
How Does John Stuart Mill Define Happiness

Decent Essays

How does one find happiness? Many people want to find it, but don’t necessarily know how. For some people it is effortless, but it may be the complete opposite for others. John Stuart Mill in his quote argues what he believes is the way to happiness which is to not focus on one’s own happiness, to not question your joy, and focus on external things. Therefore, in his quote he explains ways of how finding happiness may be possible which may help others. John Stuart Mill’s belief is correct because it can come naturally, but it may also come from helping others and also never question your bliss.
Euphoria may come to one naturally. For example, if one surrounds themselves with people who are satisfied and their goal in life is to strive in being happy, well then that happiness will eventually rub off. If you simply find people who are full of joy and are always motivated to do better things for others. Bliss will simply come. To further this in the article “In the Pursuit of Unhappiness” McMahon states a quote of Thomas Carlyle, where he argues that “Every pitifulest whipster that walks within a skin has had his head filled with the notion that he is, shall be, or by all human and divine laws ought to be ‘happy’”(McMahon par.5). Carlyle is saying that everyone believes that they have the right to be happy and in his …show more content…

To further this point, John Stuart Mill states “Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.”(McMahon par.10). Stuart expresses to us to us his feeling towards looking back at your happiness; he reassures us thinking twice about your happiness can make it fade, instead you can simply just being happy. For example, if someone with a family opens a business and starts to let it take over their lives, they start to forget about their family, they become more and more involved in their work and suddenly their main happiness, which would be their family becomes to

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