include a lack of education and awareness on the topic, the various dynamics inherent in an increasingly globalized world, the expanding and increasingly unregulated free market economy, the role of organized crime in its facilitation, the lack of morality involved, the role of migratory push and pull factors, the role of inadequate legal protection, and dynamics of gender inequality” ( ). We can mentioned more causes such as not job opportunities, corrupt officers, strict law that punish the traffickers, families dysfunction or sexual abuse by other family member, poor self-esteem, and depressions. As you can see these are only few cause of human trafficking and we as a society play a good part on these behavior. As parent we should take care of our kids or teens by been part of their life, to involve on their activities, asking them how their day went by at school, know their friends, etc. When it comes to government, they should secure more the borders and ask for more legal paper or identification when they see a minor or teen crossing the border. Other areas that need to be watch by the law enforcement are casino, and theme parks such as Disneyland, Knott Berry Farm, Magic Mountain, just to mentions a few. It’s going to be very hard to monitor the corrupt law
Human Trafficking is one of my biggest concerns for global issues and its effect on the world. The impact of human trafficking on its victims, the families, and economic standing of countries is vast and growing. It’s ability to survive in even the most poverty-stricken countries and in fact thrive from that environment makes it an especially hard issue to resolve. Awareness has been the main fight against human trafficking for several years and has increased knowledge of this issue within our own borders and worldwide. However, raising awareness is only as good as the proposed solutions to the problem and the country’s willingness to fight it. Denial is the most common response I receive when I begin talking about human trafficking and how
Human trafficking has been a major issue that has affected countries all around the world. It is the action of illegally transporting people from one area to another for reasons such as forced labour, sexual exploitation or organ donors. Human trafficking is a matter difficult to tackle and has been addressed in many different ways but there is no one solution. Human trafficking happens a lot in Algeria, because sub-Saharan africans enter Algeria illegally, with the help of smugglers to get to Europe. Victims are then forced to pay off their debts with forced labour, or to join prostitution chains.
In conclusion, I completely agree with the third article and some how with the second article as well. Human trafficking have a global threat these days. Every body knows that it is a great social problem and should be abolished from the world. But no one is taking any effective steps to stop such global problem. We cannot expect anything from the government because all the political parties are busy on corruption. Its a very shameful things that instead of government, we local people are working hard to fight against human trafficking. If our political parties were active to support us than I am sure that human trafficking would vanish from this world. As a responsible citizen of a country, we all should be involved in conduting awareness
After a speech was given on Castro’s behalf, he declared women should enter the production work force in order to benefit themselves and society (Gomperts, 49). This Marxist doctrine is still currently in effect. Heidi Hartmann in “The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union” explores the source of women’s oppression in society; she states “[c]apital and private property, the early marxists argued, are the cause of women’s particular oppression just as capital is the cause of the exploitation of workers in general” (5). Studying Cuba before 1959, because of the vast number of unemployed males that was carried over from the Batista rule, Castro’s main goal during the beginning of the Revolution was to increase the employment for males in the work force; shortly after the number increased, he began to ask for female involvement (Gomperts, 50).
The effect human trafficking has on world today. Human trafficking is victims have been the most disrespect and terrified people in the world. They are sold to slavery either for sex or labor services. The sad part about human trafficking happens right under our noises. I think in some cases of the Unite States some of larger companies that are outsourcing human trafficking in order to keep their business standards by keeping customers happy. Most underage girls from ages 12-18 are used for human trafficking. Some of those girls are runways, or drug addictive and kidnapping from their parent. Human trafficking is the most profitable slavery around the world. Most of majority of human trafficking victims are very vulnerable such as, selling of small children, young underage women and sometimes elderly adults. I really think if someone who condemns this kind of brutal act toward anyone should be sent straight to electric chamber to die. Human trafficking victims has been caught and sold to higher bid for sex or slavery. Human trafficking most target the poor, and disaster area was people June of 2014, there a new law called JCMST in which it were stated bring down the danger of human trafficking of any kind .also, human trafficking has become a way for child mobilization , and teenage marriage is forced through
There are many things you can do with distribution software. With the main features alone, you are able to reduce the amount of time you spend on your normal day-to-day tasks that revolve around distribution. But, did you know that there are features out there you may not be utilizing correctly?
Imagine an individual having a pet that they raised and loved for, then one day that pet got taken away from them by another individual. The one who stole the animal then claims it as their own and forces the pet to breed with another and then keeps it locked in a cage until they find a new use for it. They barely provide it with the efficient amount of attention and feed it only enough to not starve it out. Picturing this is disgusting and hard to imagine to happen to such an innocent creature, but now put a friend or a loved one in the place of the animal. Simply the thought of it is probably sickening. It’s inhumane to think of someone having the capability of doing such harm to any other living thing, but abuse like this occurs toward people as well as animals. This form of abuse is labeled as human trafficking. Which is predominantly viewed as slavery amongst different races, genders and ages of people.
Human Trafficking is one of the many horrors that occur across the world that is not spoken about enough in society. Human trafficking can include organ trafficking, prostitution, child pornography, forced labor, debt bondage, child labor and child soldiers. In all cases of human trafficking, human beings are controlled and exposed for profit the most common type of profit being money. People who are victims of human trafficking can be found working in a myriad of places such as massage parlors, sweatshops, brothels, fields, online escort services, and even in private homes. This horrific crime occurs all over the world. Many people never know that this is highly prevalent in the United States as well. Traffickers often have a separate language that they use when discussing their “business”. For example, some words can include bottom, cathouse, daddy, circuit, branding, pimp, trap queen, seasoning, john, madam, queen pin, stroll and trick.