Jesus used metaphors, in John 6:35 (ESV): “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” He lets others know that he can provide spiritual sustenance as bread feeds the hungry. Also, from John 8:12: He said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” This enlightened His followers that He will guide them. He used verbiage and phrases they could understand to convey messages. I have both positive and negative experiences with technology in presentations. One needs to be prepared for anything. Arriving early to test equipment and practicing the presentation are necessary. After my laptop froze during a presentation,
In the passage from the novel Under the Feet of Jesus by Helena Viramontes, the story of a girl named Estrella is described. Throughout the text Estrella learns a lesson from a box of tools that she will never forget. The author uses literary elements such as selection of detail, figurative language, and tone to show how Estrella’s character develops. Selection of detail within the text is vital because it allows for the reader to better understand who Estrella is, especially when describing Estrellas school experiences. For example in line 40 it describes the unbearable pain inflicted on Estrella, giving the reader a look into the struggles she faced on a regular basis.
The various symbols Jesus employs in his preaching reflect the common lives of most of his hearers. The agrarian and pastoral themes were especially popular, because many Israelites were farmers and shepherds. Most of Jesus’ parables and
In Helena Maria Viramontes’ Under the Feet of Jesus, a young girl struggles to find importance and meaning in anything that she does or is ‘wanting’ to do. Additionally, her not being able to understand the language of this country, she struggles to understand and find meaning to things she does not yet understand. The protagonists’ character begins to slowly comprehend and unearth meaning in a simple tool box, which is a mere representation of herself; as she then tries to learn new things, causing her character to grow significantly. The author uses a strong selection of detail, figurative language and macaronic language in order to show the growth of Estrella’s character.
A variety of communication media can be considered when planning to produce a presentation, for example verbal communication and written communication, each type of communication media has its advantages and limitations. When developing my presentation I decided to use both verbal and written communication, although both communication methods were used I had to ensure that they were used in the correct quantities. To keep my presentation engaging I tried to use as much visual representation as possible limiting the amount of text per slide. I chose to use PowerPoint because of its combination of written and verbal communication (not to mention the cost effectiveness of choosing PowerPoint and simplistic interface); the written aspects included the text on the slides, screenshots and images. The screenshots proved particularly useful as they was of the actual database used in the daily running of the Apprenticeships Store, once paired with the demonstration of inputting data into the database it ensured greater understanding due to more practical learning as opposed to theoretical learning. More detail was provided in my handouts ensuring I didn’t give too much information at once and this allowed the audience to document any supplementary information I said during the presentation, by speaking and interpreting what was on the slides ensured the presentation remained fluid and
N.T Wright writes Simply Jesus to help us understand Jesus through the cultural lens of that time. He divides his explanation into three sections: identifying what questions pertaining to Jesus are important to understanding Him, Going over what Jesus’ mission on Earth was, and giving examples and explanations of why all this matters.
Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, as outlined in the book of Matthew chapter five to seven, employed ordinary worldly objects and events that people associated with daily to communicate a divine message. For instance, Jesus challenged his followers that they should be salt and light in the world and should strive to change the world for the
The book of Matthew tells of the good news regarding the long awaited Messiah – the one who came to save both the Jews and Gentiles. Matthew portrays Jesus as the Son of God – the promised Messiah, the King over Israel. He depicts Jesus as authoritative, just, and compassionate. Jesus is portrayed, by Matthew, as strong. Matthew validates that Jesus is the Son of God, who through the ages, has been prophesied of. Matthew portrays Jesus as a supreme teacher and healer.
5. Arrange IT equipment to be made available for presentation. This could be either through your company if they have the available resources. If not, they may be available already in the meeting rooms you have booked or you could us a 3rd party.
Jesus uses Himself to teach others about Him through His Word. Jesus wants you to be able to open up your mouth and command order to flow from it. There were about five thousand men all over the place and were speaking all at the same time and wanted their voice to be heard over someone else. Jesus gave an order to the disciples for order by having the men sit down in groups of fifty.
As a final point, I would like to state that, generally, our group did presentation well. Whilst I had a feeling that some of my partners were a bit apprehensive
Atonement, Christology, and the Trinity: Making Sense of Christian Doctrine is a book that is written by Professor Vincent Brummer talked about Christian doctrines which talked mostly about reconciliation between people and God. People need to reconcile with God, since many people has separated from God. People also can only find ultimate happiness in God, because as human we are limited. God is mysterious to us, because of our limited knowledge. We can know God, because He revealed Himself to us.
Although scholars may disagree about the intentions behind Jesus’ use of parables or whether to analyze them through their historical and social contexts, these stories are remaining relevant in the 21st century because Biblical scriptures transcend time. Meaning, the Parables of The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son remain relevant to 21st century Christians. Jesus’ stories compel believers to introspectively evaluate their relationship with God, with fellow believers, and sinners.
Jesus proclaimed the kingdom of God by using parables. Parables are stories that carry deep messages. They are meant to be very relatable so that the larger concepts held within can be
A metaphor is a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas (Anon., n.d.). Aristotle says in his work, The Rhetoric, that metaphors make learning pleasant as they improve our learning quite vigorously; “To learn easily is naturally pleasant to all people, and words signify something, so whatever words create knowledge in us are the pleasantest.” (Aristotle, et al., 1954) Accordingly, this being why I believe that God uses metaphors so we can learn about Him. Likewise, throughout the Bible, God describes Himself as a living person through metaphors, wanting us to relate to Him as an entity who shares similar values and ideals that us humans have—justice, loyalty, honesty, and integrity, to mention a few. Also, in Psalm 33, verse 5, God talks about Himself as someone who loves righteousness and justice, describing Himself as someone who fawns fair and honest thinking. However, ‘tis important to remark that the Bible scriptures were inspired or dictated by God; passed down through divine dictation from God to many prophets, thus every word within the Bible was drafted and thought of by God Himself. Such claim is also held by Roger E. Olson in his work, The Mosaic of Christian Belief; “Just as many Jewish scholars and theologians considered the prophets and their writing specially inspired and even dictated by God…” (Olson, 2002) (90).
Overall, I believe that my presentation went very well. This is due to the visuals used, the examples I presented, the tone of the presentation, and my overall knowledge of the subject. Using the feedback summary that I received from my students, I can safely say that my presentation was very successful. However, there are a few key areas of the presentation that I would improve for future use, and there are also a few areas that I would revise to make the application experience better for all participants.