
How Does Macbeth Commit Crime

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Macbeth's Imagination:
An Analysis of the Effect of Imagination During a Crime

Imagination is typically considered a good trait to have, but in the play Macbeth, written by Shakespeare, it may be a different story. This entire play is based around a murder and digs deep into a killer's mind, whom is Macbeth. His imagination plays an active role in this play as well as the murder. Macbeth's imagination both enables him and makes him cautious of committing the crime of killing King Duncan. The imagination Macbeth has enabled him to commit the crime because he imagines a dagger, but it also makes him cautious becasue it makes him unable to go back to the crime scene and makes him hear voices in his head that haunt him. Macbeth's imagination in the play written by Shakespeare, helps him to commit the crime of murdering King …show more content…

When he returns to his wife, Lady Macbeth realizes that he still has the murder weapon, which he had planned on leaving with the guards, that way it would look like they had committed the crime. Although, since he couldn’t think rationally, he took it with him. Lady Macbeth, since she had not performed the deed is thinking rationally and realizes that someone needs to take the weapon back to the scene, but Macbeth will not. In Act 2 Scene 1, Lines 52-56 Lady Macbeth states, “Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead are but pictures. ‘Tis the eye of childhood that fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt.” Clearly, Macbeth is afraid to go back to the scene becasue he cannot stand to see what he has done. Lady Macbeth acts as if his imagination would run wild and make him see unreal things, which is why she believes she must do

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