The title of the piece that my group has created is called “Survival of the Fittest”. My character name is Kenyatta. He is Jaala (the victim of abuse) bestfriend and support system. Jaala and Kenyatta have been bestfriends since elementary school. Sadly, they were seperated when they graduated. During freshman year of high school she had met Jacoby . In the beginning , all was well and good but Kenyatta and Jaala had went out to lunch and he had noticed that Jaala’s deminior had changed since she was with him . He knew his friend Jaala to be fun and outgoing but she has become very timid. My role is very important throughout the piece because it carries the main fight in the dance . I like that my character will be the one who saves Jaala …show more content…
The only thing I don't like about my role is that I have to kill somebody in order to save the day. I have connected my role because when I was assigned the task to look up similar dance pieces that match the tone of my dance . The role of how I save the day and then I get Jaala to be mine is kind of uplifting . The biggest challenge of this role of is making up my mind on what facial expressions I will make and my body language . I do know that I need to make my moves more dramatic so it can go along with the beat of the music. The fight between me and Jacoby starts when he reads Jaalas text messages between me and her. He reads about how I express my feelings toward her . She responds to me in shock but Jacoby is infireated and wants to confront me . As me and him are talking he punches me in the face. Jaala gets upset then he hits her too . As he turns his back me and Jaala will kill him. The tone of the piece is very dark and melancholy …show more content…
Then Kenyatta will win the fight and he will end up getting the girl he has been wanting for a very long time. The only thing I dislike about my role is that I have to kill someone to solve the conflict. I have connected to my role because I really get to show off my abstract choreography and how I will be the one person that will end up helping my friend Jaala get out of her abusive relationship. My greatest accomplishment I had discovered that I was able to do choreography that I thought I wouldn't feel comfortable doing. Partnering helped my groups dance but there isn't partnering in the whole dance. I had found out that working with others wasn't that difficult . At first I thought it would not be bad because i'm used to working by myself. The thing I had found out that was difficult about working in a group of people was that making people accountable and improvising and moving on if a group member wasn't there. When I say improvising I mean my group had to change our story because one of our group members wasnt always contributing but we had changed the dance so it could fit the rest of the
Teamwork is one of the greatest skills I’ve learned here at WWTC, I have learned to trust others as well as myself, I have learned to depend on others as well as allow others to depend on me.
Initially, I had a negative view on group working because of the challenges that I had. When I was in high school, my five other friends and I used to work together in a music competition. Although we were supposed to get together to practice
At first, I was very afraid about joining an activity that I knew no one in, after going to rehearsals and getting to know the people I was spending so much time
Since much of our time is spend in groups, it is helpful to work in groups because it will give an opportunity to improve their human functioning. Group work helps to develop individual skills in communication, relationship building and asserting oneself
I chose the project of the role of head of Titania’s handmaidens or fairies. The role consisted mainly of the choreography of all the ballet dances, namely Entr’acte, A Midsummer Night’s Waltz and Minuet, which was a pointe dance. I was responsible for organising my group of fairies and the communication between them and the director, Mrs Wang. I also had a small speaking role. I feel that my project was successful.
Through out the process of creating our project as a group there wasn’t as many obstacles as I thought there would be. In other words, everything went smooth it was just what I wanted. I believe the reason for such great outcome was because we all learned how to work as a group and interact with each other because of our Chicano studies class. Knowing what we did wrong in group projects in that class certainly made me change and understand what group studies really are and mean. Therefore, there wasn’t any problems as a group we communicated well and if a person couldn’t meet up we would let them know how they could contribute and certainly they did their part.
This role has strengthened my leadership skills exponentially. I am responsible for conducting meetings, planning events, and acting as liaison between teachers and students. Contributing to my school is very important to me.
I did pretty well working with my group. We got our work done and also had a little bit of fun. In the beginning I was working with someone else, but then that person left to work with another group. One of the people in the group I’m in now offered me to join the group and I accepted his offer. Now all of us are great friends and I hope to work together again on another film. I had a lot of fun on this film and working with my group.
Learning how to work effectively in a group situation is key to success in many professions as well as in social situations. Groups vary from each other based on the individuals that make up each group, all of us belong to various groups at one time or another. The roles that we fulfill vary from group to
I quickly came to realize that I needed to be able to learn how to be a good group
Strange right? I was excited because it will give me somethings to get better at. No one should be afraid of their weaknesses, just look at it as a chance to progress. I was beyond surprised when I found out that some of my weaknesses were, “problems with public speaking, and how I prefer to not work with others”. I beyond disagree with the assignment stating that I have a problem with public speaking. I guess it went off of the fact that I am a introvert, and tend to not speak as much. But maybe, I can step out of my comfort zone a little bit, and talk more in class to fix the issue. Working alone is something that I have always enjoyed in my years growing up. I guess you can say it became the norm for me. Does this mean that I can’t work with others? Absolutely not! It falls back on the entire idea that, I just rather keep to myself then deal with others. I’ve always enjoyed working alone for the fact that, I can worry about mot having to worry about if the assignment will get done or not. Funny as it sounds, I tend to mesh with well with others when I have to work with them. This is an easy fix, I believe I will improve on this by, constantly telling myself that theirs always someone who knows just as much as you do. And to always remember that two heads are better than one. Moreover, I will lean more towards collaborating with others, instead of staying behind the
The things I will have done differently in the group was to use my time wisely. I believe because we were on a time frame, I tended to rush things just to say okay where done. Also, more support and trust at a point of time I was kind of second guessing another idea. I feel that you have to have trust in your group member to make it effective.
This about how to work with groups and other team members, most of the time it is hard to do but with our jobs nowadays we have to do what we have to do. I like working with others for the most part, especially when they are motivated in getting the job done in a timely manner. Then we have some that just don’t want to help but want everybody else to do their work for them.
I used to believe that I did not perform very well in groups. I am an observer who likes to learn alone. I thought I learned best when I worked on my own. Even though I always knew group work had many positive values, I was more comfortable with the lecture-based approach and resisted group work merely because it involved change, not because it had a collaborative learning approach. However, during the learning community project, I came to realize that I learn more effectively when I work in groups. Working in a group was like an adventure for me; there were both exciting and challenging times while preparing for the learning community project.
In conclusion, this class has changed my perspective about working in a group. Since my prior experience with groups was so unsettling, I believed that all groups were going to be the same. However, this class has made it possible to believe that there are groups that respect and take into consideration other members’