
How Does Intersectionality Affect The Movement

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How does intersectionality effect the movement? Intersectionality is the multilayered or combined oppressions in people. When a person or persons are part of multiple groups that face oppression, they have a unique perception of oppression due to experiencing many simultaneously. This multifaceted oppression has given rise to movements of feminism that alter the focus, away from white middle class women, to issues of class, race, sex, and culture that many others experience. How does this altered focus effect the feminist movement? Intersectionality has a significant impact on the feminist movement for several reasons; first is recognition of varying oppressions, second the inclusiveness of others facing oppression, and third how the recognition and inclusiveness can help reach equality. Intersectionality and the growing recognition of it has provided a better look at the amount of different oppressions that exist Through the understanding of intersectionality it becomes clear that race and sex are not the only factions that experience oppression, this awareness has led to the desire to “address a whole range of oppression.” (Combahee, pg. 4) Race and sex are no longer the sole focus of …show more content…

Although the name sounds exclusive, it is actually more inclusive than what ‘white women” feminism had being practicing. It was, unfortunately, common to ignore the experiences of race and men in the feminist movement. However, Black feminists did not want to be as exclusive and understood that their goals were aligned with people of varying oppressions and that by fight for black women they would be assisting multiple causes, “If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since out freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression” (Combahee, pg. 4). Incorporating a more inclusive standpoint there is a major benefit of

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