
How Does Mayella Ewell Get Power

Decent Essays

Power can be obtained in a ot of different ways, however, in history there are 3 main ways to get power. Which is race, social class, and gender. The book To Kill A Mockingbird author Harper Lee wrote about power. One time is when Mayella Ewell accuses a man for raping her. Mayella doesn’t have power in matters of social class and her gender, but she does have power due to the fact the she is white. Mayella Ewell does not have power because she is from a low class family that lives on welfare. “Maycomb's Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump. In what was once a negro cabin.” (Lee 17). The Ewells weren’t a rich family, and they lived in a bad environment. Due to this they weren’t respected. Atticus made a note stating that “Okay we’ll

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